Sunday, February 01, 2009

Growing up one step at a time

I am now employed, full time as a web developer, thingy, And my first day is tomorrow...gonna be a huge change of pace, hope I'm up to it.
I've managed to maintain a steady output of comic pages so far, we'll see how working affects my usually fairly slack lifestyle, but I'm hoping it'll focus me somewhat, and encourage me to get into drawing more, rather then just reading other people's work.
It's interesting this idea that starting tomorrow, I'll be a professional worker, working fulltime at a job for the first time in my life, strangely so soon after I turned 21 on the 1st of January. In Australia at any rate, at the age of eighteen you have all the rights of an adult, but its still customary to treat turning 21 as a big deal, in my case it kinda was.
Of course to go with this, just before I start work, my left elbow decides to get infected, get filled with fluid and become all but unusable for the week just before I start work. Its starting to get under control, but the strangest thing about the whole thing is, I don't remember banging it, or doing anything that would cause it to get infected in the way it did...
Another thing I've been struggling to change is my sleeping habits, which since I finished Tafe spiralled ever worse and worse, to the point I didn't feel right going to bed till 3 am, and getting up at 12, on the surface it looks like I was just being lazy, but in reality I was fairly sleep deprived despite this, with occasional alnighters reading manga online. I must say its pretty much to a normal, bed by 11, though I force myself to get up at 6:30 to make sure I can have a shower before I go. So maybe I'll soon be going to be bed at 10:30 from now on.
I still owe my dad a website, but I'm hoping after I get some professional experience, ie make a website at work, that I'll be to able leap into and get it done.
So basically, starting soon, I'm gonna be a relatively independent adult, which is a strange concept, when you've spent most of your life living in a house where most things are provided for you.
Oh and I'm still a massive pepsi max addict, can't really drink tea in this heat...blurg....
And now I've started doing some short roleplaying again, this time using the gurps system, of course my cool character, got hit by a spell which makes him smell like fecal matter for the next month or so...damn you Lewis :P
Anyways, its bloody hot here, I think we've had something like 40 degree Celsius days for the last week, which is so much fun...not..
Well that's it from me, sayonara folks!


tendafoot said...

Comic is good, man. Keep it up.

I've been listening to motivational crap and it keeps saying people succeed because they persist. Just keep doing it man. I like watching your drawing improve. Also, I wanna see what happens next.

Eledor said...

Yay an interested party!