Sunday, June 22, 2008

So long Old buddy

We lost a family member on Friday.
Our cat Milo, a member of our family for 14 years, was killed by a stupid person driving a stupid car, who failed to stop and remove the animal he or she had killed from the road. In Australia you are supposed to do that, and who ever hit him should have noticed, Milo was not a small cat, at 7+ kg he was in the upper echelon of size for cats.
But enough on that, we buried him shortly after discovering he was dead, due to what has happened to other animals we had lost. I broke down about fifteen minutes after the burial, in my room, I was not in a good shape for the rest of the night. I drew that picture of the old guy from a photo I had taken of him, it was a practice he routinely did, where he sat outside a door and surveyed the yard, a yard he had defended from other cats diligently for something close to 12 years. He bore many scars across his face, and had only recently lost part of his ear in another fight he got into.
He had also gone deaf, as I discovered when I was able to walk up behind him, while not being the least bit quiet and scare him. He always showed up around 4 to 6 pm for food. He occasionally interacted with our two kittens, who were quite simply in awe of this giant cat, to them at least, what with Monty being about 3.5kg, and Jazz being 2.2kg. He was also a friend of our dog Sally, though he was never fond of her way of showing affection, being licked in the face.
He also had a way of showing up when I needed a friend the most, when I was feeling especially down, or angry about something, he'd pop in and sit beside me.
Milo has been a constant in my life for more then 14 years, I have no friend who can say the same(seeing as most of my current friends were made in secondary college)
I've always been proud of this tiger of a house cat, who proudly stalked his way across his domain(our yard) uncontested, till we let Sally out of course.
He always has been an independent cat, disappearing especially in his youth for up to a couple of weeks, but as he got older he spent most of his time in our yard, sleeping in a bush somewhere, as the snake man discovered while hunting around for the snake that killed Sandro.
He even was able to say my sister's name at one point, which was possibly the weirdest thing I have ever heard.
Milo was the last remnant of my life in Mildura, all my friends I made there I've long forgotten, except for Milo. I wish a car hadn't ended his life, he could've easily lived for four or more years.
Milo was named for the film Milo and Otus, him being fairly similar in appearance to Milo the cat from that film(though our Milo was a much bigger cat). And he had a twin brother, who we named Scruffy, who was stolen from us while we lived in Mildura, by someone down the street from us.
In his youth Milo was an aggressive cat, but as he got older, he mellowed out and became a nice old cat.
I'm gonna miss the old guy.
Sayonara folks

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Farewell Old buddy

Rest in peace Milo

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Running through dustclouds and barren wastes

I'm now debating whether to stop colouring Newstory, just as I start, and use pencil instead. To be frank my pencilling skills are much better then my finelining, I can do shading and others things with pencil that I can't with fineliner, and more often then not the draft can look superior to the finished copy, which is kinda frustrating.
Page nine for example, as it stands it looks great, (compared to earlier pages at any rate) it needs a little cleaning up, getting rid of messy lines and what not but as it stands already it looks superior to past pages and past pictures.

I'll decide what to do by wednesday, and you will be able to see what i decide to go with.

Sayonara folks!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Give me a sense to wonder

I'm back to thinking I should do some altering to the current look of Guardian Universe dot com, its looked its current way for about a year, and change is always good. Also I've decided to try for a weekly update for Newstory for the forseeable future, or I need a break, and twice week update for Tales.
A typical Newstory page takes me up to 6 hours to complete, Tales on the other hand take about 1 to 2 hours to do, I can sometimes finish one like yesterday's in under 30 mins.
So we'll see if I can maintain a thrice weekly update schedule, I currently don't work so I have plenty of free time to get it done in as well.
Okay formalising the update times

Newstory, will be updated each Wednesday, full colour at around 8 o'clock east australia time.

Tales will be updated every monday and friday, full colour, and also at 8 o'clock.

If I'm late for a deadline feel free to flame me till I get it done.

Other then that I've got nothing

Sayonara folks!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So far beyond reality

Woot, or summit liek thert, page 8 of Newstory is up, I"ma actually planning on some dialogue for once in the next page coming up or not, it depends on how it goes, I'm gonna try and get back into the swing of things now that I've got page 8 done, which was a doozy cause I changed my mind about introducing a certain character who appears on the chapter page, instead focusing on the girls, I'll leave it to your imagination to figure out what happened to the two, agent...goon...guy...people...things, right I'm also going have to warn that there may be a bit of skin showing in the next page, not nudity but to be blunt Aeries will be only wearing a sheet in it.
Another thing I did while writing Newstory, was change the age of the girl Aeries's rescued, she was orginally going to be you know about six years old or something, but I changed my mind at some point, and now shes older then Aeries.
And Aeries fainting, gimmicky perhaps, but I wanted to them out of the streets and that was the fastest way I could think of doing it.
Hmmmm...aside from that I may actually get to around to putting up a new story in the story section. Also if you've got free time and nothing better to do, check out Nexus, we need more peoples, as of at the moment we have only three active posterers, myself included, the admin and a mod, so I'm the only non administration member who regularly posts once or twice a week.
Oh and everyone should read Emergency Exit one of the bestest comics I've read in a while, kept me entertained for two days, as I voraciously shot through its extensive archive. Very funny, with some action, childishness and a wide variety of characters, some you know kinda stereotypical at first till they get some character development, though one of the main leads is as a webcomic reviewer put it, batshit insane. Quite appropriate as well.
Anywhoisit, other then that check out the new page on over at guardian universe dot com, maybe have someone give me some constructive feedback, or advice or something, and I'll seeyas again, maybe on the weekend or sometime next week!
Sayonara folks!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Sands and stuff

Just as I get into another world, I lose focus and concentrate on another, I think I have at least five different story worlds. And with that five different Eledor's and Aeries.
But I suddenly decided to have a look back at Saudes Saga, my first main story, also the only one with a definite start and end, important plot point, and a large cast of characters. This is one where I am more then a little cruel to Eledor, and the first part finishes on a low note.
I once tried to draw this in comic form, got three pages into it then realized my art sucked and needed work, so it led to me starting Newstory, as a means of creating a throw away storyline to practice my art. I may have jumped to soon into Newstory though, as I keep hitting walls when I go to draw it, also its hard to get back into the swing of things having taken a break for a month from drawing at all, well kinda. Anywho in that time period I believe I have actually improved somewhat, I may get rid of the Realm section on my website as well as I don't think anything will be happening there for several years at least. I've started doing something I should have done from the start, character illustrations. Basically I'm trying to organize myself better, as I've been falling off the band wagon lately, also at Tafe, possibly sleep related, as I manage most nights to only get around 6-7 hours of sleep, which means I'm usually functioning at only half capacity most of the time, although I do try to sleep in to make up for it.
I've restarted the Tales comic, to make it less focused on the farm, as I'm trying to distance myself from it and will be introducing a few characters based off friends, I'm also committed to colouring it, as it only really takes me a short time to do that. But I'm keeping all the old comics up anyway, as a reminder of some of my most early work.
Now I gotta goes, so sayonara folks!