Thursday, December 09, 2004

How aout another one? answer, which I take as Yes!

Ah yes back to blogging...strage word blogging is.
Yes so strange in fact that I'm going to change the
There subject changed, now I'm talking about stuff which isn't serious or sad or stupid, well maybe a little stupid, can never have enough stupid. It's what makes the world a fun place to be in.
AT least that is what I think.
I mean honestly without stupid jokes we would all fall on our faces painfully and cry a lot.
Well maybe that's just me, not that thats the case anyway.
Hey this is funner then I first thought.
Yay I've got euphoria back though I'm missing awakfulness, and its not all that late, well if it was a school night I guess it would be, but seeing as its not, its not all that late.
Running away is never a good thing to do. Yes just ask me, running away has caused me so much pain and suffering, yes so much pain.
Well not really, just look at the big picture, ya know that large portrait thing you see in a lot of films.
Hmmm...where do they come from anyway, chickens I mean, what came first the chicken or the egg, well personally I think egg, it was just a horrible mutant chicken dinosaur thing that came out of it. Not your regular horrible mutant like what was meant to happen.
Hey loook at me go.
Now I will write a whole lot of crap...well seeing as I already have I don't really need to so heres something else, that hjas absolutely nothing to do with anything that has come before. Now what was it again? Ah well musn't have been that important if I forgot it so quickly. Bwahahahahaha...hehehe, just couldn't help myself I've been in a very bwahhahaha mood lately.
Bwahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahaahahaha (Deep breath) hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahaha (cough*hack) man that was stupid.
It's like totally man like stupid, yeah.

Now for something completely different.

Lightning flashed across the darkened sky, the clouds threatening to deposit their great cargo onto the dry ground below.
A figure walked through the coming storm, cloaked in a billowing black cape it continued forwards, along the well worn road. Behind it a trade caravan trundled, though talking was hushed.
Ahead of them a great walled city loomed, the lightning lit up its white washed walls and towering buildings.
One of the merchants of the caravan rode up beside the figure, "Mercenary you have accomplished your contract, and here's your money." the merchant tossed a small bag of coins at the mercenary, who caught it without even looking at the merchant.
The merchant not knowing what else to say to the forbidding mercenary rode back to the rest of the caravan.
The coins disappeared quickly inside the mercenary's cloak.

Aha, a small snippit of my story as it stands.
Needs some work in areas but hey doesn't everything.

Do you know what really gets me annoyed?
Typos...well not really more just flies.
Stupid flying pieces of Crap.
Oh yes I will, once I make a mighty...hmm revealing to much of plans,
Not that I have any(shifty eyes)


Well that's it from me Misure Eledor, or however you're meant to spell the Misure part anyway...hahahaha.
Yes very funny...not.
Goodbye, and seeya later...well not really see, more be read later.
Well you get the picture...BUT YOU CAN'T HAVE MINE BWAHAHAHHA...


Richard said...

"without stupid jokes we would all fall on our faces painfully and cry a lot"

THANK YOU!!!!! I feel so vindicated now.

Eledor said...

No you don't that just post traumatic stress finally kicking in