I got lazy over the holidays so I decided not to do anymore posts during that time...anyways back at Tafe again...on the comic front I've deciuded to do my trial comic based in Chronicles of Ovaleen, set 24 years before the events of the campaign.
Main characters are Kira Davis and Vladimir Von Von.
I based Vladimir's look off one of the heads you can use in KOTOR, the character I made with that head by chance happened to also be called Vladimir Von Von.
And I guess I'll chuck on another picture of Kira as well.
Anyways tell me what ya'll think of my two new characters I invented for this trial comic
Who knows maybe I'll continue the comic to the druid saga
Anyways sayanara folks, and please tell me what ya think!
ps. I'll see if I can get my site up on the weekend.

and then I forget to mention going to Ryan's wedding...damn anyways sorry Ryan
and I spelt sayonara wrong to :(
And my birthday party thing! :'-(
Yes I remembered that after I turned my computer off last night, sorry buddy
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