Monday, December 13, 2004

Ya know, writing this is like ripping out someone else's heart and looking at it, well not really

Hi it's me again the indomitable Lord of Darkness, Eledor back to try to fry someone else's brain with my meandering and unusual style of writng.
One can only hope.
Now anyway back to a business which I know nothing about and would like to know nothing about, rubbish bin people. Who would honestly want their job, I mean SERIOUSLY its rubbish and oh man I just lost the argument to myself.
It's gone to that place in my head where a lot of good ideas disappear to and are never seen again, ya know the thumb.
Well now that I think about I'm probably wrong, now for something that has nothing to do with everything that has come before, who designs the rubbish bins and I wonder if they are extremly successful becuase of their design, I mean everyone has at least one maybe three. But don't ask me because if I knew why would I be asking you? Honestly, somepeople should think more about what they say...wait a minute, you can't answer me!
Bwahahahaha and Mwahahahaha and various other evil sounding laughs.
Yes I know what you must be thinking about now, why am I reading this when I could be saving the chicken in the oven from burning?
Well let me tell you, go save that chicken, oh and never cook a chicken with its head attached, they make noices. YEs they do, Oh the agaony of the noice they make.
Noice, noise...hmm, noise it is, noice it ain't, better remember that next time.
But who says this is the last time...huh huh!? Well I certainly didn't so put those knives away and stop threatening your siblings, they don't deserve it...the TV does. It whats makes people evil supervillains bent on taking over the world, kitchen sinks first, then they will work their way up to pools and eventually into the very thing everyone considers more important then anything else, air.
Without air we will all die and be dead. Yes so dead will we be.
But onto another less terryifyingly stupid topic of discussion...ah who am I kidding, blenders are back and with a vengence, OH MY GOD! It just ain't my hand, ah its bleeding everywhere, all over the keyboard and everything.
I'm starting to get woozy...maybe I should sto.......

Ah just playing with ya.
My hands still attached, after all why would I deliberately stick my hand into a blenders spinning blades of death?
For no good reason, which in other words means, one day socks will fall from the sky and everyone would be with socks.
Oh I wait for that day, well not really I've got enough socks as it is.


And that is the end of the show, I will never write another blog again.

Ah just playing with ya...


Thursday, December 09, 2004

How aout another one? answer, which I take as Yes!

Ah yes back to blogging...strage word blogging is.
Yes so strange in fact that I'm going to change the
There subject changed, now I'm talking about stuff which isn't serious or sad or stupid, well maybe a little stupid, can never have enough stupid. It's what makes the world a fun place to be in.
AT least that is what I think.
I mean honestly without stupid jokes we would all fall on our faces painfully and cry a lot.
Well maybe that's just me, not that thats the case anyway.
Hey this is funner then I first thought.
Yay I've got euphoria back though I'm missing awakfulness, and its not all that late, well if it was a school night I guess it would be, but seeing as its not, its not all that late.
Running away is never a good thing to do. Yes just ask me, running away has caused me so much pain and suffering, yes so much pain.
Well not really, just look at the big picture, ya know that large portrait thing you see in a lot of films.
Hmmm...where do they come from anyway, chickens I mean, what came first the chicken or the egg, well personally I think egg, it was just a horrible mutant chicken dinosaur thing that came out of it. Not your regular horrible mutant like what was meant to happen.
Hey loook at me go.
Now I will write a whole lot of crap...well seeing as I already have I don't really need to so heres something else, that hjas absolutely nothing to do with anything that has come before. Now what was it again? Ah well musn't have been that important if I forgot it so quickly. Bwahahahahaha...hehehe, just couldn't help myself I've been in a very bwahhahaha mood lately.
Bwahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahaahahaha (Deep breath) hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahaha (cough*hack) man that was stupid.
It's like totally man like stupid, yeah.

Now for something completely different.

Lightning flashed across the darkened sky, the clouds threatening to deposit their great cargo onto the dry ground below.
A figure walked through the coming storm, cloaked in a billowing black cape it continued forwards, along the well worn road. Behind it a trade caravan trundled, though talking was hushed.
Ahead of them a great walled city loomed, the lightning lit up its white washed walls and towering buildings.
One of the merchants of the caravan rode up beside the figure, "Mercenary you have accomplished your contract, and here's your money." the merchant tossed a small bag of coins at the mercenary, who caught it without even looking at the merchant.
The merchant not knowing what else to say to the forbidding mercenary rode back to the rest of the caravan.
The coins disappeared quickly inside the mercenary's cloak.

Aha, a small snippit of my story as it stands.
Needs some work in areas but hey doesn't everything.

Do you know what really gets me annoyed?
Typos...well not really more just flies.
Stupid flying pieces of Crap.
Oh yes I will, once I make a mighty...hmm revealing to much of plans,
Not that I have any(shifty eyes)


Well that's it from me Misure Eledor, or however you're meant to spell the Misure part anyway...hahahaha.
Yes very funny...not.
Goodbye, and seeya later...well not really see, more be read later.
Well you get the picture...BUT YOU CAN'T HAVE MINE BWAHAHAHHA...

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Hmmm...Everything is not so bright in our world, but must act as if it is.

Man, everynow and then I am in a complete state of euphoria and then I find something out and it brings me crashing to Earth, rather painfully to. You know the falling from a great height type thing, DAMN YOU PARACHUTE WHY DIDN'T YOU WORK!
Ahem...well as I am prone to do when this sort of thing happens I brood, ya know quite seriously, about my standing in the great scheme of things, and how I can best help those who are suffering.
I'm a nice guy, at heart and when it comes down to it, I kinda suck at trying to help those. I think of all these great things to say to make the people feel better, but I can't quite make myself say them.
I'm a bleeding heart, so to speak, bwahahahahaha.
Sugar rush coming in, Oh yeah Euphoria here I come.
Now to make a short blog into something long, I will attempt to write a story based on nothing but what I am thinking of right now.

A long time ago in a universe not unlike ours in many respects there existed life.
Life ruled by a plethora of Gods to whom which all the big decisions fell to in the end, for they knew better then to entrust the greedy majority of their constructs with decisions that would ultimately benefit every race and not just one.
There were four races; humans the most imaginative and ambitious of the four, and also possessing the shortest life span; the Demonas, a tall powerful built race that had the ability to take on forms similar to what we would call Demons; the Dragonar, a race who possessed the extroadinary trait that after a long period of years, (in most cases one thousand) they could transform into their namesake, mighty dragons; and finally the Elves a race as graceful as they were long lived, for Elves had no limit to their lives, they were the most intelligent of the four races and typically shared power with only the Dragonar for none but them copuld compare to their magical might.
However one God grew disatisfied with the order of things and forged a weapon that could kill the devine, and he sought to establish his race for which he was patron of the Demonas to superiority. However the sword he had forged was full of hatred of all living beings and earned the name Ruination as it was at its point the old order was torn down, all but one of the Gods were destoryed by its malignant energies, and he claimed dominion over all other races, placing the Demonas at the head of all other races.
This new order was held together with tyrannical control, and the three other races were severely oppressed and vilified by the Demonas.
This new order lasted for nearly three millenia, and it was a period of high technology, travel between distant planets was possible, finally however the reign of the evil god was put to test, by seven individuals, of unique heritages.
The group was made up of two moon elves, one half-elf, one Demon Elf(an incredibly dangerous cross of Demonas and Elven blood), two humans and one Dragonar.
The leader of the group was called Draicon, and he possessed an incredible power.
One of their first victories over the Demonas involved the collection of two ancient swords, Soulbinder and Soulreleaser, which the two Moon Elves used.
Draicon began to increase in power at a faster rate then the others and soon it became clear that only he stood a chance of defeating the evil God.
Finally in a titanic war, that virtually destroyed almost all of the high tecnology of the era the evil god fell and the weapon that had caused the deaths of all the old gods was sealed away by the Demon Elf, who had it permenantly sealed within him.
These seven individuals soon realised that they had a higher destiny then merely stopping the evil God, each of them soon learned that they were the succesors to the gods, they even found evidence of a ages old prophesy foretelling the destruction of the old gods, the period of darkness and then the coming of the new Gods.
Thus the council of the Gods was created however, Draicon and the Demon Elf disappeared mysteriously, and when the others tried to search for their leader, they found themselves unable to even find a trace of him.
They finally set themselves to rebuilding the shattered races, and for a time a period a prosperity fell on them. However another prophesy came into being, one foretelling the destruction of this newest of orders, and from it a stronger council of Gods would be formed.

And that folks is the prologue to my story.
It probably needs some work here and there but overall its pretty good, and it doesn't reveal any of the backgrounds or back stories of my main characters.
I really hope I can have my dream accomplished. To be a writer I mean.
Well anyway, Sayonara, and good bye and stuff.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

The Third time

Hey, I'm back without a vengence, seriously, no vengence on the mind what so ever.
I mean its not very good to be filled with vengence, you begin to obsess over it and then eventually when it takes over you life you explode.
Literally, bodies parts flying everywhich way and that mate, and then you have to pull yourself back together.
Guess what...come on I'm waiting, no answer well what did I expect, you can't answer back unless you somehow can, and I'm not aware of that.
Hmmm....interesting, where was I?
Oh yeah Vengence, no wait that doesn't quite seem right but I will throw myslef into fixing up bad spelling...not. Well anyway, seeing as I can't remember what I was going to write, even though all I have to do is look a little above what I'm writing right now to find out, I'll go onto different topic...not that I can think of one right now.
Hmmm...oh I know, I've got holidays now, yay for me, the great underlord o the darkness...uh Lord of darkness yeah that's right you heard me.
Sephiroth is cool!

Monday, November 08, 2004

The return of the Lord of Darkness

I try and I try and I try, but does it get me anywhere?
Well actually it tends to get me lots of places, and it actually gets me pretty far.
Well at least I think it does.

The name of this is so long and cliche' when you think about it.
Its a general name used by Tolkien and even the Great George Lucas.
Ring any bells?
Well seeing as I don't have bells and you probably don't yourself, it doesn't but it probably brings up soem memeroies.
Now what is the biggest thing in the world, and no its not in Texas, or even America.
Guess what it is, come on guess.
Well seeing as you can't and I don't know either, I'll drop that...thingie.
Anyway yes...hmmm.
I hate school, I mean well actually I'm in a free block so I have school off, which would be pretty obvious as I wouldn't be writing this in class.
To distracting.
Well not reaaly, but anyway, blah...blah blah blah.
Onto another character of mine I didn't name myself after.
Calden Sey'Levraan a long name that may or may not be good.
I would like to get a comment on some of my names I use as well, if anyone feels up to it.
Once known as the Lord of Darkness, and defeated many millenia ago in a brutal war that only the Dragonar and the Elves can remember he has been reborn. All that was evil in him has been purged, a very big man standing nearly nine feet tall, he has huge Demonic wings extending from his back, and carries a massive crooked sword called Zweivedar, it has a saw edge on one side and a straight blade on the other and it burns with the light of his godly power.
Calden is the most powerful member of the council of the Gods, that are currently present, but is by far the youngest and least experienced, he can be very judgemental at times. And is perhaps a little too trusting of his own abilities. He carries the scars that he recieved before he ascended to godhood, and is responsible for the forming of the Orphan League.
Named becuase he and his ally who is known as the Dragoon are both orphans. If its not to obvious.
Well I think I'll wrap it up now.
Please comment if you read this, they help feed my mighty(as in miniuscule) ego.
I always need fuel to feed the fire.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Hey, maybe people will actually read this!

Well, my first ever Blog.
Feels like, nothing all that interesting though.
Ah who am I kidding I love writing it's in my blood...well not really but its one of my favorite hobbies, its kinda of like clue but anyway.
Well anyway, I am a 16 year old guy, typical thick glasses, but very tall and wiry and I hate being picked on and called a nerd and foureyes and...well you get the picture, I hate name callings, unless I do it to myself of course then it becomes okay.
Ya know normally when I write things like this I tend to be on a sugar rush, I can get very silly.
Oh and did I mention I like writing?
Well if I didn't I do. It's become almost an obsession to me, when I'm bored I write, when I'm in the middle of class I write, and when I'm not near a pen and a piece of paper, my hand itches to write, and so I draw on myself if I can, overwise I fiddle with my hands. Ya know twiddling the thumbs and stuff.
Well enough about me lets get onto more about me.
Well the character from my story I named myself after on this blog, Eledor.
If your reading this and you are a consistant player of Final Fantasy games think of a Sephiroth looking person, except with a lot more concealing black cloak with a big hood, he still has the katana type sword though. He acts kind of like a souless mercenary except e completes assingments till the end of the contract. He doesn't really care about others and the like.
Now he starts off a bit like a bastard but the reasons for this are because of nightmarish past experiences. Entire social cirles of friends and family getting wiped off, his greatest love dying in his arms, and him having to serve her murderer as a kind of servant for a time. Before all those things happened he could be described as typically heroic type person.
Chuck in the fact that he's an elf, the son of a mysterious person his mother doesn'yt even know who, and its not a star wars type thing, where they happen to come into existence at the wim of tiny energy producing organelles in cells, he actually has father, I don't write such uh...well I don't think small things make great things happen. I think its more of a combined effort.
Now enough of me babbling on about...uh...whatever I was babbling about and onto another subject I'm thinking of writing my story here, get it looked at by people and hopefully get some feedback, like on bits where to improve my style of writing, areas which need more detail and the like.
Well anyway, my story is set on a planet(yes it would have to be) that happens to actually be at the exact centre of the universe, yes everything revolves around it, I also have gods, and stuff as well. Most of them tend to live on and off the planet as well.
Now to another matter that is completly of the topic, ya know if you type fast keyboards make a lot of sound? Well I did, it's kind of blatantly obvious.
And here's another useless fact, 96.6% of all poll results are made up on the spot.
And soap is not a good substitue for toothpaste, it tastes awful.
Sit straight enjoy life, die happy or at least fulfilled, and not for reasons which sacrifice yourself for an abstract course in which the sacrifice means very little in the great sceme of things.
Ha...philiosphy is fun, untile it gets serious.
Now on a more humerous note, here's a smaple of what happens when I go hyper.

Somewhere a long long time ago in the past far in the future, a small spider crawled along a cliff edge.
Sudenly a mighty wind capable of lifting leaves off the ground blew the little spider off the cliffs and into the clouds.
The spider then became forever know as the Queen of the clouds, or Hurpy Lucan Dobby Billif Sandre Philis Yamachi Todo Bogan for sshort, or HLDBSPYTB for evenshorter purposes.
In another place the world exploded, don't know why it just did. What do you think I am, a rocket scientist? Well if you do your wrong, foolish mortals. Well anyway the world then wished itself back into existence and gods came into being.
As did appropiratite churches, and of course people, where would gods be if there were no people to belive in them, let me tell you. Absolutely no where, they wouldn't even be known to exist, whatever happened to ANubis and them, Oh and who can forget Odin, oh wait you already did, or not whichever takes your fancy. Anyway soon friction grew between the varying cultures onto a friendly greeting between them was like this, "Bugger off wankers." and stuff like that, generally impolite stuff, basically what America is built on.
Oh by the way if you're an american and you read this I meant no offence to you personnally, just towards the media and the government of America as a whole.
Of cousre a war started and the gods became involved some threw lightning bolts others sent forks.
Now if your asking yourself "Why forks?" well let me tell you, I have absolutely no idea either, it just happened.
Anyway the gods who got hit with forks imediatly got electricuted and the gods who got hit by lightning got...stabbed?
huh? that doesn't quite sound right, maybe its the other way around ah well doesn't matter. Unless of cousre it does.

Well unless I get some sort of comment about this crap that I just wrote I'm not writing who am I kididng I love doing this...well love is to strong of a word, maybe like...nah, to strong to maybe...well at least I don't dislike it that much is clear or I wouldn't have written so much.
Man I hope someone reads this, it'll be such a waste of my time if no one does.
And I hope its not just friends, that I've met before.

Well as they say where I come from...hmm, what do they say?
Probably Goodbye, or see ya nothing to facy I think.
Wait a minute isn't it who cares, Australia so much better, its longer and starts with an A...that's got to count for somehitng I guess.

Well that's all folks, join me next time in Eledor's World.
Just don't get lost on the way...if you can...mwahahahahahhahaHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHa...(cough)...uh excuse me.