I decided to post an image, of a character I drew not traced, using all the correct methods for drawing manga. Though it is very similar to the guide image. But I drew it not traced it!
Its a picture of Aeries from the Saudes Saga, Return of Ruin, hence the moderny clothes.
Its a picture of Aeries from the Saudes Saga, Return of Ruin, hence the moderny clothes.

I still have trouble drawing the hands right without a guiding image. The feet are also a pain. But it looks well proportioned for once, I usually make them to short or make their head to big.
Anyways, hope that gives you an idea where I'm up to with my drawing skills at the moment.
Anyways, hope that gives you an idea where I'm up to with my drawing skills at the moment.
Truth be told its basically a copy of the character from one of my many How to draw manga books.
I've also coloured it now...if you want to see it tell me so...please?
Dear God! Where are her knees?!
hmm...you have a point, mein freund, you look very closely and you won't see tem at all, It's why I prefer fully clothed characters over ones like tis one.
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