Sunday, August 28, 2011

Time goes on


Been a while since the last post.
Anywho lot of things will be happening shortly.
One is Sandhurst will be getting a new website at some point, and the comic will also be continued from where it was left off. Probably going to be aiming for a once a week release until I get a buffer organised, then moving up to a biweekly update or even three updates a week(here's hoping) But I will be holding back on rushing into this one as I've taken a long break from drawing.
On other news, I've been terribly busy at work, calls are flying through, and I'm lucky if I get a moments peace to even think. But we are getting some new people so hopefully the pressure will ease off soon.
I've also started the first draft of my Realm storyline, staring the Eledor that this blog has been named after, and his sidekick Aeries(actually Aeries is the main character)
I've been writing one or two pages a night, before I go to sleep, and I have been managing this for the last 3 months now, without missing a single night. I'm impressed with myself even if no one else is :P
Other then that, I'm finding at present I don't have the energy or available time to continue TICTTAS(the abridged thingy), for now anyway, I may change my tune in the future, but I feel I need to focus on my writing and comic at present.
My brother got himself a girlfriend, and has now moved in with her, good on him I say :P. And my sister will finish her accounting course soon, and hopefully get herself a very nice job.

Now, as I tend to do, when watching a momentus event, such as a wedding of a cousin, I start to get a bit reflective and look at myself. Look at where I've gotten too, and what I've achieved. First thing I did was cut my hair, I'll probably grow it long again, but that will take months at least. Next thing I did was make the commitment to myself to continue my webcomic, and get a redesign of its website and new domain name organised for it.
But simply I realised if I want to do the things I want to do I have to get my act into gear, I've already been reducing my expenditure and saving a bit of money(kinda aiming to purchase a house when I can), but the added benefit is I have a lot of cash on hand if something happens, need a lot more though.

But anyway, just thought I'd mention stuff is happening again, and the return of a regularly updated Sandhurst Academy will be arriving by the end of this week.

Sayonara folks!