Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Right anyways, TFtLP comic will be up some time tonight, and I think this one is currently my best looking comic strip OF ALL TIME, well for now anyway.
We did some filming today, spent 2 hours to get 2 and 1/2 minutes of actual footage. Others annoyed the teacher, while I got a chance to act!
Of cource next week I'll look at it and go, "WHO's that idiot in the green jacket?" then everyone will point at me... :(
Anyways I'm Christian but not a serious Christian, I don't go to church, haven't in ages, I find it too boring.
If anyone read any of my earlier stories I frequently had angels as main characters in my fantasy stories, even Eledor at one point was an angel, when he was a lot more kid like and far less mature.
And the Saudes Saga has angels in it to, though they only appear in it irregularily, and you'll have to look for them, if I ever write that one up.
Anyways I figured I might write a little about what Tale from the Lettuce Patch is supposed to be, a semi autobiographical look at my current life, and those around me. And if any friends ask I may put them in at certain points, you're all funny in your own ways!
Anyways other then that enjoy my latest strip, now to get two more done this week!


Richard said...

Yeah, that's pretty... not... serious...

Eledor said...

But the point is I see myself as a Christian, not as an Atheist or a Buddisht, I guess to be perfectly serious I'm an agnostic Christian, I believe kinda

Richard said...

You're going to have to explain 'agnostic Christian' to me.

Eledor said...

Okay better choice of words is I'm a very lazy Christian, copout but I really don't like talking about my beliefs to much, to easy to get into a theological argument then cry afterwards...

Richard said...

Fair enough.

So how about that local sports team?

Eledor said...

UH? sport what's this word, it sounds foreign...