Monday, September 11, 2006

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...

I remeber a time when I was very little and those words, appeared on the television screen, I could not get enough of Star Wars...
Know what, it hasn't changed I still love Star Wars, even the three prequels, even the scene with Vader screaming out noooooooooo! I watch it now, I'm not making connections to other films, James earl Jones, is the best voice actor for that role. After I got over the hilarity of that scene when I first watched it I don't find it funny. But then I know much more then the average movie goer about the backstory, and the motivations of the characters, in this universe that I so love.
The original inspiration of my writing, all comes back to Star Wars, the epicness, the characters, sure they changed every year, since then.
But I remember a time where I was making up stories in my head about the Empire being evil, and replacing the Rebels with a small fleet of ships run by, get this...SNAKES!
And then we hit the dinosaur phase, and suddenly dinosaur planet came into being, a massive planet half the size of the galaxy. And the only thing that lived on it were dinosaurs. Oh yeah then I started incorporating the power rangers into my story, however instead of being noisy martial artists they were shape changing almost god like beings. And they were the protectors of the world, this was when I was in grade one and two just so you know.

If only I had that creativity now days...but hey, I could barely write so I must say I have improved in other ways.
Star Wars got me interested in the whole writing, making up stories thing, and recently I have rediscovered it so to speak, good ole'Wookiepedia...even though its not that old.

Anyway, I think I'm going to start writing again soon, I guess I'm kinda in the recharge phase I usually get to at this point of the year, start playing games and reading books with good stories, recharge the batteries for a storm of creative, reworking of my story, or I should say stories.

Anyway, seeya on Wednesday.[


Richard said...

In the immortal words of Samuel L. Jackson, "Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherf***ing snakes on this motherf***ing YT-1300 Corellian Transport!"

Eledor said...