Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tales of the Old World

I mayn't have said much about this new comic I've started.
Basically it is based off a roleplaying game I am playing with friends, based in the Old World, or rather the Warhammer world. It follows the adventures of our characters as we do whatever it is we do.
As of yet I have yet to introduce the main character(not one of mine) who gets that title through sheer lack of dying. (I have gone through five character since the start of the game, being a heroish character in warhammer doesn't always work)
We as a group generally roleplay a bit more then the average roleplayer, but we have annoyed our GM at times, which is always fun.
Anywho, I'm gonna be glossy over some parts in the hopes of catching up to where we are as of now. I'm sticking to three panels a strip for as long as possible, but may throw in the odd larger strip if I feel it needs to be done.
I'm still working on the next Newstory page, and am hoping to have it done sometime either this week or the next, I'm eventually gonna get to some more action, and may focus on it for a little in the future.
I've also been doing some drawing, outside of comicking and one of them is one of the best pictures I have ever drawn. I will be putting it up in the gallery on Guardian universe dot com at some point this week, as well as a couple of other pictures.
Anywhoisit, I'm off

Sayonara folks!

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