That is pretty much a summary of my working week, the work's not hard it's not all that tiring and its only eight hours a day, but my habit of not being able to go to sleep till 12, thanks to bad habits, ingrained in me from Tafe, I'm trying to fix. I'm starting to get a bit more energy, and I will return soonish to weekly comicing, of course I owe close to ten or more comics, which will take me a while to catchup, but first I just gotta get this one page done, after that hurdle the rest will be easier as I get back into a routine. Same can be said for my adbridged pilot episode I've been half working on and off for the last couple of months. Inching my way along. Once I get the first one out, and see if people think I'm a weird sounding idiot guy, or actually have the occasionaly glimmer of humor, I'll see about putting out the next couple of ones. It's always hardest starting again, especially if you've taken a large break from doing something. My hobbies are the same, especially as I have more money then I am used to(I recently got a 20% raise too!), which I've been spending on manga and anime...
Man I haven't done one of these in ages! Whoo!

As proof I am still doing the drawingness, though to be fair this one is not as awesome as another one I did with Eledor center stage, with black fire around him(Unfortunately it's too big for my scanner... :(
Anywhoisit, I'm off, I guess I'll try updating here a bit more often, maybe with some new drawings and stuff, though I could always put them into my Gallery...meh anyway...
Sayonara folks!