Saturday, March 31, 2007

Kinda tired

Relay for life from 22:00 to 06:00 I think I was up for something like 24 hours straight...

Anyways I just got up about an hour ago, I've been practising my drawing quite frequently over the past week and now I'm on holidays!
Two weeks of playing computer and video games, and working, and drawing and writing.
I also have a web address now, though somehow I managed to spell my name for it wrong...anyways,, which is where I'll start putting up my comic once I finish sorting out how to use html again.
Unlike other webcomics I intend to have a history page as well as a cast page, as my story is part of a larger world. I might even try the whole donation wallpapers and stuff like that eventually if I start getting regular visitors.
Anyways enough of what maybe, I think I might try to detox myself this holidays, the amount of pepsi I've been drinking over the past couple of weeks can't have been good for me, and it'll be good to cut back a lot, might save my money as well...
Anyways, my friend Tenderfoot is getting married soon, and I get to go to the wedding! YAY! Hope those two have a wonderful life together.

Anyways sayonara


Unknown said...

Ha ha, thats what you get for being lazy lol. You could spend more time being a cloaked identity or masked crusader lol, any way thats just my ramblings for the moment. Or is it, join me next week as we find out will john get through his ordeal as a doctor or not? lol

Richard said...

What the hell? Since when did people who aren't me comment on here?!!

Eledor said...

Oh woe is the world, for the Brendan has spoken!
But I am a cloaked identity, I...wait that was all a trick to get me to reveal my secret identy of captain pinky applepants...right...

Richard said...

I remember that Applepants guy... there's one night of my life I'll never get back...

Eledor said...


Richard said...

I don't have a clue what it meant either...

Unknown said...

lol, just wanted to let you know that you spelt the web address wrong...
when it should be

Ha ha ha ha ha that is what is called a shutdown.. nah not really but the large rubber fish of death will appear swiftly lol.


Eledor said...

But I was tired that day can you really blame me!?