Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Onwards and Upwards

Heya Folks,

Been a real quiet week at work so far, maybe its waiting around a corner to ambush us, but at the moment, its looking okay. As long as nothing bad happens, and I keep on top of things, I think things will be fine(fingers crossed).

Anywho on other more fun things, uhrmmmm, hmmm, oh yeah did you see those two pages I put up, wait already mentioned them, uhrrmmm, well...I'm going into money saving mode at the moment, I'm gonna be holding off on large spending sprees for a little, as I'm trying to build up some cash, to do what with I'm not to sure to be honest, but having a bit of cash on hand is always pretty nice.

Another thing I'm planning on doing is getting a debit card, earning money is nice and all but when you can't pay for things online it tends to suck a little, especially when the things you want, can only be bought online.

Hmmm, other then that, I really need to upgrade the old bombshell I have of a computer, I've managed to extend its lifetime somewhat, by replacing some parts here and there, but when its still operating on a single core processor, it tends to you know be

Although I definitely like Windows 7, much quicker, then my old slowly dieing XP, and my work computer which operates on Vista, plus has a broken screen...yes anyway.

Anywho, so things seem to be okay, but I'm gonna be super vigilant for a good long while, to hopefully catch anything before it becomes a major issue. And here I thought I was pretty good at the whole customer service rep, BB tech thing, ah well, ya snooze ya get fired from a large cannon into the stratosphere where you fall down and burn up in the atmosphere, before smacking into the ocean at terminal velocity, and well you know, smeer into nothing.

On that note,

Sayonara folks!