Tuesday, May 22, 2007

And I have a newer website...!

Mortigi Tempo has generously allowed me to make a website on his server. So now my website has a new home at http://www.guardianuniverse.com/index.html.
Anyways the third TFtLP is up, I gotta start picking up the quality again, comparing the first one to the other two I can only go...gah!
Anyways, have a visit, if you want...I won't force ya...ah who am I kidding, go or I'll throw a spoon, at something resembling a pillow or something! That's right fear for the pillow's safety...FEAR!
Others then that I may start setting up the Newstory side of the comic thingy, soon...I mean I've got the basic outline of what I want to happen for 100 pages, and the primary characters all sorted out, just need to work on actual character designs, get my drawing skills up enough to make a passable manga, then I've got it ready to go, oh and possible write up a written version first. Be my first real attempt at writing porperly in a while, and in chronological order as well...
Anyways that's enough from me folks, sayonara! :)


Richard said...

C'mon, put the new TFTLP strip up already!

Eledor said...

It's up it' up!
Anywho how do you set it up so that it goes straight to the index page?

Richard said...

Rename Index.html to index.html (it's case sensitive so you'll have to change the links on the other pages too).

Eledor said...

thanking you very much!