Hi people who may or may not read this thing that is known as a blog type thing, hmmm.
I recently updated my website, SHOCK! yes I updated my website finally after five months of waiting and guess what you get! A holiday themed colour picture done by yours truly, and two other picture things. WHOOOT!
Or not.
Anywho Updates a plenty will be occurring on the 1st of January, which just so happens to be my birthday, SHHHHH don't tell anyone ITS A SECRET! or not, anywho by updates, I mean my comic will return to its regular update schedule(a new page every weekend), at the moment I'm saying one page a week, however, if I can get my speed up well, it may be two to three pages per week.
Just gotta get back in the swing of things and all will be good. I've finally taken the effort to throw out a tonne of old books, both writing and school stuff, which I've kept for no apparently good reason, still got a tonne to get through, including a bunch of old toys and other things, but once I get all that done, MY CUPBOARD WILL BE MINE AGAIN!
In other more somber news, my dog has hit the 91 year mark, although I guess that could be seen as happy news, and my cat let a few off...and has a bad habit of missing a litter tray bigger then herself, which is sad for me cause I have to clean up the mess....
Hmmmm, on another note, my anime collection has grown so much that I can now make a massive line on the ground with it, and my manga collection occupies two shelves of my bookcase, cough* plus I bought some cough* deadpool comics(not really a fan of marvel stuff anymore) and some really expensive x-men comics, which all kinda sucked. Either were gory for the sake of gory, or just so over the top as to be ridiculous, in a way that wasn't funny or cool, or way too serious, without any real fun to it. American comics really seem to have gone the way of darker and edgier is better, way, and I'm frankly not a fan of that whole thing. Give me the variety manga and manwha gives and I'm a happy camper.
On another, not Captain Tylor the abridged series episode 1, is still in the works, its about 75% complete, sadly it took me almost a year to get a 9 minute piece of thing to 75% completion. Anyway, I may or maynot have it complete before the 1st as well, we'll see ultimately.
Anywho that's enough of my annoying drivel and prattle, go have fun and stuff!
Sayonara Folks!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
BLARG! This is a random blurg.
I wake up in the morning, I go through the normal wake up cycle, then I get in my car and drive to work. I sit in front of my computer(broken laptop screen, and wireless keyboard and mouse, it adds character damnit!) and go through my email. I catch up on any work that came in while I was at home, sleeping or pretending to be awake, and then attempt to catch up on my over jobs. I go through two 1.25 litre bottles of pepsi max a day to keep me awake. If I'm lucky at lunch and the weather isn't wet, or too hot, I have a go at doing a short ten minute session on my current comic page or whatever else is on my mind. That or I just sit and rest, cause for the last forty minutes of my lunch I have been walking non-stop..., then I go back to work finish up the days work and go home. Then I come home sit kind of half awake half asleep and somehow in this state manage to stay up to twelve. Rinse and repeat.
That is pretty much a summary of my working week, the work's not hard it's not all that tiring and its only eight hours a day, but my habit of not being able to go to sleep till 12, thanks to bad habits, ingrained in me from Tafe, I'm trying to fix. I'm starting to get a bit more energy, and I will return soonish to weekly comicing, of course I owe close to ten or more comics, which will take me a while to catchup, but first I just gotta get this one page done, after that hurdle the rest will be easier as I get back into a routine. Same can be said for my adbridged pilot episode I've been half working on and off for the last couple of months. Inching my way along. Once I get the first one out, and see if people think I'm a weird sounding idiot guy, or actually have the occasionaly glimmer of humor, I'll see about putting out the next couple of ones. It's always hardest starting again, especially if you've taken a large break from doing something. My hobbies are the same, especially as I have more money then I am used to(I recently got a 20% raise too!), which I've been spending on manga and anime...
Man I haven't done one of these in ages! Whoo!

As proof I am still doing the drawingness, though to be fair this one is not as awesome as another one I did with Eledor center stage, with black fire around him(Unfortunately it's too big for my scanner... :(
Anywhoisit, I'm off, I guess I'll try updating here a bit more often, maybe with some new drawings and stuff, though I could always put them into my Gallery...meh anyway...
Sayonara folks!
That is pretty much a summary of my working week, the work's not hard it's not all that tiring and its only eight hours a day, but my habit of not being able to go to sleep till 12, thanks to bad habits, ingrained in me from Tafe, I'm trying to fix. I'm starting to get a bit more energy, and I will return soonish to weekly comicing, of course I owe close to ten or more comics, which will take me a while to catchup, but first I just gotta get this one page done, after that hurdle the rest will be easier as I get back into a routine. Same can be said for my adbridged pilot episode I've been half working on and off for the last couple of months. Inching my way along. Once I get the first one out, and see if people think I'm a weird sounding idiot guy, or actually have the occasionaly glimmer of humor, I'll see about putting out the next couple of ones. It's always hardest starting again, especially if you've taken a large break from doing something. My hobbies are the same, especially as I have more money then I am used to(I recently got a 20% raise too!), which I've been spending on manga and anime...
Man I haven't done one of these in ages! Whoo!

As proof I am still doing the drawingness, though to be fair this one is not as awesome as another one I did with Eledor center stage, with black fire around him(Unfortunately it's too big for my scanner... :(
Anywhoisit, I'm off, I guess I'll try updating here a bit more often, maybe with some new drawings and stuff, though I could always put them into my Gallery...meh anyway...
Sayonara folks!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I now have a video up on my youtube account(EledorEldurn), of what was originally going to be my first abridged series, or rather the first 2 mins and a half of what was going to be my abridged series, which I also tacked on the end a trailer to what I'm currently planning on doing.
I've found so far I can actually manage a number of voices, and if you watch the youtube video, you will hear about six of them, and that wasn't including my normal voice, from my new series I have managed to find another six new voices, some which still need a bit of work before I can maintain them, as I have the problem, especially in long pieces of speech of dropping back into easier to do voices, or my normal voice.I really need to work on my process for editing the footage, of which I use windows movie maker to do it with, I have to import a video, add in sound effects(usually voices) and if I want to add in music I have to export the video, and then import it with the sound effects and add the music in, and if I wanted all of that to add in actual sound effects(like footsteps or a gun shot or something), I'd have to repeat the process again. This has a bad effect on the quality of the video, though it still comes out fairly reasonable, only picking up a few artifacts in the video normally. I think I need to upgrade to a better video editing program, or try and use flash(though I'm not to keen on that idea).
Page 14 of Sandhurst Academy is in the works and will be ready on Sunday, for viewing, as long as nothing bad happens(like some serious problem, arm breakage or stuck in bed illness). The new page will be introducing those who were talking in the last panel.
Works been going fine, though Thursday especially was a big pain, I was the only one out of our three person website team, in on the day, I had to take calls, one from an irate customer, I also took a call from a director, of the company I am subcontracted by, which was a little worrisome. And today, we had something like 30 to forty expression of interests come in, which I had to email out an info pack to, and also record that an expression of interest was put in, on our record keeping site thing. Also my speed for producing websites has slowed down considerably, mainly due to custom content, of which I am unfamiliar with becoming a bigger part of some of the sites I have worked on, its getting kind of frustrating compared to me first couple of weeks, I've only managed one or two websites a week. Can't wait when I get some customers who don't want tonnes of extras tacked onto their website. I prefer leaping into simpler websites, getting them done, as fast as I can, while maintaining a decent level of quality, and getting them out to the client, rather then spending hours on trying to figure out a simple way of implementing, what should be a simple gallery to set-up, may come from my inexperience with things like javascript(the most I do on my website, is alter a premade script which controls the buttons on my comic pages), but I believe once we have a couple of difficult ones we should be able to burn through the next lot more easily. As a group the team I'm a part of, is improving bit by bit. With me being added we have someone, who has a little knowledge(and surprisingly enough some experience) with how to make flash images and animations, though I have lost 80% of the knowledge I gained from my IT Multimedia course, due to a year of staying away from flash.
Another thing on the website front(my website not my job), I may be adding embedded youtube videos to a new section, these will be what I put up on my youtube account, but we'll see about that, also I'm planning on drawing and colouring one character portrait a week, but again, we'll see how that one pans out, the next character to be drawn will probably be Jessica(Kyosuke girl body). I really need to get a good reference picture for what will be the main character of my comic, for the next copuple of years.
Anywhoisit, that about covers it for now.
Sayonara folks!
I've found so far I can actually manage a number of voices, and if you watch the youtube video, you will hear about six of them, and that wasn't including my normal voice, from my new series I have managed to find another six new voices, some which still need a bit of work before I can maintain them, as I have the problem, especially in long pieces of speech of dropping back into easier to do voices, or my normal voice.I really need to work on my process for editing the footage, of which I use windows movie maker to do it with, I have to import a video, add in sound effects(usually voices) and if I want to add in music I have to export the video, and then import it with the sound effects and add the music in, and if I wanted all of that to add in actual sound effects(like footsteps or a gun shot or something), I'd have to repeat the process again. This has a bad effect on the quality of the video, though it still comes out fairly reasonable, only picking up a few artifacts in the video normally. I think I need to upgrade to a better video editing program, or try and use flash(though I'm not to keen on that idea).
Page 14 of Sandhurst Academy is in the works and will be ready on Sunday, for viewing, as long as nothing bad happens(like some serious problem, arm breakage or stuck in bed illness). The new page will be introducing those who were talking in the last panel.
Works been going fine, though Thursday especially was a big pain, I was the only one out of our three person website team, in on the day, I had to take calls, one from an irate customer, I also took a call from a director, of the company I am subcontracted by, which was a little worrisome. And today, we had something like 30 to forty expression of interests come in, which I had to email out an info pack to, and also record that an expression of interest was put in, on our record keeping site thing. Also my speed for producing websites has slowed down considerably, mainly due to custom content, of which I am unfamiliar with becoming a bigger part of some of the sites I have worked on, its getting kind of frustrating compared to me first couple of weeks, I've only managed one or two websites a week. Can't wait when I get some customers who don't want tonnes of extras tacked onto their website. I prefer leaping into simpler websites, getting them done, as fast as I can, while maintaining a decent level of quality, and getting them out to the client, rather then spending hours on trying to figure out a simple way of implementing, what should be a simple gallery to set-up, may come from my inexperience with things like javascript(the most I do on my website, is alter a premade script which controls the buttons on my comic pages), but I believe once we have a couple of difficult ones we should be able to burn through the next lot more easily. As a group the team I'm a part of, is improving bit by bit. With me being added we have someone, who has a little knowledge(and surprisingly enough some experience) with how to make flash images and animations, though I have lost 80% of the knowledge I gained from my IT Multimedia course, due to a year of staying away from flash.
Another thing on the website front(my website not my job), I may be adding embedded youtube videos to a new section, these will be what I put up on my youtube account, but we'll see about that, also I'm planning on drawing and colouring one character portrait a week, but again, we'll see how that one pans out, the next character to be drawn will probably be Jessica(Kyosuke girl body). I really need to get a good reference picture for what will be the main character of my comic, for the next copuple of years.
Anywhoisit, that about covers it for now.
Sayonara folks!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sleepless nights, and sleep filled days
Not really but anyway, two weeks in and I seem to be going pretty good at my job. My direct superior seems happy with my work output and the quality of my work. So far I've only been creating websites, and doing domain transfers and other complicated net type junk. Soon I'll be programming blackberry things, as in I follow a list of instructions to set one up, without actual programming involved.
Toughest thing is the last two hours of the day at the moment, I pull my school thing, where I start looking at the clock every five or so minutes, of course I've found the best way to eat up time is to busy myself with work.
I have a phone...that is still in its box, a laptop with a broken screen that took half of the first day to setup as we could only use one quarter of the screen, and somehow its ability to switch to another monitor had been switched off, plus I have a wireless keyboard and mouse. So far I think I've completely finished three websites, though one was more, "yeah, give it here and we'll finish it on our own"(meaning the client finished it themselves) The next required me to go through about eight or so minor changes that took several hours, until they were finally satisfied, and the latest one they took one look at it and went "yep, put er up!" which made me exceptionally pleased with myself.
I have another eight or so websites all waiting for feedback, and or more content, one wanted a six page website, and only gave me a single picture of their front page and a map of where their place is, not a lot to go on, unless they want me to start making things up about them :P.
On the comic and drawing front, I'm slowly moving to the main storyline of the comic, at the moment, its introducing the main character somewhat, and explaining the situation he finds himself in, for pretty much the rest of the comic. I've found I have some problems with proper pacing and the flow is somewhat off especially in the earlier pages, I think I'm starting to get more of a flow happening now, key word is think. This week I have something of a breather in that the next two pages don't require much in the way of my efforts for drawing them. I'm still planning eventually on fixing the Sandhurst Academy portion of the site to make it more user friendly, easier to navigate between pages that sort of thing. Plus a colour job I think suits the comic. I've also bought a bunch expensive colouring pens, and so far have coloured in three drawings, one a full body picture of an angry Dao wielding Eledor, another of a ninja girl named Motoko, and another of Emily, Eledor's daughter, a lot younger then what I normally write her as.
On the games front, I've bought World of Warcraft again...yeah I know, but to be fair, nothing else is all that interesting at the moment that my computer has any chance of running, i can't be bothered buying a PS3 or Xbox 360, and no new decent storyline games have come out recently on the Wii. I finally hit lvl 70 with my Pally though.
And I think that covers my lot in life at the moment, if you got through all that, good for you, help yourself to the non-existent buffet or something :P
Anywho Sayonara folks!
Toughest thing is the last two hours of the day at the moment, I pull my school thing, where I start looking at the clock every five or so minutes, of course I've found the best way to eat up time is to busy myself with work.
I have a phone...that is still in its box, a laptop with a broken screen that took half of the first day to setup as we could only use one quarter of the screen, and somehow its ability to switch to another monitor had been switched off, plus I have a wireless keyboard and mouse. So far I think I've completely finished three websites, though one was more, "yeah, give it here and we'll finish it on our own"(meaning the client finished it themselves) The next required me to go through about eight or so minor changes that took several hours, until they were finally satisfied, and the latest one they took one look at it and went "yep, put er up!" which made me exceptionally pleased with myself.
I have another eight or so websites all waiting for feedback, and or more content, one wanted a six page website, and only gave me a single picture of their front page and a map of where their place is, not a lot to go on, unless they want me to start making things up about them :P.
On the comic and drawing front, I'm slowly moving to the main storyline of the comic, at the moment, its introducing the main character somewhat, and explaining the situation he finds himself in, for pretty much the rest of the comic. I've found I have some problems with proper pacing and the flow is somewhat off especially in the earlier pages, I think I'm starting to get more of a flow happening now, key word is think. This week I have something of a breather in that the next two pages don't require much in the way of my efforts for drawing them. I'm still planning eventually on fixing the Sandhurst Academy portion of the site to make it more user friendly, easier to navigate between pages that sort of thing. Plus a colour job I think suits the comic. I've also bought a bunch expensive colouring pens, and so far have coloured in three drawings, one a full body picture of an angry Dao wielding Eledor, another of a ninja girl named Motoko, and another of Emily, Eledor's daughter, a lot younger then what I normally write her as.
On the games front, I've bought World of Warcraft again...yeah I know, but to be fair, nothing else is all that interesting at the moment that my computer has any chance of running, i can't be bothered buying a PS3 or Xbox 360, and no new decent storyline games have come out recently on the Wii. I finally hit lvl 70 with my Pally though.
And I think that covers my lot in life at the moment, if you got through all that, good for you, help yourself to the non-existent buffet or something :P
Anywho Sayonara folks!
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Growing up one step at a time
I am now employed, full time as a web developer, thingy, And my first day is tomorrow...gonna be a huge change of pace, hope I'm up to it.
I've managed to maintain a steady output of comic pages so far, we'll see how working affects my usually fairly slack lifestyle, but I'm hoping it'll focus me somewhat, and encourage me to get into drawing more, rather then just reading other people's work.
It's interesting this idea that starting tomorrow, I'll be a professional worker, working fulltime at a job for the first time in my life, strangely so soon after I turned 21 on the 1st of January. In Australia at any rate, at the age of eighteen you have all the rights of an adult, but its still customary to treat turning 21 as a big deal, in my case it kinda was.
Of course to go with this, just before I start work, my left elbow decides to get infected, get filled with fluid and become all but unusable for the week just before I start work. Its starting to get under control, but the strangest thing about the whole thing is, I don't remember banging it, or doing anything that would cause it to get infected in the way it did...
Another thing I've been struggling to change is my sleeping habits, which since I finished Tafe spiralled ever worse and worse, to the point I didn't feel right going to bed till 3 am, and getting up at 12, on the surface it looks like I was just being lazy, but in reality I was fairly sleep deprived despite this, with occasional alnighters reading manga online. I must say its pretty much to a normal, bed by 11, though I force myself to get up at 6:30 to make sure I can have a shower before I go. So maybe I'll soon be going to be bed at 10:30 from now on.
I still owe my dad a website, but I'm hoping after I get some professional experience, ie make a website at work, that I'll be to able leap into and get it done.
So basically, starting soon, I'm gonna be a relatively independent adult, which is a strange concept, when you've spent most of your life living in a house where most things are provided for you.
Oh and I'm still a massive pepsi max addict, can't really drink tea in this heat...blurg....
And now I've started doing some short roleplaying again, this time using the gurps system, of course my cool character, got hit by a spell which makes him smell like fecal matter for the next month or so...damn you Lewis :P
Anyways, its bloody hot here, I think we've had something like 40 degree Celsius days for the last week, which is so much fun...not..
Well that's it from me, sayonara folks!
I've managed to maintain a steady output of comic pages so far, we'll see how working affects my usually fairly slack lifestyle, but I'm hoping it'll focus me somewhat, and encourage me to get into drawing more, rather then just reading other people's work.
It's interesting this idea that starting tomorrow, I'll be a professional worker, working fulltime at a job for the first time in my life, strangely so soon after I turned 21 on the 1st of January. In Australia at any rate, at the age of eighteen you have all the rights of an adult, but its still customary to treat turning 21 as a big deal, in my case it kinda was.
Of course to go with this, just before I start work, my left elbow decides to get infected, get filled with fluid and become all but unusable for the week just before I start work. Its starting to get under control, but the strangest thing about the whole thing is, I don't remember banging it, or doing anything that would cause it to get infected in the way it did...
Another thing I've been struggling to change is my sleeping habits, which since I finished Tafe spiralled ever worse and worse, to the point I didn't feel right going to bed till 3 am, and getting up at 12, on the surface it looks like I was just being lazy, but in reality I was fairly sleep deprived despite this, with occasional alnighters reading manga online. I must say its pretty much to a normal, bed by 11, though I force myself to get up at 6:30 to make sure I can have a shower before I go. So maybe I'll soon be going to be bed at 10:30 from now on.
I still owe my dad a website, but I'm hoping after I get some professional experience, ie make a website at work, that I'll be to able leap into and get it done.
So basically, starting soon, I'm gonna be a relatively independent adult, which is a strange concept, when you've spent most of your life living in a house where most things are provided for you.
Oh and I'm still a massive pepsi max addict, can't really drink tea in this heat...blurg....
And now I've started doing some short roleplaying again, this time using the gurps system, of course my cool character, got hit by a spell which makes him smell like fecal matter for the next month or so...damn you Lewis :P
Anyways, its bloody hot here, I think we've had something like 40 degree Celsius days for the last week, which is so much fun...not..
Well that's it from me, sayonara folks!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
A pale moon rises
Heya folks
Okay the first two pages have gone up with nary a hitch, though the image quality for page 2 is admittedly a bit poor, I'll try and get a better version up at some point. Just gotta make sure I don't get lazy when it comes to drawing or my art will drop in quality.
At the moment I'm aiming at one page a week, until I get a decent buffer up, then I'll start putting more up a week. I've done some rearranging of the website, and am in the process of creating a new look for the Sandhurst Academy section of the website, including a bio section and a gallery.
So at the moment, I'm lagging a bit behind in my comic making, but I should be able to keep up with the current rate, until I start getting the hang of budgeting my time, and drawing faster.
As for getting a job, well let's say I have no drive, or am too scared to make the jump into job applying I'm 21 and never seriously went for job interviews in my life, plus I'm shy, which you know "really" helps when it comes to showing myself as a confident and capable individual.
At the moment I'm hoping for a web development job, but I'll settle for retail, just gotta get that old resume written up, and my hair...cut...*sniff*
Anywho go check out my website, and keep coming back each Sunday evening to read Sandhurst Academy!
Sayonara Folks!
Okay the first two pages have gone up with nary a hitch, though the image quality for page 2 is admittedly a bit poor, I'll try and get a better version up at some point. Just gotta make sure I don't get lazy when it comes to drawing or my art will drop in quality.
At the moment I'm aiming at one page a week, until I get a decent buffer up, then I'll start putting more up a week. I've done some rearranging of the website, and am in the process of creating a new look for the Sandhurst Academy section of the website, including a bio section and a gallery.
So at the moment, I'm lagging a bit behind in my comic making, but I should be able to keep up with the current rate, until I start getting the hang of budgeting my time, and drawing faster.
As for getting a job, well let's say I have no drive, or am too scared to make the jump into job applying I'm 21 and never seriously went for job interviews in my life, plus I'm shy, which you know "really" helps when it comes to showing myself as a confident and capable individual.
At the moment I'm hoping for a web development job, but I'll settle for retail, just gotta get that old resume written up, and my hair...cut...*sniff*
Anywho go check out my website, and keep coming back each Sunday evening to read Sandhurst Academy!
Sayonara Folks!
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