Anyways, I've been playing WOW for the past two days, made a character and got them up to lvl 11, now that took me something close to 12 hours of playing, usually I can get a character up to 10 in two hours, but this time I was invited into my brother's guild, and I spent more time chatting with the guildies then playing, shocking that, I even died a few times because I was so busy chatting.
I made people laugh, not through doing stupid stuff by saying witty things to, well writing funny things, I always have said I'm a different person when writing then when I'm speaking. For one I can't mumble.
I bet tonnes of people have noticed how I mumble...
Anyways I also managed to fit some drawing practise in as well, gotta keep at it if I want to get better, and I've done two pages of what amounts to a shoddy comic, but again that's also practise, I might post them after I spend some time cleaning them up a lot, they might burn out your retina if I don't with just how horrible they are....
But I figured the art mightn't be great but good art can't carry a crap story, so if I get the writing right I can let the quality slip at first, once I get much more comfortable drawing the quality will improve...
And i have work tomorrow, its a blessing and a curse that my boss has injured his ankles, as now I have to work instead of him. At least the latest loads have been relatively small...though 3 hours for 50 kilos of turnips was extreme...
Anyways, if I fix up the comic pages I've done by tomorrow I'll put them up for you guys to have a gander, if I'm talking to anyone that is... :(
Sayonara folks and have a good week!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Heya folks!

I'm back again, anyways I redid one of the pictures I put up last time, it's only a slight fix up butI think it improves the look of the picture...
Anyways also today in DV documentary we had to come up with a storyline for our video we had to do...
Of course everyone started throwing ideas around, but not helpful ideas, these were ideas that would completely change what we had originally planned on and quite frankly were a little crappy, anyways our deadline was coming up to have something written down and I got sick of all the procrastinating everyone was doing, and took charge, I forced them to agree on something despite their strange way of looking at things, wrote an outline for the storyline which is very generic and crappy I will admit but we can iron out the kinks later, anyway and wrote a summary everyone could take home with them, I also got help from another guy who went over what I had written and helped make it sound better, and less crappy. Still crap, but with a budget of next to nothing (as in whatever we ourselves can donate to the project) we had to go with something that would be simple to execute, though we did manage to have a rather complicated car chase scene planned out by the end of the day, where every henchman happens to be played by the same guy, who just so happens to have been the only guy to really help sought out what the group was doing. I love Tafe I get to do things I normally wouldn't...
Anyways Tell me what ya think of the relatively more symmetrical picture above, its not fine art hell I wouldn't class it as good art, just okay for me...anyways don't qoute me on this but I plan to have a site and at least a couple pages of comic up by June 28th
Sayonara folks and dolphins
Ps. here's another picture I drew but forgot to post

Friday, April 20, 2007
Hey its been a little while but I'm backish

I got lazy over the holidays so I decided not to do anymore posts during that time...anyways back at Tafe again...on the comic front I've deciuded to do my trial comic based in Chronicles of Ovaleen, set 24 years before the events of the campaign.
Main characters are Kira Davis and Vladimir Von Von.
I based Vladimir's look off one of the heads you can use in KOTOR, the character I made with that head by chance happened to also be called Vladimir Von Von.
And I guess I'll chuck on another picture of Kira as well.
Anyways tell me what ya'll think of my two new characters I invented for this trial comic
Who knows maybe I'll continue the comic to the druid saga
Anyways sayanara folks, and please tell me what ya think!
ps. I'll see if I can get my site up on the weekend.

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