Thursday, December 14, 2006

Hmmm, BRIT

You know what I think I'll do BRIT, an IT course, multimedia certificate IV, it's more along my lines of interest.
I was always against BRIT during my time in Uni, now I find that I hate uni, there was no real support structure, the lecturers just didn't seem to care half the time. Education, was fun while it lasted but, it was also very boring a lot of the time. I'm not particularily predeposed towards lectures, I can't stand sitting listening to a person for an hour, but then how do I know TAFE will be any different? Time will tell.

I may not have said this already, but I've watched this movie called Steamboy, and it was fantastic, well the animation was anyway. Most expensive japanese animated film ever with a budget of nearly thirty million. In american terms that's a fairly cheap film, but the Japanese can do so much more with a smaller budget. It even had Patrick Stewart as a voice actor. It had mind blowing animation, well not really brain exploding but it was definitely good, but I found it to have a rather typical plot, a man goes mad from his power, his father tries to stop him, and ultimately it concludes with most of London being frozen...go figure.
Anyways enough from me sayonara.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

This word failure...intriguing...

In my entire life I've never failed a single subject, the worst I ever recieved was a D in English Literature, last year. I just got my results about two days ago, god I hate that

To put it bluntly I failed three out of four subjects, for this semester. I was expecting to at least pass two not one.
Well educations dead for me, I can't seeing myself going back to do a four year course, and taking five years to do it.
So I may end up heading to BRIT and defer for a year at uni. Then after getting a certificate IV in Information Technology I may go back to uni, to do a computing course.

Its odd, but I'm glad education is over, I'm done with the entire course for now. I enjoyed my time on practicum, but for some reason no matter what I did all I got was terrible reports for it, I had needs improvement in nearly everything in part of a report, yet the comments were along the lines, of did great, needs some better direction to classes, but my god, I didn't do that poorly, first years are meant to observe what teachers do, write notes, and take a few classes, I wrote in the end nearly fifteen lesson plans, took nearly ten hours worth of classes, and had to put up with usually well behaved children acting up horribly. one of them even cheered when they were told it was my last day.

Parents reaction was as I expected it would be, part of the reason I never really brought up the point that I was having trouble getting motivated to do much of anything. I should've deffered for the year, and found a real job, I haven't had a real job 9 to 5 sought of thing in ever, other than one week of Bendigo Books.
I would've learnt a few useful things if I had, and got a bit more motivated to continue in another area.

One thing I've learnt about my parents, they don't like to hear that their kids are having any sought of trouble, but then when I ask for help with subjects they blink at me and tell me to ask my friends or brother for help. I got told off for getting very goods on a mid semester report in year seven, it wasn't even a proper assessment of my skills.

Anyways thats enough from me sayonara

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Bored Bored Bored...

I haven't played World of Warcraft for nearly two months now, I wonder how my guild is going if it still was up to around ten fairly active players on it. Then my time ran out, and I became broke, so I couldn't afford to pay for another two month game card...
Just sitting here in front of my computer I realize just how bored I am. There was one thing I liked about World of Warcraft, the ability to log in and play at anytime, do some quests go up a level, it passed the time. And helped me stop being bored for little bits. I mean don't get me wrong the game got boring at times to, I am very easily bored of a game if I play it to much, stop feeling like I have a challenge and all that, damn k buton on keyboard sticking in like that...
One exam down three to go. My passing two subjects rest on me getting a good mark on them, the other two less so.
Damn my laziness, type factor!
World of Warcraft makes even Oblivion seem small in comparison, there's just so much to explore and do, and then you can redo it all with another character, I loved making characters in that game...

Anyways, I better try and distract myself with some game I'm bored of...

Seeya chumps, and pandas

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Is it just me?

Why do I have such trouble getting started on work?
I mean I've been really slack this year, wait I remeber VCE, with its DLAs...The things that don't give you a mark but were necessary for you not to fail. I really don't see the sense in that...
Anyway I was extremely lazy when it came to the DLAs, I only handed them in when I got the letter home about it, in general about three or so weeks, after the day it was orginally due in. The lack of consequences and the actual fact that it really didn't matter when it was handed in as long as the teacher saw it, eventually.
I learnt one important thing from VCE, how to be lazy.

Year 7-10 I was still the way I was thanks to my primary teacher, I handed in work and did a lot of experimenting with ways of writing and drawing. Teachers actually liked me, and encouraged me to be myself in eveything I did.
Get to VCE, one of the key things I remember was one teacher saying my work needs to be less me, little wonder that I got poor marks all the way through...

Yes I hate VCE, I hate it lots...

Enough on that, now I'm meant to be doing some work for a class, that I'm handing in on Monday, that is very boring and long type of work, that I will probably have to finish either tomorrow or Monday morning...

Ah well bettter make a start...

Sayonara peoples, and pandas...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Just wanted a change?!

Why do people say this everytime they dye their hair.
I know a tonne of people who say this as an excuse for dying their hair, and I really don't know why they bother making up an excuse or something. I mean they could say, I got bored of the colour I was born with so I decided to bleach all the pigment out of my hair.
And then they call it white, when in reality it is only a light blonde.
Golly gosh, what is the world coming to?!

I mean its not like I wouldn't want white hair, for some odd reason, but the best way of changing your hair ccolour seems to only come up with a light blonde, not the white white.


(cough*) ahem anyway I've started watching a show called Naruto, it drags things out like Dragonball Z, but... its about Ninjas!
And it has real gore. In onw episode I saw one of the characters literally sprouting needles and coughing up blood, and this show is showed at six o'clock on Cartoon Network...I wonder if they got their classification right?
And it has a warning that it is PG, not M, or MA, but PG...

Just because it is an animated show, doesn't mean the violence in it is any less, bloody then an M rated program.

Ghost in the Shell SAC, was rated M, and in the first episode the main character kicks the foot off a sniper type bad guy, with the resulting blood, and gore. I mean is that really M?

Anyway Ive got exams real soon, so fun for me...
(bored tone) yay (waving hand in the air half heartedly.)

So see ya'll next time folks, I'll be back...I think

Monday, October 02, 2006

Greetings from the deep blue yonder

Hello again...

I've been playing Elder Scrolls IV recently, and basically its all I want to play.
The game is just so large, compared to everything else I've ever played. There is far more to this game then simply lvling up.

I've barely even begun to explore the whole game world, and from what I've heard recently, there's still a lot more to the gameworld than what you can currently access, the world's so big already, and there's still more to it...

My current character is based around Eledor, in appearance, clothes he wears, and the weapons he uses. He is Archmage of the Mages guild, Grand Champion of the Arena, and is only lvl 7.
And I've just started with the thieves guild and Fighters guild.
I wish I had more time to play this game...

Anyway I'm now back at uni, and with my writing I've gone to the Realm, as it has the most room to expand, as I haven't given it a straight forward kill that guy, move onto next type approach. It's has large scale battles, but the thing that makes this one different to the others is that the world the story takes place in is largely static. Small things may change but on the whole the world stays the same, despite the actions of the main protaganists.
Eledor is still a deadly swordsman, however he is riddled with character flaws, and for once is actually human, so he is mortal, rather than immortal. He takes frequent injuries and spends ages recuperating from them.
He is a wandering knight, of an unknown sect.

In the Realm knights act as the officers, chief investigators and secret police, and holy men of the church, they are seperated into sects depending on the role in society they take.
Gold Knights act as the trainers and teachers of the order.
Silver Knights act as the elite Bodyguards to the Emperor, and the Arch Cleric.
Blue Knights act as the chief police force in the the Realm, and are responsible for maintaining the law in the cities.
Forest Knights act as country police forces and are far fewer in number to a much larger area, generally they are very hard working individuals.
Red Knights act as the internal police, and keep an eye on the other sects to make certain none over step their bounds as knights.
Gray Knights act as the officers of the army, and are structured very differently to the other sects, much more organised and ordered.
Raven Knights; act as the secret police, they are responsible for removing troublesome people who the law can't contain, effectively they act as a state sanctioned assassins guild.
Brown Knights act as the holy men of the order. And frequently serve as priests in the more dangerous regions of the Realm where it would be to dangerous to send normal priests.

Each sect has a Sect leader the title for each is different.
Knights become knights by first recieving an education at an academy, usually they are from well to do families, or are part of the nobility, then they become a squire to a full fledged knight, who furthers their training for another two years, and gives the squires practical experience and an idea of what sect they would prefer to join, generally the squire joins the same sect as the knight he is attached to.
The Realm is only starting to recognise equality of sexes, so female knights are few and far between. They are unusual but not unheard of, but like any male dominated career a lot of sexism can occur.

This presents Aeries with a problem, she is the only girl at the academy, though she is the adopted daughter of the Gold Knight in charge of the academy, also she is born of peasant stock while most of the knights in training are of noble blood. Double wammy.

Not all knights are trained warriors, for the Raven Sect, subtlety and guile are far more useful, though they do recieve rudimentary self defense training.

I'll go into more detail of the Sects next time.

Anyway, the other Guardian Universe stories have magic and gods as major focuses of their storylines. The Realm is a lot more realistic, and is really the orginal Guardian Universe. with influence now from Oblivion and Medieval Total War.

Anyho, till next we meet...

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Stressing out much?!

I hate being the first to admit it, but I think I'm feeling the first effects of being stressed out.
Constant sought of worrying that I have to do something, but can't quite bring myself to do it, whatever that something is.

So to keep my mind of it I will talk about my rather uneventful trip to the Grampians.

For starters the unit which was worth $110 a day was not worth it. Straight flat out it was a total ripoff. It was one of those cheap portable things; with an oven, a toilet, a curtained shower, two sinks(shock horror, one in the bathroom one in the what went for a kitchen), a table with six chairs around it, just enough plates and utensils for five people, four bunk beds, and one double bed. Oh and a twelve inch tv, without a dvd player!
However after exploring hall gap for a while we realised why there was no dvd player. The only place that rented out dvds, had enough to fill a small shopping bag,*counting* the videos in that same stand.
The walk however was worth it I guess, about sevn k's long and completely planned by me, on the fly as we were came upon signs that pointed us in directions. I also carried the bag full of water, and the jackets and stuff, as everyone seemed to be dieing from lifting the massive 3 kilo weight worth of water that was in the bag.
So for the most part I lead us( being my sister and brother). Nice place to walk if you don't mind the occasional sheer drop only thirty centimetres away from where you are walking. At one point I couldn't bring myself to go any further, due to the very unsafe nature of the rock, it had recently rained, of course just to spite me, despite my obvious distress at being near such a god awfully unsafe spot, my brother took it upon himself to explore further.
He went out of earshot for about five minutes and I couldn't see him either. I was terrified to be that close to a sheer edge. And I had horrible images of falling off that sheer face, down to a nasty death.
Finally we left there and headed for a more sedate and half dead waterfall instead much to my relief.
I don't mind heights so much, its just heights where a single poorly placed foot can send you plummiting to your death, that I have trouble with.
Anyway we headed back, and my brother shouted us to Icecream, and Fudge.

I've come to the decision that I can clean my room up rather well, hoever maintaining it as clean is a whole different ball game...for me that is. I'm surprised I don't have more bugs in this room.

Anywho, I took a break from wrting this weekend, in fact the only stuff I did do, was write the word Eledor, and a brief description of Wren amounting to about twenty words in total. Instead I read a Terry Prachet book, the Douglas Adams of Fantasy, as I read it once put. Guards! Guards!

It has the best ever intro to a book, in the form of its acknowledgements.

He acknowledges the contribution of the city guard in fantasy stories, the guys who get killed by the hero in many bloody ways, who are only trying to do their job, and feed a family.
The Discworld is awesome!

Sayanara folks

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Is blogging really worth it?

The main reason I started blogging was to showcase story ideas and get criticism on them, constructive in nature.

I don't like talking about me, I'm more interested in other people then myself. I'm boring, slightly eccentric maybe but in a boring meandering way.

I like my stories, and I'm excited when I get the chance to share them with others. I've been in the process of planning them for most of my life. They have been influenced by the many books I've read, shows and movies I've seen.

I even decided to try and create an original world for the DnD game I made up for my brother and friend, and have thus far, made another massive world, with numerous sub-plots happening at once. And I plan to write that into a book eventually, when I get the chance to, using the characters those two decided to make as the central characters. Chronicles of Ovaleen is still a Guardian Universe Story, thus it still has the same Pantheon of Gods, and many of the same characters from the others, though as it is a different world, they are also different, not carbon copies of their other identities.

I am a good writer when I set my mind and time completely to it, but as of late the stories I have showcased on this blog, have been hastily put together things, that I wrote in ten minutes. So they are not my best work, possibly verging on my worst and over commarised.

Anyway point I'm trying to make is, I didn't put up this blog to bitch about my life and talk about personal troubles, I put it up to talk about things that interest me, at the moment that's my story. The Real world is in many ways crap and boring to me.
I was actually going to use this blog to write about my characters, but its hard to show how truly complicated most of them are in a blog, I just find it hard to write properly on a computer. Its much more easy to write naturally with a pen and paper.

None of my characters can kill fifty people without raising a finger, or barely raising a finger, except for the ones who happen to be virtually demigods, and they are few and far between, unless you count ordering people to do it for you the same thing.

Now Eledor is more a reflection of me when I'm in a serious mood, hie height is the same as mine, his weight would be the same as mine if I bulked up a little. And he's all about tragedy, almost all of his loved ones died in his arms, he's introverted and aloof due to that fact, and can very easily loose his temper and go berserk when those remaining of those he cares about are put in danger. He finds it hard to fit, when I first started writing Eledor as a character in my stories, a lot of his thoughts and actions reflected what I would've done. Feeling like an outsider and all that. The Saudes Saga particularly focuses on hi as a character.
Though the Realm would give him his most human portrayal as he possesses no special power, his strength and speed are not so superior to the other characters, and he has had less time to experience the world.
Eledor is essentially, personality wise a darker me, not the me I show to everyone but the me I don't show, the angrier and more bitter me, he is also in a way a tragic hero.
My other character Finn, represents a bit more of my traditional role, I take in Roleplaying games, the stand up guy, who fights the good fight, despite the many foes in his path, though again he has a bit of bitterness, and my grumpiness in him when I get a bit stressed.
Aeries is extremely important to the progression of the story, while Eledor remains largely static and slowly changes, Aeries is the character who grows more and more confident, grows up in her attitude to life, and generally develops, into one of the strongest characters of the story.

Now the last post was simply a fifteen minute rant by me, and I got over it, just remember I had people making fun of my story or saying it was crap all through Year ten, so I "REALLY" don't like people saying its boring, it reminds me of that time and I arc up.

Anyway, I'm sleep deprived and slightly grumpy still at the moment.
Let it be known that I will never touch on anything said in the "Screw this" post every again, I don't like looking at those parts of my life that I hate and won't go back there.

Anyway, I don't have to get up till nine or ten tomorrow!
Yay for me!

Screw this!

I don't talk about personal things for several reasons, I could easily alienate everyone I know, if I did.
Deep down I am an incredibly angry person, unsure of his own future whether or not he should be in the course he is in. I had to deal with almost continually being picked on, from grade 3 to year 11(stopped at year 11).
And at one point was nearly molested by another year 7 kid, in defence I stabbed him in the hand with a pen I was holding.
You wanna get into the whole thing, I'm find it difficult being in large gatherings, especially when I'm dragged of to parties, where I barely know anyone. I don't feel like I belong, so I withdraw into my shell so to speak...
My borther before leaving for Melbourne for his operation, told me I was to blame for ruining his life, that I stole most of his friends. Do you know how that felt when you think he might not have been coming back?
The only reason I met his friends is because he dragged me along to a lot of things.
I've been broke for the past three weeks, only five dollars literally to my name!
I don't talk about my personal opinions becasue a lot of people annoy me, and I don't want to hurt them, and they don't often sit to well with others. I'm also perpetually tired because I go to bed at around one in the morning, and get up at seven in the morining, six hours of sleep, instead of nine hours.
I don't have a great job, but because of Uni I can't even work there at all!
I had to deal with the shock that once you reach VCE, the teachers don't care for you being you, they just want you to fit into a program they have decided is the best for you, and then returning to the old way upon reacxhing University.
As many of my friends who knew me from Golden Square say, VCE destroyed me...academically.
I can't talk to girls, I'm to scared to, so my chances of getting a girlfriend are limited, I keep thinking I'll end up like my Great Uncle, a seventy year old bachelor, who doesn't think he's old.
I offer good advice, but rarely follow it myself, making me a hypocrite, and I hate hypocrites.
I want to be a writer but my writing is subpar.
Enough personal crap, now I've had my fucking bitch...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hello anyone out there?!

Is it just me, or does no one like me anymore? Wait, that is something to do with me...
So where is everyone?
What's everyone been up to, and all that mumbo jumbo...

I'm so lonely...

To ease this lonliness I need people to post comments, I don't feel like anyone reads my entries without comments. I mean come on it takes maybe five minutes to read what I put down, and then all you have to do is write a five or more word comment on what you read.

By the by, Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion is an awesome game.

And it runs on high settings on my new computer!

My friend who told me about the game only got it working on low settings, and it was still a drain on his computer...mine sprints through everything, without any trouble...though it isn't able to do Ultra high...that's reserved for supercomputers.

I have purchased a new computer if no one could guess. Its big, black and silver and has carry handles and stands on it. It also has five fans running in it.

For anyone who cares, here's the specs...

3.2GHZ Pentium 4, 256mb ATI X800 series(special edition), 2GB DDR2 ram, 17' LCD monitor, with built in speakers. Subwoofer enhanced desktop speakers. DVD-RW drive.

When this computer was made 2 years ago, it was worth nearly $5000, I got it for $2000.
Though my only gripe with it is the speakers, which frequently shake loose from the attachment in the back of the computer. So I hve only one speaker working, which can be very annoying, when your playing a game, or listening to music.

I'm a pepsi Max addict, or rather a caffeine addict, I now get headaches if I don't have some form of caffeine a day...surprising, hell no considering the amount of pepsi max I drink all the time.

Anyways that's enough from me


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Chronicles of Ovaleen

A long time ago there was a planet named Ovaleen.
Several Gods ruled over it peacefully, Death, Kidari, Culmaryn, Solaryss, Templar, Scorebee, Nazrul, Beelzebub, Shandros, Kilnari and the ancient dragon lords.
Several races came to be on the planet, Eldrasans, the Kilnari, humans and the Aethyran.
Ovaleen itself was divided into four continents, Santaurez, Rudiev, Angelus and Teldai.
Santaurez was a large continent with rich resources and was home to humans, Eldrasans, Aethyran and Kilnari.
Angelus, was the smallest continent, and was in fact a series of four large islands, in a loose ring, they were settled by humans seeking a new life.
Rudiev, was the largest continent vast and uncharted, it became home to every race bar Eldrasans.
Teldai, was a medium sized continent, dominated by thick forests and tall mountains, the ancestral home of the Eldrasans, and the center of the Eldrasan Empire.
Eldrasans were the longest lived and most ancient of the races, and they called Culmayrn their chief diety, in many ways they held a center area to the humans and Aethyran, they had the looks of humans, with the strength and agility of the Aethyran.
Humans were numerous and powerful magically and intellectually and paid homage to Solaryss and Templar as their chief gods. However the gods not happy with just those races decided to "modify" small pockets of humanity, creating stocky short humans, who became known as Dwarves, and short thin intellectually gifted people, who became known as Gnomes.
The Aethyran themselves represented a diverse range of humanoids, ranging from savage beasts, to intelligent and cultured civilisations, and possessed the largest population. The Kilnari were brutal yet intelligent, and sought to wipe the other races out, however they were numerically inferior, thus their efforts were easily stunted.
Kidari became the patron deity of a small group of individuals devoted to nature, and gave them the knowledge of how to use nature's power to assist nature. They became known as the Druidic Council, and quickly grew in size.

About five hundred years ago, a war in heaven occurred, as Nazrul, Shandros and Beelzebub came into conflict with Solaryss, Culmaryn and Templar.
Nazrul the most powerful of the three created what would become known as hell, a place of madness and evil, and created creatures to populate it, known as Nolsaryn or by mortals as demons.
Shandros once well liked as a patron for free living, became the patron for assassins, and thieves guilds.
Beelzebub, created his own people to populate Hell, known as the Desoltros, and corrupted many of the Sireal (angelic beings servants of the gods) to serve him.
At the same time Scorebee descended into madness, as Death transformed further and further into a malevolent being.

The church of Solaryss, a human organisation, was quickly gifted with some of Solaryss's own power, allowing them to defend the mortal realm, or Ovaleen, from the new threat.
The church of Templar came into being at about this time, as Templar, though his servants, created a vast militaristic order of knights and scholars to help the Church of Solaryss.

Four hundred years passed with brief but bloody battles being fought to help protect Ovaleen from the demons, until finally the war came to a head. Nazrul, took on Solaryss, Templar, Culmayn and Kidari in a massive battle over Ovaleen, the end result of the battle was Solaryss's death and Nazrul being sealed in a pocket dimension.
Solaryss's death resulted in an unforeseen reaction within the Church of Solaryss, over half the order went mad, and joined their rival order the Demon Guard, and the rest dwindled in power. The Church once the most powerful human order, was destroyed overnight. Templar worship grew as it became clear that Solaryss's paladins could no longer protect them, from evil.

However Nazrul's imprisonment was only temporary...

That is a kinda introduction to Chronicles of Ovaleen, showing a bit of the past major events, I've left a lot out but that's because I didn't think of it. Tell me what ya think if you dare.

And also as I was a fan of Steve Irwin's show despite not watching all that much of it, I would like to say, that even though its been said by many many newspapers at least forty times, he will be missed. And my sympathy goes out to his family for their loss.

Not much but my fingers hurt now...

Goodbye and Goodnight, and Good morning

Monday, September 11, 2006

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...

I remeber a time when I was very little and those words, appeared on the television screen, I could not get enough of Star Wars...
Know what, it hasn't changed I still love Star Wars, even the three prequels, even the scene with Vader screaming out noooooooooo! I watch it now, I'm not making connections to other films, James earl Jones, is the best voice actor for that role. After I got over the hilarity of that scene when I first watched it I don't find it funny. But then I know much more then the average movie goer about the backstory, and the motivations of the characters, in this universe that I so love.
The original inspiration of my writing, all comes back to Star Wars, the epicness, the characters, sure they changed every year, since then.
But I remember a time where I was making up stories in my head about the Empire being evil, and replacing the Rebels with a small fleet of ships run by, get this...SNAKES!
And then we hit the dinosaur phase, and suddenly dinosaur planet came into being, a massive planet half the size of the galaxy. And the only thing that lived on it were dinosaurs. Oh yeah then I started incorporating the power rangers into my story, however instead of being noisy martial artists they were shape changing almost god like beings. And they were the protectors of the world, this was when I was in grade one and two just so you know.

If only I had that creativity now days...but hey, I could barely write so I must say I have improved in other ways.
Star Wars got me interested in the whole writing, making up stories thing, and recently I have rediscovered it so to speak, good ole'Wookiepedia...even though its not that old.

Anyway, I think I'm going to start writing again soon, I guess I'm kinda in the recharge phase I usually get to at this point of the year, start playing games and reading books with good stories, recharge the batteries for a storm of creative, reworking of my story, or I should say stories.

Anyway, seeya on Wednesday.[

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A short post

It's been ages since I last wrote one of these...bahahahaha

Anyway, I was actually surprised that it was still up.

Anyway that's about it, very short aye?

Stupid Writer's block!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Things are starting to look up

I swears, I'm starting to like Uni again, maybe its the A I just gots in Learning Tech, or something but these are the most A's for major assignments I have seen in more than two years.

And things are starting to look up for the family again, operation success, and my brother seems fine, all good news for me. Now all I need to do is start and finish my electronic Portfolio...Using Dreamweaver of course.
Its meant to be like a webpage sought of affair, something I'm quite good at doing.

A short story

He kept to the shadows as he followed, what was it about this girl which seemed so familiar?
He shook his head, as he was about to leave, a voice in the dark ahead of him coursed him to stop, what was going on here? He moved closer treading soundlessly on the gravel beneath him.
His hand moved to the hilt of one of his swords, as the girl seemed to be backing away from whoever had been speaking. He moved closer still and heard the voice, his hand tightened on his sword.
She almost broke to running, but her military training kicked in forcing her to stand and listen, he could tell she was terrified. The owner of the voice suddenly lunged out for her with a sword, he moved without thought, his right sword left its sheath, and sliced through the man’s hand, neatly severing it, as the man screamed. She screamed in turn, as he neatly positioned himself between her and her assailants. Another two lunged at him as their companion collapsed to the ground bleeding heavily. He drew his other companion sword and held both at bay.
His eyes were hard as he pushed them back, whoever this girl was he wanted to protect her. He kicked one in the stomach with enough force to send him flying across the street. The other man let out a cry of fear as he ran away, dropping his weapons as he ran.
He turned to look at the girl, as she still stared at the dieing man; he looked her in the face till his fierce stare caught her attention. He softened his expression, “You should go.” He murmured.
“Who are you?” she asked quietly, almost mute from the shock.
He didn’t answer for a time as he thought over what to say, “I’m a wanderer.” He finally answered, he started walking away, he had been here too long already, she still hadn’t moved however. He turned to look at her, something was wrong with her.
His eyes widened as she collapsed, he caught her in his arms, and lifted her into the air with surprising ease. He looked at her silently before he began walking, retracing his steps.
He eventually reached the barracks, as the moon reached its zenith. A surprised shout was heard, and a massive man, ran up to him.
“Aeries!” he said in alarm, looking at her limp form, his gaze transferred to the man holding her, “What happened to her, and who are you?” he asked carefully, not sure what to make of the black cloaked, white haired man.
“She ran into a bad crowd, I intervened.” He said quietly, gently placing her in the arms of the man. He turned and began to walk away.
“Who the hell are you?!” the huge man asked again.
The wanderer looked at him for several moments, “A passer buyer, no more no less.” He said quietly before he disappeared into the shadows of the city.

Another part of the opening segment of the Saudes Saga...tell me what ya think, if you feel like it of course.

Man I've got a long day ahead of me, four and a half hours till my next class and I'm stuck in all day...

Well sayonara, and goodluck with everyone's exams, and rearrangements of their lives...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

A place called falling to pieces

I have had as much sleep as much as a ...uh shark doesn't work, they actually do sleep, uh...hmmm, do jellyfish get tired?
Anyway I've had as much sleep as a jellyfish this week...yeah...*loud over done cough*

Anyway enough bout me, more about the Guardian Universe...

Now split into three different worlds.

The Saudes Saga, made up of two series.
Chronicles of Ovaleen, (yes based on the DnD game I dare I say Dungeon Mastered)
The Realm(I came up with this one revisiting prior work and after playing Medieval Total War for days on end.)

Each world are set in different universes, so characters from one cannot interact with another, unless I decide to start doing comedic crossovers.
Characters they all contain are the Immortals

Gothilius Sarah
Araluen Gareth
Aeries Vincent
Elessa Nazrul

...anyway, heres a brief little description of each world.

Saudes Saga
The saudes Saga is split into two parts.
Part one, focuses on the introduction of key characters and alliances that persevere throughout the entire continuim of the Saudes Saga.
The year is 1185AW, a massive invasion force decimated the northern kingdom of Risonia, the scattered few survivors claimed the army possessed magical beasts, that could tear the walls down of the mighty Risonian fortress, and were supported by thousands of of humanlike creatures, who appeared human except for their eerie green lizard like eyes and scattered scales across their faces. In this time a young female soldier of the Felkonian Militia, Aeries is swept up into a desperate race to save the human race from genocide.
Part two jumps nearly three thousand years into the future.
The year is 2085AE
A massive war has overtaken the galaxy as the Alliance engages in a desperate war to fight off the massive might of the Orphan League. Cail a young Alliance Lieutenant finds himself at the command of a damaged prototype battlecruiser deep behind enemy lines, due to sabotage. Charcters introduced in part one reappear, though many are greatly changed by the events that led up to this point.

Chronicles of Ovaleen
Based on the Dnd game I created for Tendafoot, my sister and my brother, the Chronicles of Ovaleen(not Ovalteen dammit!) is also split into two parts. The first part concerns the adventures of Rain a young druid, Aramil an Eldrasan warrior and his sister Mint a multitalented girl, as they find themselves threatened with death in a years time if they do not do what a mighty demon king tells them to do. Their adventures take them all over the world of Ovaleen, meeting numerous characters who help, hinder and completely ignore the group as they travel.
Part two, the Angelus Campaign, set on the small continent of Angelus, some fifty years later, a young knight, her adopted father, and her silent guardian set out on a quest to end the Demonic hold on Angelus and Ovaleen. They are joined by the powerful eldrasan sorceress Clairess, a young and energenic half-eld, who happens to be a daughter of Wren, one of the main helping characters from Part 1, and the dark ranger Lucas Windshear who hides a terrible heritage.

The Realm
In the distant land of Fareis, exists a mighty Empire simply known as the Realm. This more than any of the other worlds, is based on historic peoples, with a touch of fantasy of course. ShandrillanKnights, christened by the Church of Shandrila act as the officers, police and special forces of the Realm. It focuses on the story of a young squire by the name of(you guessed it) Aeries, who through the help of her adoptive father Sir Findley Falcon, has been training to become a squire. On the day of selection by knights for squires however she is overlooked, for being a girl, as she was better than many of the other potential squires. Fortunately, in a way, a strange black cloaked man challenges her to a duel. In the ensuing fight he toys with her, before defeating her with just two strokes of his sword. Revealing himself to be a knight as well, he takes her on as his squire, to as he says, train her properly in the way of combat. It follows her adventurous across the massive Realm, she slowly begins to learn more about her retiscent Master as the journey.
Meanwhile a man naming himself the Hand of Death is assassinating many powerful people throughout the Realm, in the name of the Shandrillan Church.

Now they are only brief intros to each story.
Hope Y'al like them.

On another note, I want burning crusade to come out already, and Advent Children rocks in all languages!
And on another, another note I got meself a second blue tongue, though this one is viscious, I call him Rex. He attacked a pen my brother put in front of him.
my other Blue Tongue lizard is named hmmm...actually I don't have a name for about Hissy?

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Family estrangement

It's annoying being told by your sister that you are unhealthy, I admit I'm out of shape, when it comes to running, however its even worse to being told that I will die by her.
She entered into this strange state after only doing one term's worth of Health and developement, I shudder to think what the nest year and a half will bring. It's good to eat healthy I admit that, I like eating vegetables, I'll eat fruit occasionally, but we hardly ever have traditional fruits such as apples and grapes around our house, we have wrinkled looking exotic fruits, that I think look as dry as a bone.
I love a type of chicken curry, that incorporates, chicken, with pees, carrot and spiral noodles, which represents a good three of the food groups. Unfortunately, my sister's protests to the evils of this wonderful food, often extremely vocal and hateful have caused this dish, one of a few I know how to cook. to go on a six month hiatus. The main reason is my sister hates pees, I remeber she used to love them, until one day she nearly choked on one, she claims other reasons, but before that time she couldn't have enough of pees, and she simply grew an aversion to the pee, to the point of throwing her pees at people.
Now I also find it annoying how self rightious some people are, after only doing one term of health she hates all forms of fats, despises our current diet, which admitadly has been on the whole rather crap, I've asked Mum a few times for vegetables, but in the end, end up with bits and pieces, which means pies, or some sought of chinese food and chips or wedges.
But she still told me I was going to die, and she has been acting almost crazy half the time, as if she constantly is ingesting sugar of some form.

I have unhealthy habits
-I drink Pepsi Max at "least" once a day
-I visit McDonalds twice a week
-I buy Pringles regularily
-I eat honeycomb chocolate a lot

but I make up for this in other ways...sorta
-I have a complete aversion, to what I call rubber and plastic lollies, food made almost entirely from sugar, the smell even makes me feel nausious. this includes "gummy lollies" lollipops, even mints to a point.
-I drink tea, without sugar, and with some milk
-I voraciously clean vegetables off the plate when they are placed in front of me.
-And I don't eat much red meat, the benefit is that white meat supposedly is better for you

Anyway I've had enough of healthly diet crap, all I really want is a decent meal instead of BBQ's, takeaway, and bits and pieces, full course meal soughta thing.

And now onto more important issues, Dirge of Cerberus has a great soundtrack...I'm listening to it right now, and I am extremly impressed at it quaility and different sounds.

Ghost in the Shell is a great anime series, I prefer the series to the movie, longer and far more in depth then the movie, and the action scenes are superb, make me go wow...not in the sense of running off to play World of Warcraft of course...

I get a full week of teaching rounds next week, and I'm with my favourite teacher of all time, the one who took me for 5/6, one of the two dragons of my primary school.
She is extremly funny too, you'd be surprised how much she sounds scary, but when you come back as an adult you realise that she most defenitely not a bad lady, with a kind of black sense of humour.


Next time in Eledors World, will real life again intrude on the blog entries, or will Eledor write more about the Guardian Universe, find out next week on Eledor's World.

Sayonara folks.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

I'm back from out of space, walked in here to find you sitting on my couch

I love Men in Black, anyway
First time in ages

The Guardian Universe has only gotten stronger and more powerful in the past couple of months, I love using such words makes it feel so much better.
Unfortunately I haven't actually managed to write anything substantial that actual resembles story writing.
Now about another thing I've been meaning to write about for ages or not either one. World of Warcraft is cool, but ever so annoying and time consuming. But enough about my personal gripes with a game I play al the time, Druids are so far my favourite class, you get bored of spellcasting and healing, you can become a bear, and rip into enemies, or a seal to swim through water, or a Cheetah to run as fast as a mount, or a Big cat to act as a sneaky Rouge
Hmm, yes I'm not obsessed.
Anyway I just recently finished watching an awesome anime, called Full Metal Alchemist, it has so many twists and turns, the ending leaves you scratching your head in confusion. The characters are cool and its not a small cast, and there's not all that much time wasted on talking moments.
It does talk though at points, but not in a bad boring manner and is intelligently written and the dubbing is great, so many tough characters make up the cast and Major Armstrong is the coolest character I have ever seen.
I wish I was more like him. He has the bet talking roles in the entire show. Now I want to see the concluding movie.
Another great show is Gundam Seed, not your traditional mecha show, its ending is one of the best I have ever seen, ever. It left going wow, and AWESOME...anyway that's just me, what I recommend though is to watch both and make up your own opinions about them.

Anyway, I want comments to start flowing in again, so I can start conversing all over again and waste my unprecious huge amounts of free time at Uni.

And if no one has noticed my hair has been cut...yeah as if no one wouldn't...

Anyway, I'm doing the Education course at Latrobe, and have only twelve hours of class.
Well actually its about thirteen but with practicum it don't count.
However I have to spend each of my three days of Uni, from 9-to-6:30 because
A, I don't have lisence to call my own,
B, It wouldn't matter anyway as Mum needs the only car I'm allowed to drive,
C, Mum and Dad refuse to give me four lifts back and fourth from uni on wednesday, my crappest day.
One hour of Tute in the morning, 9:00-10:00, and then A lecture at 3:00
I finish most days at four or five
And also miss out on work thanks to this...
A real bummer when my earnings are so damn low as well.

Ah well anyway, I better be going to bed...

Sayonara all