Friday, February 04, 2005

Oh by the rights of the Gods, I dub thee, something...can't quite think.

Hello again its me, I hope, any way, I hope people actually read this other then people I know, otherwise I start to feel dumb and stupid.
Bwahahahahaha and stuff.
I'm in school again, man I don't have another class for another two hours or so, its really wierd, and I have homework for Maths I should probably be doing but I can't be bothered doing it.
Man, I'm bored, so bored, boredy bored bored.
Is that even how you spell it?
Now a question that was asked by the only person who seems to be commenting lately Syfish or whatever I spelt it means Stylish I just was typing so fast I didn't notice.
Now let me think about something, oh yeah, I chose a name for my new story.

As in the seal that prevents the extra dimensional beings from entering our space and stuff.
I came up with more about the massive hall that houses the Seal, it is situated directly under the main character's house and the seal itself is located in the middle of a solid glasslike chamber, the seal itself is see through and if you look into it you can see several extra dimensional creatures trying to break through.
I also changed a few things about the main charcter as such, he is now half Lexan...hmmm...actually I think I'll make him just a normal human by blood, his father was a Lexan, however Lexans have technologies that make them appear, feel like and work likie a human. So his father may have been a Lexan but he was disguised as a human, or rather was a human at the time of conception.
Anyway the dark evil creature stuck on our side, is known as the Reaper, a being feared of for centuries by humans, and he seems to be holding a sycthe whenever he is encountered.
The main character stumbles upon the seal room quite by accident as the door that leads into it was left open. He enters and sees the female Lexan who he at first recognises as his father's sister, standing over her is the Reaper. Around the room pieces of armour seem to be flung and there are several large gashes in the steel floor of the room.
He pickes up some sharp object and runs at the Reaper, thinking that the evil creature was in fact some type of human. The Reaper looks at him, hisses and vanishes.
He stumbles to a halt and begins to notice more of his surroundings, things that no human has ever invented physically, he remembers his aunt and rushes over to her, it is then that he notices her alien looking legs, however he also notices her numerous injuries and he does his best to stop the bleeding.
She is unconcious during the entire time.
Eventually she comes to after he has stopped the bleeding, she is immediatly shocked and scared, she looks around fearfully but he reassures her that the thing was gone.
She doesn't say much at first as she is still filled with fear, eventually she notices who is sitting next to her, and is very surprised, she looks down at herself and realises that she is in her real form.
The End
So what ya think I thought it was okay seeing as I did just come up with most of that in just under five minutes.
I'm just so much more intelligent then the rest of you stupuid mortals.
Okay...uh...going now!


Richard said...

Is seal that prevents the extra dimensional beings from entering our space and stuff anything like the seal on the Dark One's prison? And maybe it's the lamb with garlic sauce talking, but I feel that the name 'The Reaper' is somewhat overused when it comes to things that are feared by humans. But, you're the story-writing-guy and I'm just the all-too-frequently-commenting-on-your-blog guy, so it's up to you. But it it beginning to sound like a very good story. I look forward to reading it. If you want me to, of course.

Eledor said...

The seal is more a tangible plug on a hole in the space time continuimme thingy, I explained the Reaper as being as being a being who harvested souls.
The Reaper in itself is a thing to fea as it represents the one thing we mortals fear the most "death."

Richard said...

I don't fear death, but I *am* scared of mosquitos landing in my ears while I'm sleeping. Wait, this is getting into 'life story' territory again. Sorry. Pay back the piggy.

Wolf-bones said...

I think it would be cooler if you had a walrus, that was always trying to eat the seal, and the seal had to think of some wacky way to escape it every episode.

Richard said...
