Monday, December 13, 2004

Ya know, writing this is like ripping out someone else's heart and looking at it, well not really

Hi it's me again the indomitable Lord of Darkness, Eledor back to try to fry someone else's brain with my meandering and unusual style of writng.
One can only hope.
Now anyway back to a business which I know nothing about and would like to know nothing about, rubbish bin people. Who would honestly want their job, I mean SERIOUSLY its rubbish and oh man I just lost the argument to myself.
It's gone to that place in my head where a lot of good ideas disappear to and are never seen again, ya know the thumb.
Well now that I think about I'm probably wrong, now for something that has nothing to do with everything that has come before, who designs the rubbish bins and I wonder if they are extremly successful becuase of their design, I mean everyone has at least one maybe three. But don't ask me because if I knew why would I be asking you? Honestly, somepeople should think more about what they say...wait a minute, you can't answer me!
Bwahahahaha and Mwahahahaha and various other evil sounding laughs.
Yes I know what you must be thinking about now, why am I reading this when I could be saving the chicken in the oven from burning?
Well let me tell you, go save that chicken, oh and never cook a chicken with its head attached, they make noices. YEs they do, Oh the agaony of the noice they make.
Noice, noise...hmm, noise it is, noice it ain't, better remember that next time.
But who says this is the last time...huh huh!? Well I certainly didn't so put those knives away and stop threatening your siblings, they don't deserve it...the TV does. It whats makes people evil supervillains bent on taking over the world, kitchen sinks first, then they will work their way up to pools and eventually into the very thing everyone considers more important then anything else, air.
Without air we will all die and be dead. Yes so dead will we be.
But onto another less terryifyingly stupid topic of discussion...ah who am I kidding, blenders are back and with a vengence, OH MY GOD! It just ain't my hand, ah its bleeding everywhere, all over the keyboard and everything.
I'm starting to get woozy...maybe I should sto.......

Ah just playing with ya.
My hands still attached, after all why would I deliberately stick my hand into a blenders spinning blades of death?
For no good reason, which in other words means, one day socks will fall from the sky and everyone would be with socks.
Oh I wait for that day, well not really I've got enough socks as it is.


And that is the end of the show, I will never write another blog again.

Ah just playing with ya...



Richard said...

You and your not having emotional self destructingness to blog about. CURSE YOUUUUUU!!!

Anyway I have a blender too, but I only put bananas in it. And yogurt. And milk. And ice cream. And honey. And quick oats. Stuff like that. I used to be able to come up with crazy stuff once, but those days are gone. I'm not sure where they've gone, I think they moved to Sydney or something. Or Tuesday. Whatever. The point is, missing in action, along with those long-gone days. Wait, they've only been gone since Sydney. Or Tuesday. Whatever. Heyyy look at me! My crazy is returning!!! YAYE!!!

Anyway I'm sure that that's enough out of me for now. S'later.

Richard said...

Post more stuff.

You stupid head.

Eledor said...

Hey maybe I will I mean I have been behind recently, like several months at least.

Richard said...

Incidentally, I was cleaning my blender the other day, but I forgot to take the blades out before I cleaned it, and I cut my hand on the blades. True story.