Sunday, April 29, 2007

Greetings from the deep black space under my desk

Anyways, I've been playing WOW for the past two days, made a character and got them up to lvl 11, now that took me something close to 12 hours of playing, usually I can get a character up to 10 in two hours, but this time I was invited into my brother's guild, and I spent more time chatting with the guildies then playing, shocking that, I even died a few times because I was so busy chatting.
I made people laugh, not through doing stupid stuff by saying witty things to, well writing funny things, I always have said I'm a different person when writing then when I'm speaking. For one I can't mumble.
I bet tonnes of people have noticed how I mumble...
Anyways I also managed to fit some drawing practise in as well, gotta keep at it if I want to get better, and I've done two pages of what amounts to a shoddy comic, but again that's also practise, I might post them after I spend some time cleaning them up a lot, they might burn out your retina if I don't with just how horrible they are....
But I figured the art mightn't be great but good art can't carry a crap story, so if I get the writing right I can let the quality slip at first, once I get much more comfortable drawing the quality will improve...
And i have work tomorrow, its a blessing and a curse that my boss has injured his ankles, as now I have to work instead of him. At least the latest loads have been relatively small...though 3 hours for 50 kilos of turnips was extreme...
Anyways, if I fix up the comic pages I've done by tomorrow I'll put them up for you guys to have a gander, if I'm talking to anyone that is... :(
Sayonara folks and have a good week!

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