Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Asked me what this was couple years back I wouldn'tve had a clue, now I would be able to tell you what the biggest ones are, without hesitation. PVP. Penny Arcade, Megatokyo and the Wotch.
All have a decided focus on humour, although MegaTokyo has become a bit more serious over the years it has been going, which I've found to be a very interesting process.
And now I've come to the decision to write and draw my own. I'll need to get a website I can stash it on, and actually think up a decent storyline, work out how my characters will look in the comic, work on my dialogue and then if I manage all that I can actually start.
I've made an original story up for the comic, but it will use all of the primary characters from the Saudes Saga, and now all I have to do is work on my drawing skills and viola, it will hopefully be cool. Then after I get a hundred or so done, I'll try to spread the word on the net about my comic...aah yes plans. Anyways, while doing that of course I'm doing my course and occasionally working on my stories, and probably doing some script writing for my friend's game, and trying to get some work in as well.
I've got a busy year ahead of me if all goes to plan....


Richard said...

Let me know if you need a hand with the website setting up thing, I'm good at that stuff, and I have a webhost with 11 domain names and 17GB of space I'm not using.

tendafoot said...

I'd never want to discourage you from doing something cool, but I guess I'm worried if you spread yourself out too much, you might end up with nothing to show for it. Still, maybe that's okay. If you're enjoying it then that's great.

But one of these days Simon, I expect to see one of your novels on the shelf at Collins.

Eledor said...

It's more a way to challenge myself artistically, I'd like it to end up being good, even popular, but We'll see what happens...