Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Webcomics as far as the eye can see!

And now for something I found extremely hilarious
Visit that link and prepare to laugh at the flying giraffe!

Anyways, gave up on trying to fix p the other comic, it was too far gone to truly save, unfortunately would've made a nice introduction to the Saudes Saga. but I digress.

Officially I'm the script writer for the video we are making in CERT IV, but to hit a nail in the coffin of this project, people keep dropping out of the course, and I'm quite sick of it!
We had 16 people at first, yesterday we had 5 people in the actual class.

Anyways its extremely late and I shoulda posted this ages ago

Sayonara and thanks for all the fish!


Richard said...

But I didn't give you any fish! (You do insist on eating my Tim Tams though).

Eledor said...

Those Tim Tams had it coming to them!

Richard said...

But... mine!