Thursday, April 27, 2006

Family estrangement

It's annoying being told by your sister that you are unhealthy, I admit I'm out of shape, when it comes to running, however its even worse to being told that I will die by her.
She entered into this strange state after only doing one term's worth of Health and developement, I shudder to think what the nest year and a half will bring. It's good to eat healthy I admit that, I like eating vegetables, I'll eat fruit occasionally, but we hardly ever have traditional fruits such as apples and grapes around our house, we have wrinkled looking exotic fruits, that I think look as dry as a bone.
I love a type of chicken curry, that incorporates, chicken, with pees, carrot and spiral noodles, which represents a good three of the food groups. Unfortunately, my sister's protests to the evils of this wonderful food, often extremely vocal and hateful have caused this dish, one of a few I know how to cook. to go on a six month hiatus. The main reason is my sister hates pees, I remeber she used to love them, until one day she nearly choked on one, she claims other reasons, but before that time she couldn't have enough of pees, and she simply grew an aversion to the pee, to the point of throwing her pees at people.
Now I also find it annoying how self rightious some people are, after only doing one term of health she hates all forms of fats, despises our current diet, which admitadly has been on the whole rather crap, I've asked Mum a few times for vegetables, but in the end, end up with bits and pieces, which means pies, or some sought of chinese food and chips or wedges.
But she still told me I was going to die, and she has been acting almost crazy half the time, as if she constantly is ingesting sugar of some form.

I have unhealthy habits
-I drink Pepsi Max at "least" once a day
-I visit McDonalds twice a week
-I buy Pringles regularily
-I eat honeycomb chocolate a lot

but I make up for this in other ways...sorta
-I have a complete aversion, to what I call rubber and plastic lollies, food made almost entirely from sugar, the smell even makes me feel nausious. this includes "gummy lollies" lollipops, even mints to a point.
-I drink tea, without sugar, and with some milk
-I voraciously clean vegetables off the plate when they are placed in front of me.
-And I don't eat much red meat, the benefit is that white meat supposedly is better for you

Anyway I've had enough of healthly diet crap, all I really want is a decent meal instead of BBQ's, takeaway, and bits and pieces, full course meal soughta thing.

And now onto more important issues, Dirge of Cerberus has a great soundtrack...I'm listening to it right now, and I am extremly impressed at it quaility and different sounds.

Ghost in the Shell is a great anime series, I prefer the series to the movie, longer and far more in depth then the movie, and the action scenes are superb, make me go wow...not in the sense of running off to play World of Warcraft of course...

I get a full week of teaching rounds next week, and I'm with my favourite teacher of all time, the one who took me for 5/6, one of the two dragons of my primary school.
She is extremly funny too, you'd be surprised how much she sounds scary, but when you come back as an adult you realise that she most defenitely not a bad lady, with a kind of black sense of humour.


Next time in Eledors World, will real life again intrude on the blog entries, or will Eledor write more about the Guardian Universe, find out next week on Eledor's World.

Sayonara folks.


Richard said...

First of all, it's "peas" not "pees". Um yeah, that's it.

Araluena said...

*cough* dictoinary?

Richard said...

To his credit, he did at least get all the right letters in...

Araluena said...


The Saxman said...

Good luck with cooking, I have no idea what I'm doing mostly so I just invent new dishes all the time. As long as you have 3 groups you're right:
1. Rice/Potatoes/Pasta (all easy to cook)
2. Vegies (or salad in summer)
3. Meat, well vegetarians obviously survive without this. But hey, your body needs iron and you can get it without eating Nutri Grain.

Then you experiment with using different flavourings and voila! Jou are le chef. As they say in France.

Having said that, crap food is becoming more appealing to me these days. We always cook pretty healthy meals so now chocolate holds a greater appeal.

Richard said...

My three basic groups are:
1. Cheese
2. Ham/Bacon
3. ...

Maybe that's where I've been going wrong?