Friday, October 21, 2005

My last day of kids school

I think its about time I blogged again, now what to talk about...
Oh I know!
Homeworld is a great game.
I just started playing it again, reading up on the backstory again, and a whole manner of different things, and I REALLY WANT TO GET A BETTER COMPUTER SO THAT I CAN PLAY HOMEWORLD 2.
(Deep breath)
My brother just got Jovian Chronicles and it looks cool, well to me at least, I'm into mecha after all. I've only got a quarter of the Gundam Seed dvds, a second series just came out in Japan, and I have five of the first series of Dvds twentyfive episodes in all. And I've paid $150 for them, just another $150 till I finish the first series off, and work just started again so I can finally replce all the money I spent at McDonalds and KFC. (Finally)
The Chronicles of Ovaleen is now a stand alone universe, that most definitley will have several books written about it if I can help it.
The main characters are Rain a young druid, Aramil and Mint sibling Elves, and follows their adventures across the world of Ovaleen. Though some significant changes are needed to be done to it in order for it be fully original.
And its not Ovalteen, that just sounds wierd and is more difficult to say then Ovaleen.
Ovaleen is made up of four continents, Ordezua the second smallest is home to a variety of different races, and is a largely temperate place. Angelus is the second largest, and is in fact a series of four massive islands, named, North, South, East and West Angelus. Tarval is the native home of the Elves and is the smallest continent, and is prinicpally covered in a lush and vibrant forest. Uyllisius is the largest continent, at lest ten times the size of Ordezua, and is also the most varied geographically, ranging from Temperate, to harsh deserts, to humid Rainforest to magnificent mountain ranges.
In between the continents are many islands of varying size, and people.
The Chronicles of Ovaleen is a traditional fantasy, with no real elements of Science Fiction coming into play, it does intersect with the Guardian Universe at one key point though. Anyway I'm proud of the way its evolved from what it started out as.
And now more then ever I want to play Homeworld!
Though I'm stuck at school till one o'clock.
I just had a sad thought, I will never catch the bus home again, not that I care mind you!
Or do I? You never can really tell...
I guess I better stop now, before I make it too long.

Well Sayanora, or however you spell that word(shutup Simon!)
Seeya next time...Mwahahaahaha