I was about to fill up my dog's water today, when as I was walking to a tap, I heard a rustle of grass, still worried about the clan of huntsmen I looked down, lack forked tongue...head lifted off ground, scaled head.
Yep snake...I backed away quickly and nearly ran back inside, where upon me and my friend immediatly began looking up snake catchers. I'm afraid of Huntsman because of how they look, I'm afraid of brown snakes cause they can kill. I know snakes, I've read enough books on the buggers to know a bit about their general behavior and what they look like, and how aggressive and venomous a snake can be. I'm glad it wasn't a tiger snake, it may have tried to chase me, they are agressive buggers.
Anywho still waiting for the snake man to show up, I'll let ya know when it is removed, this snake may have been Sandro's murderer, but I ain't willing to go after it, cause I don't want to be bitten.
I just hope it doesn't go near Sally, while she would tear it to bits, she would more then likely get bitten in the process.
This all happens on a day when people who have dealt with this problems before were in Aubury and my brother was at work. Oh well.
Sayonara folks
Friday, December 07, 2007
Thursday, December 06, 2007
I hate spiders....especially big ones, like Huntsman spiders, its even worse when they are in a colony of 12 or more...I freaked when we were pulling apart a fence out behind our dog's yard when 12 of the big buggers just appeared, I can deal with most other spiders, heck I tolerate small colonies of daddy long legs , but huntsmans and wolf spiders just scare the hell out of me...
I have phantom crawls now...(you know imaginary feelings of being crawled on by lots and lots of spiders)
I use to love spiders, then dad chucked a huntsman skin on me, and I don't think I've ever fully recovered...
Anyways...I love our dog, she's getting on in years, but she's one healthy as hell dog despite that, I just hope she's able to deal with the spider menace better then I can, they crawled into her yard I think...
Sayonara folks...spiders...uuuurrrrgggghhhhh....
I have phantom crawls now...(you know imaginary feelings of being crawled on by lots and lots of spiders)
I use to love spiders, then dad chucked a huntsman skin on me, and I don't think I've ever fully recovered...
Anyways...I love our dog, she's getting on in years, but she's one healthy as hell dog despite that, I just hope she's able to deal with the spider menace better then I can, they crawled into her yard I think...
Sayonara folks...spiders...uuuurrrrgggghhhhh....
I'm thinking about doing some optimization of GuardianUniverse.com, such as changing the main page for Tales From the Lettuce Patch, and putting direct links to each comic on the index page.
As the Tales Page is fairly cluttered in appearance, (in my opinion anyway) I've just gotta sought out an appropriate design for it, its also very bland, so I was thinking of putting up some coloured images, and give it, it's own menu bar instead of having text links, like I currently do.
Yeah so a little upgrade is planned for certain sections of my website, they will happe of course when they happen.
I've drawn the rough version of the first page of Newstory, but before I put it up, I need to design a front page and I've written part of the script for the firs chapter. So I can get started on making the whole thing, pretty darn soon.
My sister can be really cruel sometimes, I help fix her car for an hour, go on a trip with her for an hour so she can get replacement parts for it, and then she refuses to drive me to the supermarket, which is on the way home, which is the way we were travelling in, so then I have to walk to the supermarket, in close to 30 degree(centigrade) heat, carry home three bags of stuff, my house is about several hundred metres away from the supermarket, so it was a fairly long walk back through the heat...
Bah, anyways I don't think my sisters getting anymore help with her car from me, just not worth the effort, just so I could get treated like crap at the end of the whole ordeal.
Anyways, comics on the go, Tales update sometime tonightish and I intend to keep on practising so that I can get better, may start another comic soon, similar to Tales based of a collaborative written work I did with a friend in secondary college. It won't make much sense though... :)
So sayonara folks
As the Tales Page is fairly cluttered in appearance, (in my opinion anyway) I've just gotta sought out an appropriate design for it, its also very bland, so I was thinking of putting up some coloured images, and give it, it's own menu bar instead of having text links, like I currently do.
Yeah so a little upgrade is planned for certain sections of my website, they will happe of course when they happen.
I've drawn the rough version of the first page of Newstory, but before I put it up, I need to design a front page and I've written part of the script for the firs chapter. So I can get started on making the whole thing, pretty darn soon.
My sister can be really cruel sometimes, I help fix her car for an hour, go on a trip with her for an hour so she can get replacement parts for it, and then she refuses to drive me to the supermarket, which is on the way home, which is the way we were travelling in, so then I have to walk to the supermarket, in close to 30 degree(centigrade) heat, carry home three bags of stuff, my house is about several hundred metres away from the supermarket, so it was a fairly long walk back through the heat...
Bah, anyways I don't think my sisters getting anymore help with her car from me, just not worth the effort, just so I could get treated like crap at the end of the whole ordeal.
Anyways, comics on the go, Tales update sometime tonightish and I intend to keep on practising so that I can get better, may start another comic soon, similar to Tales based of a collaborative written work I did with a friend in secondary college. It won't make much sense though... :)
So sayonara folks
Friday, November 30, 2007
I have passed, at least I think I have!
Cert IV in IT multimedia, cert IV project management!
I have qualifications! Well not yet, but they should be in the mail!
So basically I'm off Tafe now, so I can focus a bit more on improving my drawing and enhance the quality of my current comic making. Also I can finally start Newstory, a comic which I said I would be starting way back in June, July.
Man baby kittens can be annoying, but I guess I have to suffer through it till they get older and calm down a little.
Anyways well that's about all I have to talk about now, so
sayonara folks till next I blog
Cert IV in IT multimedia, cert IV project management!
I have qualifications! Well not yet, but they should be in the mail!
So basically I'm off Tafe now, so I can focus a bit more on improving my drawing and enhance the quality of my current comic making. Also I can finally start Newstory, a comic which I said I would be starting way back in June, July.
Man baby kittens can be annoying, but I guess I have to suffer through it till they get older and calm down a little.
Anyways well that's about all I have to talk about now, so
sayonara folks till next I blog
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Jazz and Monty
Soon after Sandro died me and my brother went and purchased two kittens, separately from two different places.
The cute little fuzz ball that is Monty, a ginger top with white under belly and legs, who was barely old enough to be sold. He is a great big whiner, but he's very cute. He's my brother's cat that he bought on the day of Sandro's death. A mini Milo, to a degree, and he's terrified of brooms...
And Jazz a sleek 7 week old girl kitten, before I got her she was spayed, and she's still healing from the operation. She's a very talkative cat who loves jumping on people and nuzzling their faces, though she also has a tendency to perch on people's shoulders.
Monty and her make a great pair.
But one of the things I noticed about the kittens is invariably how we compare them to Sandro, Jazz has his energy and athleticism while Monty has his gluttonous tendencies. I kinda doubt I get over Sandro's loss for a little while yet, the kittens help to remind us of him, and the fact that he is gone.
I still really want to find what killed him and bash it with a shovel.
One more assignment to go and I've got a cert IV in IT Multimedia!
I've already got a cert IV in project management, so I'm now legally qualified to run a project as a project manager, I also have a cert II in hospitality, this year I've gotten more qualifications then from the three years I spent at uni and VCE, and I've also become a much more confident artist, though I have a long way to go, I'm also trying to get my writing back into shape, so that I can at least write a decent storyline for a comic. You don't use a talent properly for three years and you notice where you've slipped. I've also found a good percentage of old stories of mine I wrote and I'm planning on adding them to the story archive on the website, when I get some time to do so.
Every exam period I have either suffered terrible hay fever or caught a nasty cold, imagine doing exams which require clear thinking when you have to worry about your nose running like a tap, your throat is sore from coughing, and your head feels or stuffing, its hard to remember things, its part of the reason I hate exams, the second I stress out the sooner I get sick. It happened at Uni it happened in VCE, it even happened in year 10, and its happened to me now, as deadlines rush in on me for handing in my work.
But meh, I get to rest soon and that'll make me feel a lot better, I can get into drawing again without having TAFE work looming over my head and I can finally start promoting my website online, (through free means of course)
Anyways Sayonara folks
The cute little fuzz ball that is Monty, a ginger top with white under belly and legs, who was barely old enough to be sold. He is a great big whiner, but he's very cute. He's my brother's cat that he bought on the day of Sandro's death. A mini Milo, to a degree, and he's terrified of brooms...
And Jazz a sleek 7 week old girl kitten, before I got her she was spayed, and she's still healing from the operation. She's a very talkative cat who loves jumping on people and nuzzling their faces, though she also has a tendency to perch on people's shoulders.
Monty and her make a great pair.
But one of the things I noticed about the kittens is invariably how we compare them to Sandro, Jazz has his energy and athleticism while Monty has his gluttonous tendencies. I kinda doubt I get over Sandro's loss for a little while yet, the kittens help to remind us of him, and the fact that he is gone.
I still really want to find what killed him and bash it with a shovel.
One more assignment to go and I've got a cert IV in IT Multimedia!
I've already got a cert IV in project management, so I'm now legally qualified to run a project as a project manager, I also have a cert II in hospitality, this year I've gotten more qualifications then from the three years I spent at uni and VCE, and I've also become a much more confident artist, though I have a long way to go, I'm also trying to get my writing back into shape, so that I can at least write a decent storyline for a comic. You don't use a talent properly for three years and you notice where you've slipped. I've also found a good percentage of old stories of mine I wrote and I'm planning on adding them to the story archive on the website, when I get some time to do so.
Every exam period I have either suffered terrible hay fever or caught a nasty cold, imagine doing exams which require clear thinking when you have to worry about your nose running like a tap, your throat is sore from coughing, and your head feels or stuffing, its hard to remember things, its part of the reason I hate exams, the second I stress out the sooner I get sick. It happened at Uni it happened in VCE, it even happened in year 10, and its happened to me now, as deadlines rush in on me for handing in my work.
But meh, I get to rest soon and that'll make me feel a lot better, I can get into drawing again without having TAFE work looming over my head and I can finally start promoting my website online, (through free means of course)
Anyways Sayonara folks
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sandro you were with us for such a short time...
Today I was woken to the discovery that Sandro our cat of a year had been discovered dead by my sister when she arrived home this morning. Snakebite is suspected as the cause, but we ain't doing a post mortem to discover the cause, in fact we buried him an hour after discovering his death. Too many times have we waited too long to bury a pet and had maggots eating their corpses.
This is the first pet that I've lost recently and well lets just say it was one of the rudest wake up calls I've had in a while. The strange bit was I had a dream that was very similar to this, a couple months ago, as I was worried about neighbours killing him, due to his inexperience. To the snake that quite possibly murdered Sandro I feel a deep hatred. I'm arachnophobic not whatever the term for snakes is. I just hope our resident kowarongs(bush magpies) got it, I was very relieved to find our 13-14 year old cat Milo hadn't been got as well, and our dog Sally was fine as well. I don't know what I'd do if lost either of them.
At the moment, I am feeling great melancholy as I loved that cat, we may have had him for only a year but I will miss the poor guy, though I only knew him for a year, I'll miss the way he attacked my shoe covered foot when I put it in front of him or the way he yowled so he could be let out do go do his business. But most of all I'll miss the fact that I won't see him grow old, Given good care he could've been around till I was forty, and he would've been a good way to get over the inevitable deaths of Sally and Milo in the future, they are both getting well into their old age. My brother dealt with the loss in his typical practical if heartless manner, replace Sandro with a new kitten so he doesn't have to deal with the grief. And now I want to buy my own cat, a black cat, maybe not with the same unique coat that Sandro had or the same breed and I'll probably get a girl cat as well, but I'll miss my little buddy still...
Rest in peace
This is the first pet that I've lost recently and well lets just say it was one of the rudest wake up calls I've had in a while. The strange bit was I had a dream that was very similar to this, a couple months ago, as I was worried about neighbours killing him, due to his inexperience. To the snake that quite possibly murdered Sandro I feel a deep hatred. I'm arachnophobic not whatever the term for snakes is. I just hope our resident kowarongs(bush magpies) got it, I was very relieved to find our 13-14 year old cat Milo hadn't been got as well, and our dog Sally was fine as well. I don't know what I'd do if lost either of them.
At the moment, I am feeling great melancholy as I loved that cat, we may have had him for only a year but I will miss the poor guy, though I only knew him for a year, I'll miss the way he attacked my shoe covered foot when I put it in front of him or the way he yowled so he could be let out do go do his business. But most of all I'll miss the fact that I won't see him grow old, Given good care he could've been around till I was forty, and he would've been a good way to get over the inevitable deaths of Sally and Milo in the future, they are both getting well into their old age. My brother dealt with the loss in his typical practical if heartless manner, replace Sandro with a new kitten so he doesn't have to deal with the grief. And now I want to buy my own cat, a black cat, maybe not with the same unique coat that Sandro had or the same breed and I'll probably get a girl cat as well, but I'll miss my little buddy still...
Rest in peace
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Motivation smotivation
Hi peoples, haven't blogged in a little bit, I've been thinking what else I could do with my website, and one of the ideas that I came up with was doing reviews of games, anime and movies I've seen.
But that would be for a later time, I seem to draw best when I'm at Tafe less distractions I guess, and when i'm home I'm always getting distracted by my brother my computer, or our various consoles, or I have to help dad around the yard, digging out fence posts, let alone the fact that I feel guilty for not doing my Tafe work. So instead of drawing, writing or doing homework I end up playing computer games...maybe I need to take a short break from them, spend it writing and drawing, working on character designs, or just get my homework done so I can feel relieved in having everything handed in. At the moment I'm the only person in my course who looks even close to getting a cert IV in IT multimedia...
And I've settled on doing a diploma of IT at Tafe next year, which should get me qualified enough to get a job as IT support in most places...fun.
One of my friends just recently had his first child, so congratulations to him and his wife, and we went to a baby shower for the new family member today, me and my brother providing a large stuffed wombat and diary of a wombat by Jackie French. Though we kinda forgot to wrap it for them... :)
I do believe I'm a caffeine addict...been having way too much caffeinated drink over the past year and a bit, having money a large stomach and family members with licenses really doesn't help me attempt to kick the habit either.
I also need to sleep more, and now that I only have two days of Tafe a week, I get to sleep in more, which is a plus, though parents will be expecting me to help out around the house more, fair enough I guess...
Current anime I'm watching are:
Bleach (samurai and demons)
Eureka 7 (mecha on surf boards nuff said)
Inuyasha (Some episodes it drags but when its good its awesome!)
Black Cat (The end got a bit hard to follow)
Trinity Blood (Main character's secret powers were revealed in the first episode...)
And thats that, so sayonara folks till next I blog I guess...
But that would be for a later time, I seem to draw best when I'm at Tafe less distractions I guess, and when i'm home I'm always getting distracted by my brother my computer, or our various consoles, or I have to help dad around the yard, digging out fence posts, let alone the fact that I feel guilty for not doing my Tafe work. So instead of drawing, writing or doing homework I end up playing computer games...maybe I need to take a short break from them, spend it writing and drawing, working on character designs, or just get my homework done so I can feel relieved in having everything handed in. At the moment I'm the only person in my course who looks even close to getting a cert IV in IT multimedia...
And I've settled on doing a diploma of IT at Tafe next year, which should get me qualified enough to get a job as IT support in most places...fun.
One of my friends just recently had his first child, so congratulations to him and his wife, and we went to a baby shower for the new family member today, me and my brother providing a large stuffed wombat and diary of a wombat by Jackie French. Though we kinda forgot to wrap it for them... :)
I do believe I'm a caffeine addict...been having way too much caffeinated drink over the past year and a bit, having money a large stomach and family members with licenses really doesn't help me attempt to kick the habit either.
I also need to sleep more, and now that I only have two days of Tafe a week, I get to sleep in more, which is a plus, though parents will be expecting me to help out around the house more, fair enough I guess...
Current anime I'm watching are:
Bleach (samurai and demons)
Eureka 7 (mecha on surf boards nuff said)
Inuyasha (Some episodes it drags but when its good its awesome!)
Black Cat (The end got a bit hard to follow)
Trinity Blood (Main character's secret powers were revealed in the first episode...)
And thats that, so sayonara folks till next I blog I guess...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
AHoy Thar maties!
Woo, I got work, nearly twenty hours a week, possibly more, what I mean to say is the lettuce patch has started up again, and I am unlucky enough to be completely free the next two weeks.
Anywho which means I will have a good amount of money earned up by the end of the holidays, of which I can start saviog and putting it somewhere safe.
I've started the first Newstory strip, its going to be done in a four panel type format like Tales from the Lettuce Patch till I get to where I originally planned to start the manga thingy. I may have it done by the weekend, and up.
Geez I'm nakkered, this is the first time I can say I have worked ten hours in one day, well monday, the order was 1000 bunches of spring onions and 250 cabbage.
1 tonne of cabbage
And two bins metre cubed of spring onions.
And I've got the same number to do tomorrow as well as lettuce planting...
Well busy day tomorrow...
Not that anyone cares
Anyways I'm thinking of starting a kinda of story to TFtLP eventually, more as a way to practise story telling techniques and dialogue with it then anything ground breaking(like I could even try)
Oh and I just heard that one of my favourite authors just died without finishing the final book in his book series(well actually I heard it last week but anyway)
I started reading Robert Jordan's Wheel of time series back in grade six, and it really influenced the way I (try to) write.
So in a way those were the first real fantasy books I broke my teeth on, other then the ones read to us by my teacher.
So in closing I've got places to go, many areas to improve upon, and a fan base of two people visiting my website each day, so I think I've got soemthing going on here
Sayonara folks and keep visiting GuardianUniverse.com, I want to beat last months number of visits!
Anywho which means I will have a good amount of money earned up by the end of the holidays, of which I can start saviog and putting it somewhere safe.
I've started the first Newstory strip, its going to be done in a four panel type format like Tales from the Lettuce Patch till I get to where I originally planned to start the manga thingy. I may have it done by the weekend, and up.
Geez I'm nakkered, this is the first time I can say I have worked ten hours in one day, well monday, the order was 1000 bunches of spring onions and 250 cabbage.
1 tonne of cabbage
And two bins metre cubed of spring onions.
And I've got the same number to do tomorrow as well as lettuce planting...
Well busy day tomorrow...
Not that anyone cares
Anyways I'm thinking of starting a kinda of story to TFtLP eventually, more as a way to practise story telling techniques and dialogue with it then anything ground breaking(like I could even try)
Oh and I just heard that one of my favourite authors just died without finishing the final book in his book series(well actually I heard it last week but anyway)
I started reading Robert Jordan's Wheel of time series back in grade six, and it really influenced the way I (try to) write.
So in a way those were the first real fantasy books I broke my teeth on, other then the ones read to us by my teacher.
So in closing I've got places to go, many areas to improve upon, and a fan base of two people visiting my website each day, so I think I've got soemthing going on here
Sayonara folks and keep visiting GuardianUniverse.com, I want to beat last months number of visits!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Okay new plans for the website
Rightio first off I've started doing Tales From the Lettuce patch again, this time in a new easier to draw in format, the panels are no longr hand drawn.
Anwyays, currently I've decided to set TFtLP up as a once a week fair, this is to give me time to work on the other projects I'm working on.
These projects are the Realm manga(well atempt at manga), which I have decided to give a sporadic update schedule as the pages are much bigger then any of the other comic strips content wise, and I may not get one done a week, I might set it up to be once a month type of update.
The other comic strip I've got in the making, is Diaries of a drifter, it will be set in the same world as Newstory but will be several years earlier.
The other project I'm planning on doing is changing a story(term used loosely) which my friend Brendan and I coauthored into a comic, the main characters are going to be Simy from TFtLP and another character to represent my friend Brendan's character in the story. It will be extremely strange and random!(here's hoping I can draw it)
I'm also planning on updating the stories section at some point, with a sequal of sorts to Jake's little adventure, which I haven't started planning yet. It's a parody of one of my story worlds.
And I may start trying to write the Realm as well, to keep pace with the manga, thingy...
Also I have that game I'm going to hopefully have done by Friday to put up as well, which I will try to keep updating and improving upon.
Other then that, I'll be performing little updates here and there, and may even eventually start trying to advertise Guardianuniverse.com a little on the net, by joining some of those forum type things.
Anyways I've yabbered on enough so sayonara folks and wish me luck!
Anwyays, currently I've decided to set TFtLP up as a once a week fair, this is to give me time to work on the other projects I'm working on.
These projects are the Realm manga(well atempt at manga), which I have decided to give a sporadic update schedule as the pages are much bigger then any of the other comic strips content wise, and I may not get one done a week, I might set it up to be once a month type of update.
The other comic strip I've got in the making, is Diaries of a drifter, it will be set in the same world as Newstory but will be several years earlier.
The other project I'm planning on doing is changing a story(term used loosely) which my friend Brendan and I coauthored into a comic, the main characters are going to be Simy from TFtLP and another character to represent my friend Brendan's character in the story. It will be extremely strange and random!(here's hoping I can draw it)
I'm also planning on updating the stories section at some point, with a sequal of sorts to Jake's little adventure, which I haven't started planning yet. It's a parody of one of my story worlds.
And I may start trying to write the Realm as well, to keep pace with the manga, thingy...
Also I have that game I'm going to hopefully have done by Friday to put up as well, which I will try to keep updating and improving upon.
Other then that, I'll be performing little updates here and there, and may even eventually start trying to advertise Guardianuniverse.com a little on the net, by joining some of those forum type things.
Anyways I've yabbered on enough so sayonara folks and wish me luck!
Friday, August 31, 2007
I've been really tired all week, so in short progress on the new Realm comic, is a page and a 1/2, I've planned out a basic storyboard of the next nine pages and I've been working on the primary character illustrations.
Characters in the Realm
and a few others but those four are the primary characters I'll introduce in the first chapter.
Oh right for the Realm comic I'm planning on going for a chapter length of around 25 pages. I doubt the quality will be that great, I'm still learning at the moment. But my brother has actually started giving me some decent criticism of what I've I've done so far, which is helping more then he probably knows.
Anyways, if all goes well I'll have the first three pages up and ready to go up next weekend.
I'm also planning a different kind of comic, that I'm working on the ideas at the moment, I'll let you guys (however many are left be the judge of how good it will be when I eventually put that one up to.
I love Youtube, found some of Iron Maiden's live performances, and I've gotta say they are awesome live, the energy these old guys have is scary. Bruce the singer scales the scaffolding surrounding them at one point, climbs about five metres before he starts pointing out to the crowd leaping around on a small platform, then manages to get down in time to deliver his singing lines.
Even my sister thought they were pretty impressive, for the five seconds she watched them...(more a punk fan)
Anyways, I'm trying my drandest to get better at drawing, I still can't do decent looking 3/4 views of characters, so don't be surprised if I stick to profiles fron and back views of characters, and I'm not to good at drawing hand yet either, though I'm getting better.
Other then that, I'll update the site tomorrow, and next weekend I should be putting up my flash game as well, it should be done by then. I'll put it in the random stuff section when I do. Now I really need some sleep...
Sayonara folks have a good weekend if you can! If you can't well...uh...have good...uh...freetime...yeah
Characters in the Realm
and a few others but those four are the primary characters I'll introduce in the first chapter.
Oh right for the Realm comic I'm planning on going for a chapter length of around 25 pages. I doubt the quality will be that great, I'm still learning at the moment. But my brother has actually started giving me some decent criticism of what I've I've done so far, which is helping more then he probably knows.
Anyways, if all goes well I'll have the first three pages up and ready to go up next weekend.
I'm also planning a different kind of comic, that I'm working on the ideas at the moment, I'll let you guys (however many are left be the judge of how good it will be when I eventually put that one up to.
I love Youtube, found some of Iron Maiden's live performances, and I've gotta say they are awesome live, the energy these old guys have is scary. Bruce the singer scales the scaffolding surrounding them at one point, climbs about five metres before he starts pointing out to the crowd leaping around on a small platform, then manages to get down in time to deliver his singing lines.
Even my sister thought they were pretty impressive, for the five seconds she watched them...(more a punk fan)
Anyways, I'm trying my drandest to get better at drawing, I still can't do decent looking 3/4 views of characters, so don't be surprised if I stick to profiles fron and back views of characters, and I'm not to good at drawing hand yet either, though I'm getting better.
Other then that, I'll update the site tomorrow, and next weekend I should be putting up my flash game as well, it should be done by then. I'll put it in the random stuff section when I do. Now I really need some sleep...
Sayonara folks have a good weekend if you can! If you can't well...uh...have good...uh...freetime...yeah
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Okay's I think I'm going to scale back TFtLP to one comic a week, seeing as I have more time to spend on each one I may try and colour them as well...
Anyways the reason for this is I've started watching TV again(the greatest of all evils) and my brother recently bought an expensive keyboard with the ability to make fairly epic sounding music...also TAFE has decided to plop the job of writing a twenty page feasibility report on my shoulders, and I need to start doing programming tutorials from home, so that I can make zee games that I'm making in my course.
One is a 2d side scroller flash game, that I will try and incorporate some story comics into, based of my Return of Ruin Storyline(the one with mechs and spaceships) the other is a 3d game based of the opening of the Surudush Campaign(The one where Eledor walks into a city and kills mercenaries who slaughtered the entire population of said town)
SO far I have a basic setup for the Flash game, I know what I want to do for it, I just need to start pumping out some content for it, the 3d one is far more complex requiring the use of a game engine, and if anyone tells you modeling a person in 3d is easy kick them for me...
Anyways other then that I think from now on I will have an update every Saturday for the website, though as I am supposedly out of work for nine weeks, I have mondays free to do extra stuff, and yes Brendan I will try and fit in some more gamework for ya.
other then that...I've got nothing...Sayonara folks please visit my website, and tell friends about it, my visits over July were half what they were on June(visits means the amount of people who logged onto the website.)
Have fun!
Anyways the reason for this is I've started watching TV again(the greatest of all evils) and my brother recently bought an expensive keyboard with the ability to make fairly epic sounding music...also TAFE has decided to plop the job of writing a twenty page feasibility report on my shoulders, and I need to start doing programming tutorials from home, so that I can make zee games that I'm making in my course.
One is a 2d side scroller flash game, that I will try and incorporate some story comics into, based of my Return of Ruin Storyline(the one with mechs and spaceships) the other is a 3d game based of the opening of the Surudush Campaign(The one where Eledor walks into a city and kills mercenaries who slaughtered the entire population of said town)
SO far I have a basic setup for the Flash game, I know what I want to do for it, I just need to start pumping out some content for it, the 3d one is far more complex requiring the use of a game engine, and if anyone tells you modeling a person in 3d is easy kick them for me...
Anyways other then that I think from now on I will have an update every Saturday for the website, though as I am supposedly out of work for nine weeks, I have mondays free to do extra stuff, and yes Brendan I will try and fit in some more gamework for ya.
other then that...I've got nothing...Sayonara folks please visit my website, and tell friends about it, my visits over July were half what they were on June(visits means the amount of people who logged onto the website.)
Have fun!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Hellos peoples from that place somewhere...
Anyways I've been very slack with my comic strips over the past two weeks, but then I spend at least an hour and a half of my free time over a period of four days watching anime, and because I'm extremely lazy I don't get around to it...anyways today marks an important step in my Tales from the Lettuce patch, from now on I will completely fineline each strip, which means I can more easily colour them in if I so choose.
Other then that not much happening, though I do have to do a 20 page feasibility report , design a 3d game, complete with 3d models, design a flash game, complete with action script...and have to make a film which I can edit, and people are still dropping like flies from my course...Though some are moving onto bigger and better things, others just couldn't be bothered turning up...
Anyways I ain't quitting yet, I'm starting to think that I need to do some upgrading to my computer, I mean its only got a 120GB hard drive on it...(I know it sounds big but when you combine music, videos, lots of games, 250mb patches for said games, it starts looking quite small), and a 256mb graphics card.
For that I need money, so I figure I need to save money, better then I have currently because my current efforts of saving money has thus far been pretty piss poor...
Aside from that BLEGH
Rightio I'm off to update GuardianUniverse.com
Sayonara folks!
Anyways I've been very slack with my comic strips over the past two weeks, but then I spend at least an hour and a half of my free time over a period of four days watching anime, and because I'm extremely lazy I don't get around to it...anyways today marks an important step in my Tales from the Lettuce patch, from now on I will completely fineline each strip, which means I can more easily colour them in if I so choose.
Other then that not much happening, though I do have to do a 20 page feasibility report , design a 3d game, complete with 3d models, design a flash game, complete with action script...and have to make a film which I can edit, and people are still dropping like flies from my course...Though some are moving onto bigger and better things, others just couldn't be bothered turning up...
Anyways I ain't quitting yet, I'm starting to think that I need to do some upgrading to my computer, I mean its only got a 120GB hard drive on it...(I know it sounds big but when you combine music, videos, lots of games, 250mb patches for said games, it starts looking quite small), and a 256mb graphics card.
For that I need money, so I figure I need to save money, better then I have currently because my current efforts of saving money has thus far been pretty piss poor...
Aside from that BLEGH
Rightio I'm off to update GuardianUniverse.com
Sayonara folks!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Okay's back to the old look!
Didn't much like the white I had going there for a couple of weeks so I changed the template back to the original, it looks better even if I ain't a poetry spouting goth like the one in the template example picture...and if you have no idea what I'm talking about...uh keep reading, cause I'll stop talking about that.
Haven't blogged in a little while, I gotta say Torquey was kinda fun, did a bit of drawing, none of it was landmark OMG I drew this! type stuff though, more just practising by copying pictures from the drawing for manga book I had and altering it a little, I did draw two decent Aeries's pictures and a decentish group picture of the main Newstory cast, which I'll get around to putting in the gallery on my website.
20 comic strips...I have offically done twenty comic strips and have had three hundred visits to Guardian Universe.com and my site is about two months old now, since it has been at its new server location.
I'll try to write something passable and start a small short story or something, but currently, I'm either at work at Tafe or playing old games on the gamecube and compy that I never got around to finishing, or just drawing so I guess I will just have to make the time if I want to write some more stories for my website.
Currently I ain't expecting to start the Newstory manga till several things come to pass;
1. I become a much more effecient and skilled artist
2. I get proper drawing pens, with nibs and indian ink
3. I sort out character designs so they aren't just a rehash of someelses work
4. I write the script for Newstory
Currently I have actually done a "very" rough draft of the first story page of Newstory, so I have an idea on what I want to happen in it.
Tafe is as interesting as usual, three people showed up today, myself included, we did Flash for 1 and half hours, then did some theory on game genres, I as usual wrote out a rather overly worded bit of work, but then again, I'm here to impress the teachers there with my knowledge, and I ain't gonna fail this year! I swears it on the graves of fifteen bananna trees from Brisbane may they rest in peace...
Anyway folks sayonara and all that junk, I NEED comments don't know what's happening with most of you guys...
Haven't blogged in a little while, I gotta say Torquey was kinda fun, did a bit of drawing, none of it was landmark OMG I drew this! type stuff though, more just practising by copying pictures from the drawing for manga book I had and altering it a little, I did draw two decent Aeries's pictures and a decentish group picture of the main Newstory cast, which I'll get around to putting in the gallery on my website.
20 comic strips...I have offically done twenty comic strips and have had three hundred visits to Guardian Universe.com and my site is about two months old now, since it has been at its new server location.
I'll try to write something passable and start a small short story or something, but currently, I'm either at work at Tafe or playing old games on the gamecube and compy that I never got around to finishing, or just drawing so I guess I will just have to make the time if I want to write some more stories for my website.
Currently I ain't expecting to start the Newstory manga till several things come to pass;
1. I become a much more effecient and skilled artist
2. I get proper drawing pens, with nibs and indian ink
3. I sort out character designs so they aren't just a rehash of someelses work
4. I write the script for Newstory
Currently I have actually done a "very" rough draft of the first story page of Newstory, so I have an idea on what I want to happen in it.
Tafe is as interesting as usual, three people showed up today, myself included, we did Flash for 1 and half hours, then did some theory on game genres, I as usual wrote out a rather overly worded bit of work, but then again, I'm here to impress the teachers there with my knowledge, and I ain't gonna fail this year! I swears it on the graves of fifteen bananna trees from Brisbane may they rest in peace...
Anyway folks sayonara and all that junk, I NEED comments don't know what's happening with most of you guys...
Thursday, July 05, 2007
I'll be going to Torquee soon, about a day in fact, so I'll be putting a filler image up for TFtLP. A whole week at a beech town in the middle of winter!
I'll be drawing for a lot of it, and hopefully will have a little buffer ready at the end of it. Like six or so TFtLP strips, two weeks worth, and I'll probably have some more gallery pictures for Newstory.
On another note I've been playing Oblivion near non-stop, its strange when you come across a single player game that has the longevity of a MMORPG, I've barely scratched the surface of all the side quests you can do, I've restarted my character and I'm thinking about attempting a short comic on Oblivion and the character I'm using...
Anyways if I do that I'll put it up in the random stuff section or just add another section to the comics homepage.
On another note I really should clean my room up, its been messy for nigh on three months now, which is bad in anyones books.
Okays Sayonara folks, I won't post again until I'm back from Torquee!
I'll be drawing for a lot of it, and hopefully will have a little buffer ready at the end of it. Like six or so TFtLP strips, two weeks worth, and I'll probably have some more gallery pictures for Newstory.
On another note I've been playing Oblivion near non-stop, its strange when you come across a single player game that has the longevity of a MMORPG, I've barely scratched the surface of all the side quests you can do, I've restarted my character and I'm thinking about attempting a short comic on Oblivion and the character I'm using...
Anyways if I do that I'll put it up in the random stuff section or just add another section to the comics homepage.
On another note I really should clean my room up, its been messy for nigh on three months now, which is bad in anyones books.
Okays Sayonara folks, I won't post again until I'm back from Torquee!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
YAY its up!
I finally put my website up!
Aside from the feedback system though, ended up not working because it performed a forbidden function or something.
I've been playing Oblivion recently and have downloaded a couple of mods for it, it's surprising just how much they can add to a game you were getting bored of.
I've currently got a mild but painful cut to the joint of my middle finger on my drawing hand, and a terribly cramped right leg, so I'm in peachy condition!
Anyways other then that, I'm on holidays now, officially and I'll be going to Torquee on Saturday this week, till Friday I think.
ANyways hope everyones lives are going well, I haven't heard from some guys in a while...
Sayonara and let loose the dogs of war!
Aside from the feedback system though, ended up not working because it performed a forbidden function or something.
I've been playing Oblivion recently and have downloaded a couple of mods for it, it's surprising just how much they can add to a game you were getting bored of.
I've currently got a mild but painful cut to the joint of my middle finger on my drawing hand, and a terribly cramped right leg, so I'm in peachy condition!
Anyways other then that, I'm on holidays now, officially and I'll be going to Torquee on Saturday this week, till Friday I think.
ANyways hope everyones lives are going well, I haven't heard from some guys in a while...
Sayonara and let loose the dogs of war!
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Transformers is AWESOME!
That was easily the best film I've seen in years, sorta of how the first X-Men came across, and maybe the matrix...
But anyways I was a fan of the original cartoon, and have watched just about every single series they have put out recently.
The action scenes were awesome, Optimus Prime marched on stage and dominated the screen, and he has his original voice actor from the orginal series. The music is pumping and powerful when the Autobots are at it, and the deceptacons are all sharp and pointy, watch it and you will understand.
Bumblebee is not a VW, but then if you watch the latest series Bumblebee was replaced by HotRod, so it comes across as awesome still the car he emulates.
And who ever said humans can't defend themselves, from giant robots. Throughout the film you get a glimpse of what America could be capable of doing in a full war, and just how useless a tank could be versus a giant walking machine.
Anyways I just thought I better post this up, since the film was just so god dammed awesome!
Sayonara folks, and if you only go to the cinema once this year, go for transformers!
But anyways I was a fan of the original cartoon, and have watched just about every single series they have put out recently.
The action scenes were awesome, Optimus Prime marched on stage and dominated the screen, and he has his original voice actor from the orginal series. The music is pumping and powerful when the Autobots are at it, and the deceptacons are all sharp and pointy, watch it and you will understand.
Bumblebee is not a VW, but then if you watch the latest series Bumblebee was replaced by HotRod, so it comes across as awesome still the car he emulates.
And who ever said humans can't defend themselves, from giant robots. Throughout the film you get a glimpse of what America could be capable of doing in a full war, and just how useless a tank could be versus a giant walking machine.
Anyways I just thought I better post this up, since the film was just so god dammed awesome!
Sayonara folks, and if you only go to the cinema once this year, go for transformers!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Artists block, combined with laziness, and an ddiction to webcomics, makes me not very good at holding to a schedule...
Anyways My website will be properly ssetup on Friday, the new setup will look aawesome! And professional to...though I wish my drawing skills were a little better.
Anyways holidays are coming up for me, and I'll try and get a lot of practise over that period so that when I come back from Torquee or however you spell it I'll be able to impress with better art skills. Though drawing skills are not improved overnight...wish they were, would make my life so much easier...
ANYWAYS I'll try to get a strip done today, and see what I can find for inspiration for my next one on friday.
On a more serious note, I'm brilliant...brain power wise, if given a bit of instruction and an assignment to do I rpoduce quite high quality work, however over the years I have developed a very lazy attitude, I'm still freakishly intelligent but I'm too lazy to use it...I could've got up in the ninties for an enter score if I had tried but I just coasted and got a smooth 74, and when I did teaching I could've got A's and really astonished my teachers if I had've put more effort into everything, admittedly I wasn't in the best condition for doing hard work, after my brother got diagnosed with a brain tumor, and was operated on, and for periods of time after he got better I just sat when I should've been going to lectures, mindlessly surfing the internet for obscure facts I didn't need to know. I know I'm smart but if I don't use it can I really say that I am?
Anyways enough from me Sayonara folks and have a great week!
Anyways My website will be properly ssetup on Friday, the new setup will look aawesome! And professional to...though I wish my drawing skills were a little better.
Anyways holidays are coming up for me, and I'll try and get a lot of practise over that period so that when I come back from Torquee or however you spell it I'll be able to impress with better art skills. Though drawing skills are not improved overnight...wish they were, would make my life so much easier...
ANYWAYS I'll try to get a strip done today, and see what I can find for inspiration for my next one on friday.
On a more serious note, I'm brilliant...brain power wise, if given a bit of instruction and an assignment to do I rpoduce quite high quality work, however over the years I have developed a very lazy attitude, I'm still freakishly intelligent but I'm too lazy to use it...I could've got up in the ninties for an enter score if I had tried but I just coasted and got a smooth 74, and when I did teaching I could've got A's and really astonished my teachers if I had've put more effort into everything, admittedly I wasn't in the best condition for doing hard work, after my brother got diagnosed with a brain tumor, and was operated on, and for periods of time after he got better I just sat when I should've been going to lectures, mindlessly surfing the internet for obscure facts I didn't need to know. I know I'm smart but if I don't use it can I really say that I am?
Anyways enough from me Sayonara folks and have a great week!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Huzzah Have at thee!
Hi folks, 12 comic strips and I am showing a slight improvement in my drawing capabilities, though my backgrounds still need a lot of work, doesn't help that I get lazy with them...
Anyways I've been handed my new site in all its glory, now I just have to familarise myself with all the coding...About ten or more pages worth in fact, and then I've gotta learn how to actually use it and then upload it so that it works properly without confusalising me or anything.
Update schedule is as follows, Tue-Wed-Fri for now, I might up the anti at some point but I try to give what spare time I have on thursdays to working on Newstory character art, and trying out different attempts at drawing backgrounds, with characters in them, maily using Eledor as I'm the most familiar to drawing him, afterall I've drawn him for nigh on six years now...
My friend's having his sixth massive LAN party soon, and that looks like it will be fun...as long as my brother doesn't get angry, nothing good ever comes of that...
Anyways other then that I may try and write a story, nothing to do with the Guardian Universe I think but something different, I feel like doing that...
Anyways we have now thrown out our script for our filming, as we realised we need all ten people on the ball to do it, and unfortunately we in reality only have six regulars, so now its Unreal Tornament the film! And yes I'm one of the four guys acting in it, though I would like to help with placing the camera and all that jazz.
After all that I'm bushed anyways Sayonara and check the Guardian Universe, for the next TFtLP update!
Anyways I've been handed my new site in all its glory, now I just have to familarise myself with all the coding...About ten or more pages worth in fact, and then I've gotta learn how to actually use it and then upload it so that it works properly without confusalising me or anything.
Update schedule is as follows, Tue-Wed-Fri for now, I might up the anti at some point but I try to give what spare time I have on thursdays to working on Newstory character art, and trying out different attempts at drawing backgrounds, with characters in them, maily using Eledor as I'm the most familiar to drawing him, afterall I've drawn him for nigh on six years now...
My friend's having his sixth massive LAN party soon, and that looks like it will be fun...as long as my brother doesn't get angry, nothing good ever comes of that...
Anyways other then that I may try and write a story, nothing to do with the Guardian Universe I think but something different, I feel like doing that...
Anyways we have now thrown out our script for our filming, as we realised we need all ten people on the ball to do it, and unfortunately we in reality only have six regulars, so now its Unreal Tornament the film! And yes I'm one of the four guys acting in it, though I would like to help with placing the camera and all that jazz.
After all that I'm bushed anyways Sayonara and check the Guardian Universe, for the next TFtLP update!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Right anyways, TFtLP comic will be up some time tonight, and I think this one is currently my best looking comic strip OF ALL TIME, well for now anyway.
We did some filming today, spent 2 hours to get 2 and 1/2 minutes of actual footage. Others annoyed the teacher, while I got a chance to act!
Of cource next week I'll look at it and go, "WHO's that idiot in the green jacket?" then everyone will point at me... :(
Anyways I'm Christian but not a serious Christian, I don't go to church, haven't in ages, I find it too boring.
If anyone read any of my earlier stories I frequently had angels as main characters in my fantasy stories, even Eledor at one point was an angel, when he was a lot more kid like and far less mature.
And the Saudes Saga has angels in it to, though they only appear in it irregularily, and you'll have to look for them, if I ever write that one up.
Anyways I figured I might write a little about what Tale from the Lettuce Patch is supposed to be, a semi autobiographical look at my current life, and those around me. And if any friends ask I may put them in at certain points, you're all funny in your own ways!
Anyways other then that enjoy my latest strip, now to get two more done this week!
We did some filming today, spent 2 hours to get 2 and 1/2 minutes of actual footage. Others annoyed the teacher, while I got a chance to act!
Of cource next week I'll look at it and go, "WHO's that idiot in the green jacket?" then everyone will point at me... :(
Anyways I'm Christian but not a serious Christian, I don't go to church, haven't in ages, I find it too boring.
If anyone read any of my earlier stories I frequently had angels as main characters in my fantasy stories, even Eledor at one point was an angel, when he was a lot more kid like and far less mature.
And the Saudes Saga has angels in it to, though they only appear in it irregularily, and you'll have to look for them, if I ever write that one up.
Anyways I figured I might write a little about what Tale from the Lettuce Patch is supposed to be, a semi autobiographical look at my current life, and those around me. And if any friends ask I may put them in at certain points, you're all funny in your own ways!
Anyways other then that enjoy my latest strip, now to get two more done this week!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Whining time!
You know what's been really cheesing me off this past week.
My course, its not the teachers, its not the actual subject matters of the course...its the other students. I can respect that some have work and other unaviodables...BUT...there are limits.
On wednesday, in the morning we had around ten or eight students in the class, I keep losing count. By the afternoon we were down to two, me and another guy. It wasn't the teacher she was just trying to treat us students like responsible adults. I mean when half the class is over 20 you'd expect them to be responsible. BUT...again this class has serious problems when it comes to maturity. Also more then half are FPS gamers. This may not seem important, but I consider myself an RPG and RTS gamer, more cerebral generally, requiring a lot more thought, then twitch actions, and generally having far less graphic violence involved in them. One guy blatantly posts up wallpapers of his favourite death metal band, with such memorable quotes as "leading the war against Christianity" I consider myself a Christian even if I'm not the most devout of followers, and I can respect other peoples decisions to believe in different things, but that kind of message really irritates me, and makes athiest look like violent religion hating fanatics, who can't respect other people's rights to believe in what they choose.
Buh almost dug myself a hole there anyway, that's just one guy who annoys me...I just don't like his wallpaper or his choice in music. Anyways enough on that and I wrote a pretty good ending for the film we are doing...but they decided to condence it, throw away 90% of what I wrote and not even look at how difficult some of these things would be to film...
We have a car chase in our film, we have never used a blue screen before, I don't know, we may be just digging a hole to make a crap film run virtually by one guy who isn't me, who will be doing 75% of all the acting, wrote the script. I'll do my best to make sure we do well, but now I have at least six lines in this film, when I only intended myself to have one line...(might try and fight that on tuesday)
Anyways that's enough about my course...
Onto my Website.
My good friend Brendan has been busy down in panda ville, (the foods good this time of year) making a very cool and professional looking website for me for free!
It will be up soemtime next weekend for your viewing pleasure, but I can tell you it looks fifty times better then my current setup(Not that that's not hard)
Anyways I will endeavour to do three strips this week, there's tonnes of stuff I could do, and may get a couple of good ideas at the farm tomorrow, by gods i have to work with the new guy tomorrow...I don't like him much, a standard hoon if ver there was one...
Okays if you got through all of that, you're crazier then I thought,
Sayonara folks! Till next I post!
My course, its not the teachers, its not the actual subject matters of the course...its the other students. I can respect that some have work and other unaviodables...BUT...there are limits.
On wednesday, in the morning we had around ten or eight students in the class, I keep losing count. By the afternoon we were down to two, me and another guy. It wasn't the teacher she was just trying to treat us students like responsible adults. I mean when half the class is over 20 you'd expect them to be responsible. BUT...again this class has serious problems when it comes to maturity. Also more then half are FPS gamers. This may not seem important, but I consider myself an RPG and RTS gamer, more cerebral generally, requiring a lot more thought, then twitch actions, and generally having far less graphic violence involved in them. One guy blatantly posts up wallpapers of his favourite death metal band, with such memorable quotes as "leading the war against Christianity" I consider myself a Christian even if I'm not the most devout of followers, and I can respect other peoples decisions to believe in different things, but that kind of message really irritates me, and makes athiest look like violent religion hating fanatics, who can't respect other people's rights to believe in what they choose.
Buh almost dug myself a hole there anyway, that's just one guy who annoys me...I just don't like his wallpaper or his choice in music. Anyways enough on that and I wrote a pretty good ending for the film we are doing...but they decided to condence it, throw away 90% of what I wrote and not even look at how difficult some of these things would be to film...
We have a car chase in our film, we have never used a blue screen before, I don't know, we may be just digging a hole to make a crap film run virtually by one guy who isn't me, who will be doing 75% of all the acting, wrote the script. I'll do my best to make sure we do well, but now I have at least six lines in this film, when I only intended myself to have one line...(might try and fight that on tuesday)
Anyways that's enough about my course...
Onto my Website.
My good friend Brendan has been busy down in panda ville, (the foods good this time of year) making a very cool and professional looking website for me for free!
It will be up soemtime next weekend for your viewing pleasure, but I can tell you it looks fifty times better then my current setup(Not that that's not hard)
Anyways I will endeavour to do three strips this week, there's tonnes of stuff I could do, and may get a couple of good ideas at the farm tomorrow, by gods i have to work with the new guy tomorrow...I don't like him much, a standard hoon if ver there was one...
Okays if you got through all of that, you're crazier then I thought,
Sayonara folks! Till next I post!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Alright I've hit five comics, my next one is about 1/3 finished, I'll have to set up a proper archive for Tale of the Lettuce Patch soon, scrolling down can be a bit cumbersome...
Anyways, big changes will be happening to my website on the weekend and here's the new address...I fixed up that problem I was having finally.
Anyways take a gander, I'll be doing my best to setup the new story section on the weekend so people can have a look at what I've been spending a bit of my time planning.
And I've nearly hit fifty visits, to my website, though I guess I can take off about 12 as my own visits to it, just to make sure it works.
Anyways I do listen to suggestions even if I'm a bit slack with the replying part, and I really do appreciate them. Can't wait to have Jake's little adventure put up on my website, it was written in my year ten writing for publication class(though I only got a poem posted in the school magazine thingy) and it got me an A, so even if it has aged a little since then I'm still very proud of it. Very proud of it!
Anyways I've updated the sit a little already so go and have a peak!
Anyways, big changes will be happening to my website on the weekend and here's the new address...I fixed up that problem I was having finally.
Anyways take a gander, I'll be doing my best to setup the new story section on the weekend so people can have a look at what I've been spending a bit of my time planning.
And I've nearly hit fifty visits, to my website, though I guess I can take off about 12 as my own visits to it, just to make sure it works.
Anyways I do listen to suggestions even if I'm a bit slack with the replying part, and I really do appreciate them. Can't wait to have Jake's little adventure put up on my website, it was written in my year ten writing for publication class(though I only got a poem posted in the school magazine thingy) and it got me an A, so even if it has aged a little since then I'm still very proud of it. Very proud of it!
Anyways I've updated the sit a little already so go and have a peak!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Hello Peoples
Hey guys, Fourth strip is done, well actually I had it done on Thursday but I was too distracted too put it up, and do all the text adding stuff, which really only takes a couple of minies.
Anyways, almost reached 5 done, then once that's done, I can look at getting ten done, then twenty, then fifty, then one hundred and whoboy don't get ahead of yourself.
Alrighty,I've decided to start writing the first chapter of Saudes Saga so far I have a page and a bit written, I could say I have actually written it before but never a proper long version, I'm working on it generally each night before I go to bed.
And just so you know here's all my different story world's at the moment...
Saudes Saga- Science Fiction and fantasy elements type story, very anime styled
The Realm- Realistic setting with some supernatural elements added, Medieval world based
Chronicle of Ovaleen- Created for a DND campiagn, very straight forward High Fantasy type setting, big armies a few heroes to save the world that kind of thing
Newstory- Superhero based and will be the subject of my first attempt at a manga stylised book thing.
Anyways, then I also have that project I'm working on with a couple of friends, and TFtLP.
I probably will be creating a section on my website soon where I'll be able to post up some of my writing, after I get it proof read by my friends(if they want to read it of course...) And I may put up some of my old past stories which my friend Brendan recently found and gave back to me!
Good old Jake's little adventure, it'll give you a strange alternative look at a lot of my characters from the Guardian Universe, and yes Eledor is in it too, and he is unfortunatel ccol... :)
Anyways other then that another long week ahead of me...
Sayonara folks and have fun!
Anyways, almost reached 5 done, then once that's done, I can look at getting ten done, then twenty, then fifty, then one hundred and whoboy don't get ahead of yourself.
Alrighty,I've decided to start writing the first chapter of Saudes Saga so far I have a page and a bit written, I could say I have actually written it before but never a proper long version, I'm working on it generally each night before I go to bed.
And just so you know here's all my different story world's at the moment...
Saudes Saga- Science Fiction and fantasy elements type story, very anime styled
The Realm- Realistic setting with some supernatural elements added, Medieval world based
Chronicle of Ovaleen- Created for a DND campiagn, very straight forward High Fantasy type setting, big armies a few heroes to save the world that kind of thing
Newstory- Superhero based and will be the subject of my first attempt at a manga stylised book thing.
Anyways, then I also have that project I'm working on with a couple of friends, and TFtLP.
I probably will be creating a section on my website soon where I'll be able to post up some of my writing, after I get it proof read by my friends(if they want to read it of course...) And I may put up some of my old past stories which my friend Brendan recently found and gave back to me!
Good old Jake's little adventure, it'll give you a strange alternative look at a lot of my characters from the Guardian Universe, and yes Eledor is in it too, and he is unfortunatel ccol... :)
Anyways other then that another long week ahead of me...
Sayonara folks and have fun!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
And I have a newer website...!
Mortigi Tempo has generously allowed me to make a website on his server. So now my website has a new home at http://www.guardianuniverse.com/index.html.
Anyways the third TFtLP is up, I gotta start picking up the quality again, comparing the first one to the other two I can only go...gah!
Anyways, have a visit, if you want...I won't force ya...ah who am I kidding, go or I'll throw a spoon, at something resembling a pillow or something! That's right fear for the pillow's safety...FEAR!
Others then that I may start setting up the Newstory side of the comic thingy, soon...I mean I've got the basic outline of what I want to happen for 100 pages, and the primary characters all sorted out, just need to work on actual character designs, get my drawing skills up enough to make a passable manga, then I've got it ready to go, oh and possible write up a written version first. Be my first real attempt at writing porperly in a while, and in chronological order as well...
Anyways that's enough from me folks, sayonara! :)
Anyways the third TFtLP is up, I gotta start picking up the quality again, comparing the first one to the other two I can only go...gah!
Anyways, have a visit, if you want...I won't force ya...ah who am I kidding, go or I'll throw a spoon, at something resembling a pillow or something! That's right fear for the pillow's safety...FEAR!
Others then that I may start setting up the Newstory side of the comic thingy, soon...I mean I've got the basic outline of what I want to happen for 100 pages, and the primary characters all sorted out, just need to work on actual character designs, get my drawing skills up enough to make a passable manga, then I've got it ready to go, oh and possible write up a written version first. Be my first real attempt at writing porperly in a while, and in chronological order as well...
Anyways that's enough from me folks, sayonara! :)
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Gah tired!

My entire weekend just flew by, I drove for seven hours in two days, and god I'm buggered.
My websites decided to go stuff it self up, I can't access the file manager where I store all my files and I'm almost ready to give up on it. The damn server automatically puts a delayer into the code, which is what the loading screen is a direct result of...
I tried up dating it on Friday but the damn thing refused to work, Hopefully it fixes itself up soon, cause I can't do anything to fix things at the moment...
Haven't had the time to really get the next three Tales from the lettuce patch strips ready though they are already pretty much planned out, just have to draw the good copies.
I've started finelining my pictures now, and several of them have come out great, well except this one, I used blue fineliner, so I don't think it turned out all that great once I started adding colour to it.
Anyways that's the main character from my up coming comic Newstory, that I'm working my skill up to draw properly, still gots some way to go methinks...
Anyways I think I'll post the next couple of Tales from the lettuce patch on my blog, until I can get my site working again... :(
Well sayonara folks till maybe monday night!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Hi Guys
You may have noticed that the server my site is currently on is a little slow, but its free. 100mb with an attached email account of 100mb.
Also several sections of the site aren't complete, and in the comics section there is a Newstory thingy, that's going to be my main comic for the site other then Tales from the lettuce patch, got some great ideas for a couple more strips from work today as well.
Anyways Newstory is going to be a Superhero styled attempt at a manga constructed thingy. That I've decided on a maximun of 100 pages for the primary story arch of it. Split into 4 chapters of 25 pages at most.
Other information will be revealed when I actually start the thingy.
Anyways I think I really need to work on my backgrounds for my pictures, and how to fit the characters into them a bit betterm but then Tales is a quick strip to draw, and the most cleaning up I do is replacing the written talking bits with computer text.
Other then that hope you guys can keep managing to have a look now and then at my website, I've got things planned for it, including adding writing for people to read, and other random junk.
Anyways I'll may blog tomorrow or sometime during the wekk so until then Sayonara folks, keep safe, drive safe and uh...eat safe?
Also several sections of the site aren't complete, and in the comics section there is a Newstory thingy, that's going to be my main comic for the site other then Tales from the lettuce patch, got some great ideas for a couple more strips from work today as well.
Anyways Newstory is going to be a Superhero styled attempt at a manga constructed thingy. That I've decided on a maximun of 100 pages for the primary story arch of it. Split into 4 chapters of 25 pages at most.
Other information will be revealed when I actually start the thingy.
Anyways I think I really need to work on my backgrounds for my pictures, and how to fit the characters into them a bit betterm but then Tales is a quick strip to draw, and the most cleaning up I do is replacing the written talking bits with computer text.
Other then that hope you guys can keep managing to have a look now and then at my website, I've got things planned for it, including adding writing for people to read, and other random junk.
Anyways I'll may blog tomorrow or sometime during the wekk so until then Sayonara folks, keep safe, drive safe and uh...eat safe?
Saturday, May 12, 2007
I never ealised how bloody hard it was to get a simple site working on the internet!
Anyway I've done my first comic, and have set up my site, only its offline...and not quite finished, but bloody hell its a mess!
Maybe I should try doing it their way...
Anyways here's my comic for those who want to see it, just a three Comic strip thing
If you can't tell I'm meant to be the long haired lad with the hat...poor guy
It's not to good but Rome wasn't built in a day I guess... :(
Anyways I'm off to bed.
Sayonara folks, maybe tomorrow I'll have http://eledor.infinites.net up and running, hopefully...
Anyway I've done my first comic, and have set up my site, only its offline...and not quite finished, but bloody hell its a mess!
Maybe I should try doing it their way...
Anyways here's my comic for those who want to see it, just a three Comic strip thing

It's not to good but Rome wasn't built in a day I guess... :(
Anyways I'm off to bed.
Sayonara folks, maybe tomorrow I'll have http://eledor.infinites.net up and running, hopefully...
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Webcomics as far as the eye can see!
And now for something I found extremely hilarious
Visit that link and prepare to laugh at the flying giraffe!
Anyways, gave up on trying to fix p the other comic, it was too far gone to truly save, unfortunately would've made a nice introduction to the Saudes Saga. but I digress.
Officially I'm the script writer for the video we are making in CERT IV, but to hit a nail in the coffin of this project, people keep dropping out of the course, and I'm quite sick of it!
We had 16 people at first, yesterday we had 5 people in the actual class.
Anyways its extremely late and I shoulda posted this ages ago
Sayonara and thanks for all the fish!
Visit that link and prepare to laugh at the flying giraffe!
Anyways, gave up on trying to fix p the other comic, it was too far gone to truly save, unfortunately would've made a nice introduction to the Saudes Saga. but I digress.
Officially I'm the script writer for the video we are making in CERT IV, but to hit a nail in the coffin of this project, people keep dropping out of the course, and I'm quite sick of it!
We had 16 people at first, yesterday we had 5 people in the actual class.
Anyways its extremely late and I shoulda posted this ages ago
Sayonara and thanks for all the fish!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Greetings from the deep black space under my desk
Anyways, I've been playing WOW for the past two days, made a character and got them up to lvl 11, now that took me something close to 12 hours of playing, usually I can get a character up to 10 in two hours, but this time I was invited into my brother's guild, and I spent more time chatting with the guildies then playing, shocking that, I even died a few times because I was so busy chatting.
I made people laugh, not through doing stupid stuff by saying witty things to, well writing funny things, I always have said I'm a different person when writing then when I'm speaking. For one I can't mumble.
I bet tonnes of people have noticed how I mumble...
Anyways I also managed to fit some drawing practise in as well, gotta keep at it if I want to get better, and I've done two pages of what amounts to a shoddy comic, but again that's also practise, I might post them after I spend some time cleaning them up a lot, they might burn out your retina if I don't with just how horrible they are....
But I figured the art mightn't be great but good art can't carry a crap story, so if I get the writing right I can let the quality slip at first, once I get much more comfortable drawing the quality will improve...
And i have work tomorrow, its a blessing and a curse that my boss has injured his ankles, as now I have to work instead of him. At least the latest loads have been relatively small...though 3 hours for 50 kilos of turnips was extreme...
Anyways, if I fix up the comic pages I've done by tomorrow I'll put them up for you guys to have a gander, if I'm talking to anyone that is... :(
Sayonara folks and have a good week!
I made people laugh, not through doing stupid stuff by saying witty things to, well writing funny things, I always have said I'm a different person when writing then when I'm speaking. For one I can't mumble.
I bet tonnes of people have noticed how I mumble...
Anyways I also managed to fit some drawing practise in as well, gotta keep at it if I want to get better, and I've done two pages of what amounts to a shoddy comic, but again that's also practise, I might post them after I spend some time cleaning them up a lot, they might burn out your retina if I don't with just how horrible they are....
But I figured the art mightn't be great but good art can't carry a crap story, so if I get the writing right I can let the quality slip at first, once I get much more comfortable drawing the quality will improve...
And i have work tomorrow, its a blessing and a curse that my boss has injured his ankles, as now I have to work instead of him. At least the latest loads have been relatively small...though 3 hours for 50 kilos of turnips was extreme...
Anyways, if I fix up the comic pages I've done by tomorrow I'll put them up for you guys to have a gander, if I'm talking to anyone that is... :(
Sayonara folks and have a good week!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Heya folks!

I'm back again, anyways I redid one of the pictures I put up last time, it's only a slight fix up butI think it improves the look of the picture...
Anyways also today in DV documentary we had to come up with a storyline for our video we had to do...
Of course everyone started throwing ideas around, but not helpful ideas, these were ideas that would completely change what we had originally planned on and quite frankly were a little crappy, anyways our deadline was coming up to have something written down and I got sick of all the procrastinating everyone was doing, and took charge, I forced them to agree on something despite their strange way of looking at things, wrote an outline for the storyline which is very generic and crappy I will admit but we can iron out the kinks later, anyway and wrote a summary everyone could take home with them, I also got help from another guy who went over what I had written and helped make it sound better, and less crappy. Still crap, but with a budget of next to nothing (as in whatever we ourselves can donate to the project) we had to go with something that would be simple to execute, though we did manage to have a rather complicated car chase scene planned out by the end of the day, where every henchman happens to be played by the same guy, who just so happens to have been the only guy to really help sought out what the group was doing. I love Tafe I get to do things I normally wouldn't...
Anyways Tell me what ya think of the relatively more symmetrical picture above, its not fine art hell I wouldn't class it as good art, just okay for me...anyways don't qoute me on this but I plan to have a site and at least a couple pages of comic up by June 28th
Sayonara folks and dolphins
Ps. here's another picture I drew but forgot to post

Friday, April 20, 2007
Hey its been a little while but I'm backish

I got lazy over the holidays so I decided not to do anymore posts during that time...anyways back at Tafe again...on the comic front I've deciuded to do my trial comic based in Chronicles of Ovaleen, set 24 years before the events of the campaign.
Main characters are Kira Davis and Vladimir Von Von.
I based Vladimir's look off one of the heads you can use in KOTOR, the character I made with that head by chance happened to also be called Vladimir Von Von.
And I guess I'll chuck on another picture of Kira as well.
Anyways tell me what ya'll think of my two new characters I invented for this trial comic
Who knows maybe I'll continue the comic to the druid saga
Anyways sayanara folks, and please tell me what ya think!
ps. I'll see if I can get my site up on the weekend.

Saturday, March 31, 2007
Kinda tired
Relay for life from 22:00 to 06:00 I think I was up for something like 24 hours straight...
Anyways I just got up about an hour ago, I've been practising my drawing quite frequently over the past week and now I'm on holidays!
Two weeks of playing computer and video games, and working, and drawing and writing.
I also have a web address now, though somehow I managed to spell my name for it wrong...anyways, http://eledor.infinties.net, which is where I'll start putting up my comic once I finish sorting out how to use html again.
Unlike other webcomics I intend to have a history page as well as a cast page, as my story is part of a larger world. I might even try the whole donation wallpapers and stuff like that eventually if I start getting regular visitors.
Anyways enough of what maybe, I think I might try to detox myself this holidays, the amount of pepsi I've been drinking over the past couple of weeks can't have been good for me, and it'll be good to cut back a lot, might save my money as well...
Anyways, my friend Tenderfoot is getting married soon, and I get to go to the wedding! YAY! Hope those two have a wonderful life together.
Anyways sayonara
Anyways I just got up about an hour ago, I've been practising my drawing quite frequently over the past week and now I'm on holidays!
Two weeks of playing computer and video games, and working, and drawing and writing.
I also have a web address now, though somehow I managed to spell my name for it wrong...anyways, http://eledor.infinties.net, which is where I'll start putting up my comic once I finish sorting out how to use html again.
Unlike other webcomics I intend to have a history page as well as a cast page, as my story is part of a larger world. I might even try the whole donation wallpapers and stuff like that eventually if I start getting regular visitors.
Anyways enough of what maybe, I think I might try to detox myself this holidays, the amount of pepsi I've been drinking over the past couple of weeks can't have been good for me, and it'll be good to cut back a lot, might save my money as well...
Anyways, my friend Tenderfoot is getting married soon, and I get to go to the wedding! YAY! Hope those two have a wonderful life together.
Anyways sayonara
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I'm not broke anymore!
Well if $175 makes me not broke I ain't anyway. That's more money then what I've seen in nearly three months!
Man I feel like crap, limping around, barely able to use my right hand properly, stupid blisters from onion tieing...
Anyways I had fun today, I even bought a little toy ninja sword thingy. I'm so proud.
At Tafe today, this is for DV documentary, my class that focuses on camera work and lighting and such and such, we got to do some filming.
I've gotta say choreographing a fight scene is hard work, and I looked like an idiot today!
Anyways, I've come to the conclusion that I need to be able to matain a serious face while in front of a camera, especially if I'm meant to be a henchman of some description.
Anyways, we had the only girl in our group act as the heroine, who proceeded to walk through and kill all of us henchmen, there was about six to eight of us...I am proud to say I was the first to die!
We were protecting our leader a melodramtic guy who had a big sword and liked running away while sacrificing his henchmen to the heroine. Though trust me the girl in our group can be classed as a little butch.
Anyways, I respawned once and fought the first part of the final battle against the heroine again, with three others, though I was probably the only one on time.We died vainly protecting our leader, before he engaged her in a fierce slightly choregraphed duel, before she mortally wounded him against a large tree. He then with the last of his strength pulled out a gun and shot her in the heart killing her instantly...in the end we all died...YAY!
Anyways, it was fun, other then the fact that i was still hurting from yesterday and probably pulled some leg muscles.
Tomorrow working in the rain, oh happy day...that is if it rains though...
Anyways that's enough from me, if anyone reads this anymore...*sniff*
Sayonara peeps
Man I feel like crap, limping around, barely able to use my right hand properly, stupid blisters from onion tieing...
Anyways I had fun today, I even bought a little toy ninja sword thingy. I'm so proud.
At Tafe today, this is for DV documentary, my class that focuses on camera work and lighting and such and such, we got to do some filming.
I've gotta say choreographing a fight scene is hard work, and I looked like an idiot today!
Anyways, I've come to the conclusion that I need to be able to matain a serious face while in front of a camera, especially if I'm meant to be a henchman of some description.
Anyways, we had the only girl in our group act as the heroine, who proceeded to walk through and kill all of us henchmen, there was about six to eight of us...I am proud to say I was the first to die!
We were protecting our leader a melodramtic guy who had a big sword and liked running away while sacrificing his henchmen to the heroine. Though trust me the girl in our group can be classed as a little butch.
Anyways, I respawned once and fought the first part of the final battle against the heroine again, with three others, though I was probably the only one on time.We died vainly protecting our leader, before he engaged her in a fierce slightly choregraphed duel, before she mortally wounded him against a large tree. He then with the last of his strength pulled out a gun and shot her in the heart killing her instantly...in the end we all died...YAY!
Anyways, it was fun, other then the fact that i was still hurting from yesterday and probably pulled some leg muscles.
Tomorrow working in the rain, oh happy day...that is if it rains though...
Anyways that's enough from me, if anyone reads this anymore...*sniff*
Sayonara peeps
Monday, March 26, 2007
I just had work today, all 8 hours and 45 minutes of it...
175 cabbages, I cut on my own, and helped pack the last thirty.
830 onions of which I personally tied 50 bunches of ten, with string, tore some skin off my little finger in the process, and something like 2000+ lettuce, of which I cut a good percentage of them.
Most of it was done with just Gavin my boss and the new guy, who somehow managed to not have organised a shower for himself, breakfast or lunch, managed to put rotten lettuce in a processing bin, can't pack for the life of him, and had no money to buy himself lunch...
But I digress work stresses aside I've got now about 14 hours of work money owed to me, maybe 12 now that I think about it... $120 I hope...
Any who haven't had anytime to even think about practsing drawing or writing yet, but I'll porbably try to get some writing in before I go to bed...
And on a sadder note, my good work buddy friend Keith was at a funeral today for one of his better friends...
Anyhows I'm tired need to have a shower and need SO MUCH SLEEP...but can't have it yet, but I'll have money soon YAY!
I hate being broke...
Ahem...till next I blog,
175 cabbages, I cut on my own, and helped pack the last thirty.
830 onions of which I personally tied 50 bunches of ten, with string, tore some skin off my little finger in the process, and something like 2000+ lettuce, of which I cut a good percentage of them.
Most of it was done with just Gavin my boss and the new guy, who somehow managed to not have organised a shower for himself, breakfast or lunch, managed to put rotten lettuce in a processing bin, can't pack for the life of him, and had no money to buy himself lunch...
But I digress work stresses aside I've got now about 14 hours of work money owed to me, maybe 12 now that I think about it... $120 I hope...
Any who haven't had anytime to even think about practsing drawing or writing yet, but I'll porbably try to get some writing in before I go to bed...
And on a sadder note, my good work buddy friend Keith was at a funeral today for one of his better friends...
Anyhows I'm tired need to have a shower and need SO MUCH SLEEP...but can't have it yet, but I'll have money soon YAY!
I hate being broke...
Ahem...till next I blog,
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Finally somethings going right!
Work started up for me last week, after two months of little to no work I'm back earning money!
Finally I can start paying debts off again, like that $220 I owe my brother...anyways I've started playing WOW again, but then I haven't played it in ages, its nice to come back to things occasionally. I read an awesome Manga, named Ruronni Kenshin, about the Meiji Period of Japan and a swordsman who was partially responsible for the overthrow of the Shogun.
I also got a weeks reprieve on that assignment I had to hand in! Phew...and here I was panicking...
My new favourite song is Overkill, played in scrubs.
And yes one of my new favourite shows is Scrubs, Dr Cox is awesome!
Anways might try and do some experimentation with backgrounds, and also do some work on my hands and feet. Maybe have them hold a sword or something...
Also with my webcomic I'll start it by having a few practise runs, with random stories and differing levels of humour and seriousness, helps me practise my story writing skills and willl teach me what its like to keep to a deadline for once...
Anyways that's enough from me, come on guys comment aways, I haven't heard nearly enough from you guys...
Sayonara folks
Finally I can start paying debts off again, like that $220 I owe my brother...anyways I've started playing WOW again, but then I haven't played it in ages, its nice to come back to things occasionally. I read an awesome Manga, named Ruronni Kenshin, about the Meiji Period of Japan and a swordsman who was partially responsible for the overthrow of the Shogun.
I also got a weeks reprieve on that assignment I had to hand in! Phew...and here I was panicking...
My new favourite song is Overkill, played in scrubs.
And yes one of my new favourite shows is Scrubs, Dr Cox is awesome!
Anways might try and do some experimentation with backgrounds, and also do some work on my hands and feet. Maybe have them hold a sword or something...
Also with my webcomic I'll start it by having a few practise runs, with random stories and differing levels of humour and seriousness, helps me practise my story writing skills and willl teach me what its like to keep to a deadline for once...
Anyways that's enough from me, come on guys comment aways, I haven't heard nearly enough from you guys...
Sayonara folks
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Another picture I drew during a lunch break. As you can clearly see it is Eledor, as I kinda think he'll appear in the Comic.
I still need a lot of work on my hands, but I can still make passable looking pictures, I guess.
Anyways what do you think of this picture. This is probably how I'm going to end up drawing Eledor with some alterations.
Man I'm getting stressed out over this game I"ve gotta make, its due in a day, and I've barely started, I'll probably be staying up to two on thursday night making a passable game. Bloody hell I've had two goddamn weeks to do this damn thing and I don't start it properly till the day before its due!
It's official I'm a stupid person, who is extremly lazy...
Anyways on a lighter note, I think I've finished my Brief 1 for 3d. A simple modelling exercise where I chose to create a pen holder thingy and chucked in a higly detailed clicker pen, that I also created, svereal Mechanical pencils, and two normaller looking pencils.
They don't look to realistic but hey, I've only just began! Bahahaha...
I have storyboarrded out the first couple of pages, but the storyboards for each page are unfortunately no higher then two centimetres, makes it very hard to tell what's meant to be happening, in an action filled manga style comic...
Anyways till next we meet, sayonara...(I wonder if I spell that right???)
Monday, March 19, 2007
Lazy week...
I've had a real lazy week this last week, didn't do a single thing to help myslef at all...just spent it playing medieval II and about an hour of WOW, not much considering the fourty or so hours I spent playing Medieval...
Anyways I saw Hot Fuzz on the weekend and it was awesome, a little slow, but the last thirty minutes has some of the most insane and hilarious action scenes I've ever seen, oh and Timothy Dalton has a major role in it as well. Its by the same people who did Shawn of the Dead, and Simon Pegg again is the titular main character, this time a hard bitten offiscious cop who was so good at his job he made the rest of the force look useless in comparison, so they sent him off to a quiet town in the country.
That's basically the first five minutes of the film, Bill Bailey also has an appearance, and Bill Nighy.
I loved it, its funny from start to finish, and should be watched by everyone.
And yes I haven't so much as drawn more then a single head this whole damn week...I hate practising, but if I want to get better at drawing I'll need to really knuckle down...
Anyways sayonara
Anyways I saw Hot Fuzz on the weekend and it was awesome, a little slow, but the last thirty minutes has some of the most insane and hilarious action scenes I've ever seen, oh and Timothy Dalton has a major role in it as well. Its by the same people who did Shawn of the Dead, and Simon Pegg again is the titular main character, this time a hard bitten offiscious cop who was so good at his job he made the rest of the force look useless in comparison, so they sent him off to a quiet town in the country.
That's basically the first five minutes of the film, Bill Bailey also has an appearance, and Bill Nighy.
I loved it, its funny from start to finish, and should be watched by everyone.
And yes I haven't so much as drawn more then a single head this whole damn week...I hate practising, but if I want to get better at drawing I'll need to really knuckle down...
Anyways sayonara
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Boy can I copy!
I've discovered the fact that if someone puts a picture in front of me, I can produce a fairly decent replicar, now if I can use those guiding images, I may be able to start producing my own original art. With my comic I'll make a sort of gag a day comic or something, where I'll try every opportunity to practise my artwork, backgrounds, character movements, characters themselves...
Then the Realm will start, if I can get the quality up...
AnywaysI've finally rearranged my room and managed to keep it clean!
My bed is now up against the wall, I've moved my big chest of draws, and boy does my room feel different, A lot more open for starters, and I have three chest of draws.
Also my sister went through two of my shelves of my bookcase, ended up with six bags of rubbish, don't quite know how it all fit in there but anyhow it was quite impressive. Now my millions of one tenth used exercise books are all neatly stored in folders. Next my wardrobe, with sveral years of acculmated junk, with five times the capacity of my bookcase...*shudder*
Anyways, still playing Medieval II, probably should get around to checking what work I need to do for TAFE, seeing as I have so much freetime...no work in about two months now...probably should look for a new job, and figure out how to save money better, saving probably more important at the moment.
Anyways, I'm fine by the way, wonder what everyone else is up to?
Then the Realm will start, if I can get the quality up...
AnywaysI've finally rearranged my room and managed to keep it clean!
My bed is now up against the wall, I've moved my big chest of draws, and boy does my room feel different, A lot more open for starters, and I have three chest of draws.
Also my sister went through two of my shelves of my bookcase, ended up with six bags of rubbish, don't quite know how it all fit in there but anyhow it was quite impressive. Now my millions of one tenth used exercise books are all neatly stored in folders. Next my wardrobe, with sveral years of acculmated junk, with five times the capacity of my bookcase...*shudder*
Anyways, still playing Medieval II, probably should get around to checking what work I need to do for TAFE, seeing as I have so much freetime...no work in about two months now...probably should look for a new job, and figure out how to save money better, saving probably more important at the moment.
Anyways, I'm fine by the way, wonder what everyone else is up to?
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Hey's peoples, yoouse still alive?
Where'd everybody go?
Ah well, if no one feel likes telling me my pictures aren't great fine. Anyways, one of my brothers guinea pigs died today well maybe two days ago, I always wondered when too many pets would overwhelm him. He has enough trouble handling Sandro as it is.
Of course I had to bury it for him too...what am I the resident grave digger. Sure I've racked up a lot of kills from animal neglect, uh maybe thirty, but then I was young stupid and quite surprised nowadays that mum and Dad trusted me with that many guinea pigs...
Anyways I've been playing Medieval II, its a good game, except for the Grand Campaign. I don't know what it is about it but, I have to keep quitting one team to try another, I find out they're about the same then I repeat the process.
So far my favourite kingdom is the Holy Roman Empire, MEIN KAISER!
They give each team different accents based on their country of origin, though some teams are very similar to others.
I love Iron Maiden!
Anyways I'll see ya round next time...if anyone reads this again, ACH why do I have to be so BORING!
Ah well, if no one feel likes telling me my pictures aren't great fine. Anyways, one of my brothers guinea pigs died today well maybe two days ago, I always wondered when too many pets would overwhelm him. He has enough trouble handling Sandro as it is.
Of course I had to bury it for him too...what am I the resident grave digger. Sure I've racked up a lot of kills from animal neglect, uh maybe thirty, but then I was young stupid and quite surprised nowadays that mum and Dad trusted me with that many guinea pigs...
Anyways I've been playing Medieval II, its a good game, except for the Grand Campaign. I don't know what it is about it but, I have to keep quitting one team to try another, I find out they're about the same then I repeat the process.
So far my favourite kingdom is the Holy Roman Empire, MEIN KAISER!
They give each team different accents based on their country of origin, though some teams are very similar to others.
I love Iron Maiden!
Anyways I'll see ya round next time...if anyone reads this again, ACH why do I have to be so BORING!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Another drawing by me!

Here's another drawing, this time I coloured it with photoshop, so tell me what ya think.
Other then that, this is a variantion of my normal Eledor picture, he lacks the eye scar, tatoo marks on his cheek, and the two scars on his left cheek.
I dub this pick, coloured Vincent.
anyways, please tell me what ya think, I didn't get any comments on my last post and its been almost a day!, or it has I sometimes lose count of them....
To top it off I have to make a game in flash in two weeks while having all of the ideas and none of the actual no how needed for it... Hooo boy...Anyways i better head off to bed...
Thursday, March 08, 2007
I decided to post an image, of a character I drew not traced, using all the correct methods for drawing manga. Though it is very similar to the guide image. But I drew it not traced it!
Its a picture of Aeries from the Saudes Saga, Return of Ruin, hence the moderny clothes.
Its a picture of Aeries from the Saudes Saga, Return of Ruin, hence the moderny clothes.

I still have trouble drawing the hands right without a guiding image. The feet are also a pain. But it looks well proportioned for once, I usually make them to short or make their head to big.
Anyways, hope that gives you an idea where I'm up to with my drawing skills at the moment.
Anyways, hope that gives you an idea where I'm up to with my drawing skills at the moment.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
More details...I know...boring
Anyways, I've started writing out the intro to the Realm, and I think I will put it here now, no talking in this part.
And it is just a draft, so this is where comments would help, like a change in tone, or a suggestion for diffferent wording, or whatever. Please no vagaries, they really don't help me.
Anyways here it is, you might have read it before to, I do like rewriting my intros over and over.
Night settled over the keep like a great cloak of darkness. The only lights were those carried by the sentries patrolling the darkened walls. None noticed the hooded and cloaked figure slip onto the top of the wall.
One guard stood between it and the stairs leading down to the keep but he faced the wrong way. The figure silently moved up behind the guard, almost wraith like. In one movement it broke the unexpecting man's neck and pushed his ccrpse off the wall.
Quickly it moved down the stairs lest it be seen and opened the thick wooden door that barred its passage. Stepping through it found itself in what could only be the servants quarters. Carefully and silently the claoked figure navigated around the many bunks, a servant stirred and looked up as the figure passed his bunk. A small whimper escaped his throat as the figure looked at him for a moment, its face hidden in the shadows of its volumous hood.
The moment passed and the figure continued on dismissing the threat of the poor man. passing through a door it entered a corridor, knowing instantly where it was and where it had to go the figure began moving quickly towards the end of the corridor. Heading for the single door at the end.
The door proved no obstacle, its lock was easily picked and the figure entered a bedroom. A young woman slept noiselessly, her long aubrun hair spread out like a fan around her face. A near black sword was drawn slowly and cermoniusly from the folds of its great cloak and swung up before its shadowed face. It flowed to the side of the bed and stood over the woman for a long moment.
Suddenly she stirred and looked sleepily up at the black cloaked figure, her eyes widened in shock and she let lose a scream. The sword swung down and all became silence.
If you want ya can give me some criticism, also that's how I plan to start my comic, like the first three or four pages, anyways.
Let me have it, with teh criticism, and I'll have a revised version up at some later point. For some reason and I don't get why, but I'm banned from writing posts at BRIT, but I can look at my blog, its kinda frustraing.
Anyways, sayonara peoples
And it is just a draft, so this is where comments would help, like a change in tone, or a suggestion for diffferent wording, or whatever. Please no vagaries, they really don't help me.
Anyways here it is, you might have read it before to, I do like rewriting my intros over and over.
Night settled over the keep like a great cloak of darkness. The only lights were those carried by the sentries patrolling the darkened walls. None noticed the hooded and cloaked figure slip onto the top of the wall.
One guard stood between it and the stairs leading down to the keep but he faced the wrong way. The figure silently moved up behind the guard, almost wraith like. In one movement it broke the unexpecting man's neck and pushed his ccrpse off the wall.
Quickly it moved down the stairs lest it be seen and opened the thick wooden door that barred its passage. Stepping through it found itself in what could only be the servants quarters. Carefully and silently the claoked figure navigated around the many bunks, a servant stirred and looked up as the figure passed his bunk. A small whimper escaped his throat as the figure looked at him for a moment, its face hidden in the shadows of its volumous hood.
The moment passed and the figure continued on dismissing the threat of the poor man. passing through a door it entered a corridor, knowing instantly where it was and where it had to go the figure began moving quickly towards the end of the corridor. Heading for the single door at the end.
The door proved no obstacle, its lock was easily picked and the figure entered a bedroom. A young woman slept noiselessly, her long aubrun hair spread out like a fan around her face. A near black sword was drawn slowly and cermoniusly from the folds of its great cloak and swung up before its shadowed face. It flowed to the side of the bed and stood over the woman for a long moment.
Suddenly she stirred and looked sleepily up at the black cloaked figure, her eyes widened in shock and she let lose a scream. The sword swung down and all became silence.
If you want ya can give me some criticism, also that's how I plan to start my comic, like the first three or four pages, anyways.
Let me have it, with teh criticism, and I'll have a revised version up at some later point. For some reason and I don't get why, but I'm banned from writing posts at BRIT, but I can look at my blog, its kinda frustraing.
Anyways, sayonara peoples
Monday, March 05, 2007
The Realm comic
Okay, now I've actually planned out the first couple of pages already, now all I have to do is wait until my drawing skill is capable of matching my storyboarding skills. I also need to work on my dialogue because I haven't decided on the specifics.
Three weeks into BRIT and I'm enjoying myself, I didn't enjoy Education, I tried but found the lectures boring sleep worthy and stuff, but with this course I can stay awake because I'm not forced to sit in a room with more then a hundred students and listen while a teacher while a teacher explains down in front what is going on. Lectures just don't work for me.
I'm also finding it kind of easy most of the time which is a good thing, but also challenging when it needs to be. Now all I have to do is start playing with the programs outside of class time to get even better.
Going back to my comic.
The main characters are Aeries, a squire of the Shandrillan knight Order, and her mentor and trainer Eledor. Later on they are joined by a young girl named Emyli, and by others but in general it will be just the two of them, encountering problems on their travels across the vast Realm.
The Realm is a massive Empire, only matched by its Southern neigbour the Aethyran Empire and by the Eastern barbarian tribes of Stanza.
The Realm is based partly on the Byzantine Empire during its prime, when its armies were on the cutting edge of science.
Anyways that's enough from me.
I like my secondary hair!(hat)
Sayonara folks
Three weeks into BRIT and I'm enjoying myself, I didn't enjoy Education, I tried but found the lectures boring sleep worthy and stuff, but with this course I can stay awake because I'm not forced to sit in a room with more then a hundred students and listen while a teacher while a teacher explains down in front what is going on. Lectures just don't work for me.
I'm also finding it kind of easy most of the time which is a good thing, but also challenging when it needs to be. Now all I have to do is start playing with the programs outside of class time to get even better.
Going back to my comic.
The main characters are Aeries, a squire of the Shandrillan knight Order, and her mentor and trainer Eledor. Later on they are joined by a young girl named Emyli, and by others but in general it will be just the two of them, encountering problems on their travels across the vast Realm.
The Realm is a massive Empire, only matched by its Southern neigbour the Aethyran Empire and by the Eastern barbarian tribes of Stanza.
The Realm is based partly on the Byzantine Empire during its prime, when its armies were on the cutting edge of science.
Anyways that's enough from me.
I like my secondary hair!(hat)
Sayonara folks
Monday, February 26, 2007
Definitive direction
Okay I've now decided to set the comic in the Realm.
The prinicple main characters are Eledor and Aeries.
It is about how Eledor takes Aeries on as his squire and how they adventure across the Realm, meeting strange people, dealing with problems they encounter and stuff.
They meet other characters in their travels and even have a few join their little group.
Anyways sayonara
The prinicple main characters are Eledor and Aeries.
It is about how Eledor takes Aeries on as his squire and how they adventure across the Realm, meeting strange people, dealing with problems they encounter and stuff.
They meet other characters in their travels and even have a few join their little group.
Anyways sayonara
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Hey peoples, me again.
I was hoping for some help in deciding the storyline and style of my comic.
I've already decided it'll be done in right to left manga style, as it means each page will be different and allows for more dynamic scenes and stuff.
What I would really like help with is if I should set it in present day or go for a different time period for where it is set.
Main characters were determined to be Eledor(not at start of comic), Aeries, Emyli, Ronen, Claire. Ronen and Claire are generally a pair so they can pretty much count as one character.
I was orignally going to set it in a fictional Australian town named Toreno, and Have Emyli, Ronen and Claire as new students at Toreno Senior Seconday College. But I've been rethinking that, I don't if I'd really like to do a school setting as it is fairly heavily used in most webcomics I've read.
Anyways, if anyone can come with an opinion from what I wrote above, I'd like to hear it.
Anyways Sayonara
I was hoping for some help in deciding the storyline and style of my comic.
I've already decided it'll be done in right to left manga style, as it means each page will be different and allows for more dynamic scenes and stuff.
What I would really like help with is if I should set it in present day or go for a different time period for where it is set.
Main characters were determined to be Eledor(not at start of comic), Aeries, Emyli, Ronen, Claire. Ronen and Claire are generally a pair so they can pretty much count as one character.
I was orignally going to set it in a fictional Australian town named Toreno, and Have Emyli, Ronen and Claire as new students at Toreno Senior Seconday College. But I've been rethinking that, I don't if I'd really like to do a school setting as it is fairly heavily used in most webcomics I've read.
Anyways, if anyone can come with an opinion from what I wrote above, I'd like to hear it.
Anyways Sayonara
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Asked me what this was couple years back I wouldn'tve had a clue, now I would be able to tell you what the biggest ones are, without hesitation. PVP. Penny Arcade, Megatokyo and the Wotch.
All have a decided focus on humour, although MegaTokyo has become a bit more serious over the years it has been going, which I've found to be a very interesting process.
And now I've come to the decision to write and draw my own. I'll need to get a website I can stash it on, and actually think up a decent storyline, work out how my characters will look in the comic, work on my dialogue and then if I manage all that I can actually start.
I've made an original story up for the comic, but it will use all of the primary characters from the Saudes Saga, and now all I have to do is work on my drawing skills and viola, it will hopefully be cool. Then after I get a hundred or so done, I'll try to spread the word on the net about my comic...aah yes plans. Anyways, while doing that of course I'm doing my course and occasionally working on my stories, and probably doing some script writing for my friend's game, and trying to get some work in as well.
I've got a busy year ahead of me if all goes to plan....
All have a decided focus on humour, although MegaTokyo has become a bit more serious over the years it has been going, which I've found to be a very interesting process.
And now I've come to the decision to write and draw my own. I'll need to get a website I can stash it on, and actually think up a decent storyline, work out how my characters will look in the comic, work on my dialogue and then if I manage all that I can actually start.
I've made an original story up for the comic, but it will use all of the primary characters from the Saudes Saga, and now all I have to do is work on my drawing skills and viola, it will hopefully be cool. Then after I get a hundred or so done, I'll try to spread the word on the net about my comic...aah yes plans. Anyways, while doing that of course I'm doing my course and occasionally working on my stories, and probably doing some script writing for my friend's game, and trying to get some work in as well.
I've got a busy year ahead of me if all goes to plan....
Thursday, January 25, 2007
I'm in BRIT!
I love it when thigs go my way.
Now all I have to do is work consistantly hard for 800 hours of class time, and I'll be fine I hope.
The course I'm in is Certificate IV Computer Multimedia, or Games Technology as they advertise it in the paper.
I'll be using flash, 3dfmax and from the sounds of things about 12 other people will be in the course with me! Now that's a small class size!
I'll have classes, on Tuesday to Friday, with monday's off, so I can still work. Each day will be taken by a different teacher and focus on one key area. Such as 2d animation and #d animation.
And at the end I have the chance to get not one certificate IV but 2, one in computer multimedia and another in prject management, or something.
Starting on the 13th of February.
And there I was panicking before I went in, I was worried I wouldn't meet the minimun requirements for the course and have to do a different area and everything. So it's all cool now.
Other then that, I'll put up a short story or too soon on my blog. And I think it's about time that I write the first chapter for the Saudes Saga. Go over it fix it up have a look at different conversations options, try and get it to sound natural. Go over any fight scenes a few times to try to get the action more fluid and natural sounding. And if anyone wants to they can have a look at my short stories I'll write and COMMENT on them please, critise them tell me what's wrong with them or right, and no vague it just doesn't sound right. Blunt is best, just don't tell me I suck either...
Anyways sayonara
Now all I have to do is work consistantly hard for 800 hours of class time, and I'll be fine I hope.
The course I'm in is Certificate IV Computer Multimedia, or Games Technology as they advertise it in the paper.
I'll be using flash, 3dfmax and from the sounds of things about 12 other people will be in the course with me! Now that's a small class size!
I'll have classes, on Tuesday to Friday, with monday's off, so I can still work. Each day will be taken by a different teacher and focus on one key area. Such as 2d animation and #d animation.
And at the end I have the chance to get not one certificate IV but 2, one in computer multimedia and another in prject management, or something.
Starting on the 13th of February.
And there I was panicking before I went in, I was worried I wouldn't meet the minimun requirements for the course and have to do a different area and everything. So it's all cool now.
Other then that, I'll put up a short story or too soon on my blog. And I think it's about time that I write the first chapter for the Saudes Saga. Go over it fix it up have a look at different conversations options, try and get it to sound natural. Go over any fight scenes a few times to try to get the action more fluid and natural sounding. And if anyone wants to they can have a look at my short stories I'll write and COMMENT on them please, critise them tell me what's wrong with them or right, and no vague it just doesn't sound right. Blunt is best, just don't tell me I suck either...
Anyways sayonara
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