Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Sands and stuff

Just as I get into another world, I lose focus and concentrate on another, I think I have at least five different story worlds. And with that five different Eledor's and Aeries.
But I suddenly decided to have a look back at Saudes Saga, my first main story, also the only one with a definite start and end, important plot point, and a large cast of characters. This is one where I am more then a little cruel to Eledor, and the first part finishes on a low note.
I once tried to draw this in comic form, got three pages into it then realized my art sucked and needed work, so it led to me starting Newstory, as a means of creating a throw away storyline to practice my art. I may have jumped to soon into Newstory though, as I keep hitting walls when I go to draw it, also its hard to get back into the swing of things having taken a break for a month from drawing at all, well kinda. Anywho in that time period I believe I have actually improved somewhat, I may get rid of the Realm section on my website as well as I don't think anything will be happening there for several years at least. I've started doing something I should have done from the start, character illustrations. Basically I'm trying to organize myself better, as I've been falling off the band wagon lately, also at Tafe, possibly sleep related, as I manage most nights to only get around 6-7 hours of sleep, which means I'm usually functioning at only half capacity most of the time, although I do try to sleep in to make up for it.
I've restarted the Tales comic, to make it less focused on the farm, as I'm trying to distance myself from it and will be introducing a few characters based off friends, I'm also committed to colouring it, as it only really takes me a short time to do that. But I'm keeping all the old comics up anyway, as a reminder of some of my most early work.
Now I gotta goes, so sayonara folks!


Richard said...

Hey the new Tales looks really good, just needs and RSS feed so I know when it's updated. Also you have some serious issues regarding spiders.

Eledor said...

Spiders are freaky, but I can draw them...RSS feed hmmm, have to look into it.