Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I got into my course, one wave of my cert IV results and they basically went right where's the money...or something like that anyway. So long story short I still have to enroll but I'm in the course!

On other news I've decided to wait till Saturday to update Newstory, sorry if anyone was waiting for it, I made a couple of things saying yeah it'd be up, but never got round to it. My sister's leaving for University soon and my brother is planning on moving out sometime this year, so I may be home alone...with the'll mean less to distract me I guess, but gee it's going to be boring without them here...
Also works about ready to finish for the season, which means I'll become broke pretty soon if I don't fix my spending habits, and due to the schedule for my course i won't be able to work even if I want to at the farm( that will ever happen) so hopefully I'll be able to get a job after finishing this course, I mean a diploma has to count for something towards getting a job, and I do have a cert IV in project management as well.

I'm seriously considering adding a review section to my website as well, so I can properly recommend visiting some webcomics and playing some games, and avoiding others, though I might not start reviewing webcomics till Newstory is a bit more established, ie. more then 2 or three pages more like 30 or something.
Other then that well I've got nothing so visit my website if you haven't already and have a quick glance around.

For some reason I feel quite sad now...

Sayonara folks!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


My main comic has now been started and put up, Newstory.
The purpose for this comic, is really to act as an experiment and as a way for me to learn a bit about what works and what doesn't. Also to challenge myself artistically with each page. With each page I'll try to do something different, different camera angle, different posture for a character to be in and hopefully a general refinement of character looks and appearances.
I'm also aiming to create a buffer for this comic, so that I shouldn't have any trouble updating it from now on. Also one friend has offered to colour it in with pencils, so I may have coloured versions going up as well.
I'm still planning on going back to Tales From the Lettuce Patch, with as I believe I have previously mentioned a story me and a friend wrote together, that sorta takes the path of one person the other writes something, and is basically an extended conversation similar to what me and my friend did during secondary college, though we never wrote those down.
The advantage of this and the problem I faced with the original Tales, is that it gives me a ready made script that I have to adapt to comic form, rather then my original practise of trying to come up with something remotely funny on the spot while in the middle of drawing the strip.
I do storyboards for newstory and have a basic summary of what happens in each chapter, though I am currently thinking of expanding it to 6 chapters long (150 pages)to stop it from going to fast for a reader to follow.
I'll get around to finishing the Newstory homepage at some point.

On other news I have a second round interview for my course now, so I still will most likely get into it, as long as I present well during the interview. Though with a Cert IV under my belt I should be able to get in easily. Oh and I am now a Certificate IV IT multimedia specialist, and a certificate IV project manager. I may have to cut my hair for this interview, or at least get it trimmed. I'm rather fond of having my hair long well at least longish, as you can tell if you read Tales From the lettuce patch, most of the time I portray myself with long hair.
Anyways other then that, work is really starting to hurt, you have four people doing spring onions over a period of 3 hours.
If they can mange 40 an hour each that's 160 an hour, over three hours they should have done, 480. Instead they had done 250 after me and my sister had spent 3 to 4 hours cutting zucchini, we were pretty much ready to go home and be done with work for the day. Instead we ended up slaving away for another four hours on the bastard plants, I can deal with Zucchini or Spring Onions, not both at once, thats pushing me too far...however with zucchini an average load gets back on average maybe $300 but costs in employee costs around $250
Each spring onion costs around 90c to $1.10 if a worker can churn out 40 an hour they are more then covering their own employment costs.
Then you bring lettuce into the equation.
Ten bins of lettuce is about $1000, that can take up to two hours to do with eight workers depending on the crop being harvested, some times can take an hour, each employee costs about $12 an hour (this is an average due to large age gaps in some workers) thats $96 to $182 in labor for a $1000 dollar deal, add into that the costs of planting and maintaing said plants, say around $400 and you still have a net profit of $400 to $500 dollars.
With the math in place lettuce are obviously the best vegetable to harvest money wise, and kids as young as fourteen can be taught how to pick them, which saves a huge amount in employee costs.

Well I went off topic there, five years on the job and you think I've learnt nothing? Bah to that, I also end up being the leader when FC or the great boss isn't around, due to having five years of experience and a bit of an idea how to manage other people. I've also had some limited teaching experience.(around 20 days)
Anyways that is more then enough from me...
Sayonara folks check out my site if you want!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Great I just found out I missed entry into the course I wanted by a month...
So either I find another course I can do, or I go out and get a job...
Well maybe I needed this break from education and stuff...
Means I can concentrate on getting my drivers license, I guess, and getting a better job maybe.
And can focus on getting my comicing skills up
I'm supposed to have a cert IV in IT multimedia and Project Management so I'm hoping that actually means something...
Anyways the only trouble I'm having with Newstory at the moment is actually sitting down and working on it, I've planned out the next ten or so pages and have planned out the main storyline. Its supposed to go for about 100 or so pages, and I'm thinking of putting it into chapters.
The first chapter won't look to great but I'm hoping by the final chapter (4) that it will look reasonable, after which I will be starting the Realm, which has a much more developed storyline and a much larger cast.
Newstory is meant as a way for me to practice and develop my skills.
Anywho I'm going to try and see if I can still get into the course, though enrollments for it closed a month ago, I mean its Tafe not some university, I may get lucky, if that doesn't work guess I'm looking for a part time job, something to do with computers hopefully, IT support or something would be good.
Now to see how my dad reacts to this piece of news...

Oh well life goes on, the bright side is I may be getting my license soon and a new job, down I'm getting a part time job and won't be a student anymore...

And just so you know I've been heavily distracted from doing much by reading other webcomics and playing a couple of games I got recently and World of Warcraft as well...
Anywho that's enough from me folks, sayonara!