Saturday, December 09, 2006

This word failure...intriguing...

In my entire life I've never failed a single subject, the worst I ever recieved was a D in English Literature, last year. I just got my results about two days ago, god I hate that

To put it bluntly I failed three out of four subjects, for this semester. I was expecting to at least pass two not one.
Well educations dead for me, I can't seeing myself going back to do a four year course, and taking five years to do it.
So I may end up heading to BRIT and defer for a year at uni. Then after getting a certificate IV in Information Technology I may go back to uni, to do a computing course.

Its odd, but I'm glad education is over, I'm done with the entire course for now. I enjoyed my time on practicum, but for some reason no matter what I did all I got was terrible reports for it, I had needs improvement in nearly everything in part of a report, yet the comments were along the lines, of did great, needs some better direction to classes, but my god, I didn't do that poorly, first years are meant to observe what teachers do, write notes, and take a few classes, I wrote in the end nearly fifteen lesson plans, took nearly ten hours worth of classes, and had to put up with usually well behaved children acting up horribly. one of them even cheered when they were told it was my last day.

Parents reaction was as I expected it would be, part of the reason I never really brought up the point that I was having trouble getting motivated to do much of anything. I should've deffered for the year, and found a real job, I haven't had a real job 9 to 5 sought of thing in ever, other than one week of Bendigo Books.
I would've learnt a few useful things if I had, and got a bit more motivated to continue in another area.

One thing I've learnt about my parents, they don't like to hear that their kids are having any sought of trouble, but then when I ask for help with subjects they blink at me and tell me to ask my friends or brother for help. I got told off for getting very goods on a mid semester report in year seven, it wasn't even a proper assessment of my skills.

Anyways thats enough from me sayonara

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